Madden NFL 17 News Post

We learned a lot about Madden yesterday, with improvements to franchise mode being squarely in the spotlight. So let's talk to the OS Staff and see what they think of the reveals from yesterday's EA Press Conference.

Read More - Madden NFL 17 EA Play Conference Reactions (Roundtable)

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Member Comments
# 1 roadman @ 06/13/16 11:09 AM
Caley Roark: The improvements to franchise look like a step in the right direction; actually, they remind me a bit of elements from NFL Head Coach. It's too bad it's taken them this long to realize that there was a lot of potential in the way that series handled running a franchise.

I am liking those comments a lot.
# 2 TheBleedingRed21 @ 06/13/16 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Palm Bay Pro
I don't understand how "Play the Moment" is considered a franchise mode improvement. I just can't associate that particular feature with the franchise mode. Would have much rather have had expanded coaching staffs or a draft big board to increase franchise depth and realism.
Most of you guys dismissing these features that don't appeal to sim heads are forgetting there is a much bigger market than the sim crowd.

They have to Accomodate so many demographics in a game that is so big as Madden.
# 3 roadman @ 06/13/16 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Palm Bay Pro
I think they should have just called "Play the Moments" an upgrade to the previous "Madden Moments" game feature. This will not enhance my franchise experience at all. And I am baffled as to this was one of the "Franchise" mode improvements
Eh, Play the Moments can be huge for people with kids, work, wife, etc.... You can speed up a season if you wish, play all offense, all defense, etc..... and spend more time inside franchise mode.

For Madden, you need to consider your entire audience.

I think people are getting hung up on the "red zone" moments on the NFL Network.
# 4 TheBleedingRed21 @ 06/13/16 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Palm Bay Pro
While I understand your premise.......why tout it as a franchise mode improvement though? I just can't equate the two. Play the moment reminds me of "Madden Moments" for franchise mode.
It is an improvement for those with limited time. Just because it doesn't seem like one to you, doesn't mean it's not. Come on man.
# 5 michaelhawj @ 06/13/16 12:06 PM
madden 17 look like great game this year. i like see what i saw
# 6 Tatupu_64 @ 06/13/16 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Palm Bay Pro
I don't understand how "Play the Moment" is considered a franchise mode improvement. I just can't associate that particular feature with the franchise mode. Would have much rather have had expanded coaching staffs or a draft big board to increase franchise depth and realism.
It definitely counts as franchise mode improvement. I worked ~50 hours a week, coach high school football during the fall, am working on my masters online, and have a gf and friends I want to see. I simply don't have time to sit down and play a franchise mode like I would like because games take too long. With play the moment, I can feasible play 3 or 4 games during the week because they'll take so much less time while still being able to do the GM part that I love
# 7 mestevo @ 06/13/16 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Palm Bay Pro
So basically it's supersim. You could just as easily supersim to every 3rd down or every red zone trip and have "Play the Moment." Just not buying this as a franchise mode improvement. I am disappoint
Which means you have to sit there and watch every single line of super sim to decide whether or not a 3rd down is pivotal or not, or you can press a button, play the highlight plays of your game and fly through a season. How you don't equate that to being beneficial for franchise I really don't understand. My last two seasons I've played almost exclusively on offense, nice to see that option as well as the moments option to make things even quicker.
# 8 roadman @ 06/13/16 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Palm Bay Pro
So basically it's supersim. You could just as easily supersim to every 3rd down or every red zone trip and have "Play the Moment." Just not buying this as a franchise mode improvement. I am disappoint
That's your version, the true version is it's enhanced version of supersim. I can play offense, defense, whatever I choose.

It's been said many times this will be a time saver for people with busy lives outside of Madden, ie kids, wife, job, etc....

The game is tailored for different audiences.

Options, options and more options.
# 9 TheBleedingRed21 @ 06/13/16 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Palm Bay Pro
So basically it's supersim. You could just as easily supersim to every 3rd down or every red zone trip and have "Play the Moment." Just not buying this as a franchise mode improvement. I am disappoint
Last post as you aren't understanding the feature at all. Just throwing a blind eye as most do when they don't get their way on something.

