Madden NFL 17 News Post

SimFBallCritic has posted his interview with Madden NFL 17 Creative Director, Rex Dickson. Plenty of good information here. Below are some of the items they discuss.
  • What can the sim community do to prevent the same play being run over and over
  • Why no defensive assignments (best on best)?
  • Strip sacks and ball physics discussion
  • Frostbite engine discussion
  • Things that didn't quite make it into Madden NFL 17, that could arrive in the future

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Aggies7 @ 06/13/16 07:01 AM
Love the comment about Continuous Development to try and push new features and mode via patches and updates.
# 2 MajorSupreme @ 06/13/16 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
Love the comment about Continuous Development to try and push new features and mode via patches and updates.
I do too, I think that may be how we get draft boards before Madden 18.
# 3 wallofhate @ 06/13/16 07:37 AM
Good interview and Rex is such a likable guy he really makes you look forward to the future of when they clean up all the nagging legacy issues. Can't wait for madden and football in general.
# 4 NateDogPack12 @ 06/13/16 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
Love the comment about Continuous Development to try and push new features and mode via patches and updates.
My only wish is that he would have specified particular features they're trying to work on. I think as a community the hardcore fans have been very understanding when the developers have told us, "We hear you. We're working on that, but it's hard for "X" reason." I would like to know what features they have in store and what is a part of their next cycle.

I know marketability ties into this. They have to save stuff to promote for next year's game, but it would be cool to get some glimpse as to what is in the pipeline.
# 5 ShaiLeGran @ 06/13/16 09:13 AM
Like them or hate them, they are open towards the community and these guys believe in the shaping of their product/project. If anything is holding them - and us as Madden fans - back, it is proparbly the board of directors at EA. Looking forward to a new Madden season.
# 6 Cowboy008 @ 06/13/16 09:34 AM
Great interview. Rex has delivered so far and hopefully he stays with Madden for a long time. When Rex said if there's something you don't like about the game they will try to do everything they can to fix it, I hope that doesn't mean if a lot of people complain that the defense is too hard this year they will go in and change it.
# 7 NateDogPack12 @ 06/13/16 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
Great interview. Rex has delivered so far and hopefully he stays with Madden for a long time. When Rex said if there's something you don't like about the game they will try to do everything they can to fix it, I hope that doesn't mean if a lot of people complain that the defense is too hard this year they will go in and change it.
I REALLY think formation subs needs to be the feature we take to them. Clint already alluded to it not being in at launch. Now, based on his false hope when he quipped about coordinators, Clint has a way with words that can be misleading at times, but he did give hope to the idea of getting formation subs in. I think that should be our clarion piece that we go for.
# 8 michaelhawj @ 06/13/16 10:28 AM
if Defense is hard this year then that's fine with me because zone coverage, man coverage were terrible in Madden 16 got me frustrated
# 9 msdm27 @ 06/13/16 10:29 AM
Really cool interview.
Nothing better than hearing the "continued development" focus

I will say however, I didn't quite like the start where Rex claims that A-gap pressure is the counter to FB-dive.

That's not true, FB-Dive doesn't work against any defense that has 2+ linemen with their hands on the ground; a regular FB does not have the quickness/burst to make the plays they usually make in Madden, so I shouldn't be having to bring A-gap pressure to make sure one of the least effective plays in real football doesn't kill me in the game. Just thought that was a weird way to put it.

Cool with adaptive AI too, even though I feel like that has been touted many times before.
# 10 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/13/16 10:39 AM
Love how transparent Rex is. Gotta respect that. Sometimes he might be a little too transparent lol. "Madden 17 might not be my favorite Madden because the computer is kicking my ***." LMAO
# 11 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/13/16 10:42 AM
Although I understand why it's not in yet after Rex explained it (which makes sense), I really wish they would've got DB/WR assignments in this year. Hopefully they can find a way to get it in later with the "continuous development" plan.
# 12 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/13/16 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by NateDogPack12
My only wish is that he would have specified particular features they're trying to work on. I think as a community the hardcore fans have been very understanding when the developers have told us, "We hear you. We're working on that, but it's hard for "X" reason." I would like to know what features they have in store and what is a part of their next cycle.

I know marketability ties into this. They have to save stuff to promote for next year's game, but it would be cool to get some glimpse as to what is in the pipeline.
Yeah he did that last year. My guess is that his bosses probably told him to ease up on alluding to future features for marketing purposes. I believe if it was up to Rex, he would tell us everything we wanted to know lol. He just seems like the type of guy that's very open & has nothing to hide.
# 13 Datninja619 @ 06/13/16 11:18 AM
Personally, "Best on Best" Player assignments is my #1 wishlist feature. I'm glad the question was asked and fully answered. Madden is more complex than when player assignment was in Madden.

I'd rather have the feature work effectively, than it being broken and having to deal with patch after patch to fix it. Sometimes patches inadvertently do more harm than good.
# 14 4thQtrStre5S @ 06/13/16 11:25 AM
Great interview; I like that Rex is not afraid to throw punches and tell it like it is; I also believe that we will see Frostbite in M18, which will really take this game to another level.
# 15 snc237 @ 06/13/16 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
Great interview; I like that Rex is not afraid to throw punches and tell it like it is; I also believe that we will see Frostbite in M18, which will really take this game to another level.
Think it will be longer then that. FIFA which has a massive team compared maddens worked on transferring the game to frostbite for over 2 years. However this will be year 3 of little to no graphical upgrade so maybe next year.
# 16 BadAssHskr @ 06/13/16 05:57 PM
i'm not going to listen to the interview being here at work, but i really wish they'd open up our franchise in it's entirety via the web.

i don't mean playing the actual games, but it would be nice to be able to adjust my sliders, play with my CPB, adjust depth, etc. their current website is limited at best, and think this would be a huge Franchise upgrade.
# 17 avwhitechic @ 06/13/16 09:35 PM
Did anyone else take from this interview that madden may go subscription base in the future? I love Destiny btw.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 18 Jarodd21 @ 06/13/16 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by NateDogPack12
I REALLY think formation subs needs to be the feature we take to them. Clint already alluded to it not being in at launch. Now, based on his false hope when he quipped about coordinators, Clint has a way with words that can be misleading at times, but he did give hope to the idea of getting formation subs in. I think that should be our clarion piece that we go for.
I was so sure this would be in on Madden 17 from the way the community was pushing for this on the wishlist. I was very suprised they didn't add it. Almost everybody was asking for this. Hopefully next year.. Still like everything they have added so for though..
# 19 roadman @ 06/14/16 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Jarodd21
I was so sure this would be in on Madden 17 from the way the community was pushing for this on the wishlist. I was very suprised they didn't add it. Almost everybody was asking for this. Hopefully next year.. Still like everything they have added so for though..
Clint left the door open a crack, he said they won't be in at launch.
# 20 evancitywalker @ 06/14/16 10:48 AM
Since Rex has joined Madden, he has delivered in a big way. He gets it and I'm so thankful he's a part of the Madden team. If he ever visits here and reads this, I want to thank him for bringing back the features we love and expanding the Madden universe the way it was supposed to be. Thank you, Rex.

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