There are other people that play the game besides you. The developers aim to please all groups of players, not just those who want to play every down in every game. It's really not that complicated to understand.

Again, I'm moving on, hope you do the same. Not trying to sound hateful but it gets tiring seeing people bash features that do please to other groups (in this case: people with limited time wanting to get more seasons in)
# 10 brandon27 @ 06/13/16 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Palm Bay Pro
I think they should have just called "Play the Moments" an upgrade to the previous "Madden Moments" game feature. This will not enhance my franchise experience at all. And I am baffled as to this was one of the "Franchise" mode improvements

Yeah, It's a huge addition for Franchise mode really. I think you're just failing to see that because you're only looking at how it affects you, not the game and the mode itself. It's obvious you wont ever use it, but I can guarantee you that there are people that will. I will be one of them. I always run two franchises... My one with my Miami team I'll likely not use it. My second one I always take a team to relocate, rebuild and play from there. I simply don't have the time to play that many games, and consume that much time. That second franchise to me, is more for the team building aspect of it. So yeah, I used supersim a lot on that. I'd play some on offense, and skip defense, if it was a blowout, sim a lot of it. It's going to make the mode more accessible for many people. Especially given how it appears the game planning feature requires you to play those time consuming, boring drills. So, it definitely adds to the franchise mode experience for many players, especially offline players.
# 11 roadman @ 06/13/16 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
I think it's just a semantic difference between you guys and the way I see it. I won't use it, but functionally I'm glad you guys that want/need to save time now have this option. And here is where the semantic part comes in. I see this as more a game-play feature instead of a franchise feature. In the long run, this is inconsequential, because the functionality is the same whether you view it as franchise or game-play. To me, franchise is off field stuff. What's done outside of actually playing in a season game (preseason, season, playoffs). I consider franchise to be all the CFM stuff outside of those games.

Again, completely unimportant. I just see this "moments" and supersim as more gameplay than franchise. Not saying I'm right, that just how I view it.
You are not wrong Bucky, and it's not wrong to say it's an option inside of Franchise Mode.

You are correct it's all a matter of semantics.
# 12 NolaTexan @ 06/13/16 12:55 PM
Honestly, I'm THRILLED with all of these additions. I am however mildly upset that "Superstar" mode once again went to the way side. I mainly play offline CFM and just really wish it was updated or upgraded in some way. If it was and I missed it, I apologize for the rant.

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# 13 eastcoast49ers @ 06/13/16 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
That's your version, the true version is it's enhanced version of supersim. I can play offense, defense, whatever I choose.

It's been said many times this will be a time saver for people with busy lives outside of Madden, ie kids, wife, job, etc....

The game is tailored for different audiences.

Options, options and more options.
As a parent of a toddler and someone who works 2 jobs 7 days a week, i am thrilled about the "play the moment" addition.
# 14 Doublex37 @ 06/13/16 06:36 PM
I have a wife, kids who play sports and own my own business and could care less for the play the moment feature but hey if it's something people think they will be excited about.... Carry on. Enjoy. I'm not seeing much in the way of new to get me excited other than not having to scroll three menus to get information I want to compare. I am excited about the FA system being better and I am interested in the actual gameplay.
# 15 NateDogPack12 @ 06/13/16 07:03 PM
Let's also not ignore the obvious fact that Madden is nearing 30 years of age as a franchise. That means the average user base is getting older too. This is a perfect feature for those guys who have big boy jobs, families and social lives but still want to hop on the stick for that childhood passion. Play the Moment is unsurprising considering the aging audience.
# 16 jfsolo @ 06/13/16 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Madden marketing seems to sometimes make simple things, into something very divisive, with their labeling. Take the "moments", it's pretty much an improvement to Supersim and likely if that's how it was presented, "we improved Supersim" with all the same upgrades just no snazzy title and "feature" label, hardcore Franchisers wouldn't resent it as much .

I think what it allows is actually good for those that will utilize it, which is plenty of people outside of just those that want to get through a franchise fast. For example I've read for years about gamers that want a streamlined way to "kneel the clock out" once a game is decided, this could provide that, along with who knows what other uses.

The issue seems to be in taking a niche option like Supersim, improving it and trying to market it to the masses as a major feature in what should be a hardcore NFL mode. Would be similar if they expanded the penalty system and added bobbled snaps, then labeled that as a new feature in Draft Champions with some snazzy name, some of those gamers would likely react the same way. It is what it is though.
Yeah, I have no idea how much development time went into the implementation of the is feature, but the marketing of it as a big ticket Franchise item does create some resentment from me toward it. Selfishly I think about what kinds what other things that I wanted could have been added in its place. But as you say, if it had been presented as an, "oh by the way" ancillary addition to the mode, I would probably be thinking, "oh cool, nice little thing they added there".

But then of course Franchise would be perceived as having not have as many new major changes. So it's a Catch-22.
# 17 DeuceDouglas @ 06/13/16 09:58 PM
Caley Roark: The improvements to franchise look like a step in the right direction; actually, they remind me a bit of elements from NFL Head Coach. It's too bad it's taken them this long to realize that there was a lot of potential in the way that series handled running a franchise.

As much as the "Play the Moment" is being hyped, unless there are some new presentation elements, I'm not seeing how this is tremendously different than being able to sim and stop whenever you want, which has been a feature for years.
The bold is where I think a lot of my frustration and disappointment comes from. But most of that is definitely my fault for putting too much stock in the "overhaul" hype and the fact that what was added or changed largely doesn't change or improve my CFM experience. But even with that, with "Play The Moment" as well as "Big Decisions" I'm also struggling to see something tremendously different with either that wasn't already possible in M16.
# 18 cedwebb @ 06/13/16 10:25 PM
For me the play the moments sounds really cool and may allow me to dive into franchise unlike I ever have before. With the show I play with quick counts and I use all teams and play the match ups in certain days that I want. The shortened game makes it easy to get a couple in getting to use different teams.

With Madden I am planning on trying this feature out while controlling all teams and playing as many of the games per week as I feel while getting a good In game experience as well as not taking so much time. Will allow me to experience all the different teams In a red zone like format. I am pretty excited about it.
# 19 goillini03 @ 06/13/16 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
The bold is where I think a lot of my frustration and disappointment comes from. But most of that is definitely my fault for putting too much stock in the "overhaul" hype and the fact that what was added or changed largely doesn't change or improve my CFM experience. But even with that, with "Play The Moment" as well as "Big Decisions" I'm also struggling to see something tremendously different with either that wasn't already possible in M16.
Bingo. I was cautiously optimistic. Good thing I did not buy too much into the hype.
# 20 roadman @ 06/13/16 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
The bold is where I think a lot of my frustration and disappointment comes from. But most of that is definitely my fault for putting too much stock in the "overhaul" hype and the fact that what was added or changed largely doesn't change or improve my CFM experience. But even with that, with "Play The Moment" as well as "Big Decisions" I'm also struggling to see something tremendously different with either that wasn't already possible in M16.
I only used SS during ST plays, but if memory serves me correctly, you press the a button, sim, press the a button sim, or sim a quarter or half. I think that is the way it worked.

I think with the Play the moment feature, you can sim as much or as little as you want, ie, offense, defense, etc..... And maybe you could do that before, but I would think if you wanted to sim offense or defense, you had to do a lot of button pressing.

Plus, from my memory on from the blog, I think they stated you could receive accurate # of plays per game where I don't feel the sim stat engine from years gone by was that accurate. This is whether you sim 3 minute quarters or 12 minute quarters.

Plus, they are touting the sim speed is faster than ever. I've never played more than a season in Franchise mode and this will allow me the opportunity to play more than a season in franchise mode in less amount of time.

This can be seen as a big plus with people with busy schedules with kids, wife, work, etc.....

Each person mileages may vary. I envision some or most people won't use this feature, but I know I will and I am pleased they added it.

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