Madden NFL 17 News Post

In a new blog post, EA details new gameplanning features for Madden NFL 17.


Know your opponent’s tendencies every week then pick the right drills to attack and counter those tendencies in game. This new level of strategy delivers more variety and more fun when preparing for your next opponent, whether it’s a user or the CPU. Once you’re in game, expect to see a team boost for those plays you practiced helping you earn that critical score or a defensive stand to secure the win."

You will choose gameplans each week on offense and defense. For each, you'll complete drills which will enable XP boosts for your team as you head into the next week.

You'll be notified of these boosts at the start of each game. EA uses a vertical pass plan gameplan as an example. Every time you call a vertical passing play your players ratings will be impacted positively.

On top of this, tendencies will be available to view for opponents. You'll also be able to focus XP improvements on specific players and focus gameplans to pursue one of three goals: 1) You can try to counter your opponent by selecting a gameplan that takes away your opponent’s strengths. 2) You can go with what your team does well by choosing a gameplan that focuses on how you like to play. 3) If your team is in a rebuilding mode, you can lean on gameplans that give XP to the position groups of most need.

What do you think of the gameplan feature?

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Member Comments
# 1 snc237 @ 06/12/16 06:05 PM
Not overly impressed. Moments sound like a neat idea.
# 2 roadman @ 06/12/16 06:06 PM
I think I will like the new gameplanning feature.
# 3 Cowboy008 @ 06/12/16 06:16 PM
It sounds good. I just hope the CPU uses it as well and hope that the tendencies will change when you play the CPU. What I mean is you play one team in week 1 and they like to throw the ball then you play them again in week 10 and now they like to run the ball.
# 4 ggsimmonds @ 06/12/16 06:25 PM
I don't care about the XP boosts and all that gimmicky stuff, but up to date tendencies sounds truly awesome.
# 5 charter04 @ 06/12/16 06:36 PM
This was pretty close to how it was on NFL Head coach and that's not a bad thing. I like this addition
# 6 MajorSupreme @ 06/12/16 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
This was pretty close to how it was on NFL Head coach and that's not a bad thing. I like this addition
This is what HC09 was but a bit simpler, really. Gameplan the days before, and then you'd be able to choose plays that were matched to your gameplan.
# 7 brandon27 @ 06/12/16 07:18 PM
Love it. All are great additions IMO.

Gameplanning especially. The only downside to it that I can see is time. It appears to be very time consuming. I assume though, that this, replaces the old drills for XP stuff though. I don't like the idea of being forced to play the mindless drills though. Especially having limited playtime.
# 8 barsoffury @ 06/12/16 07:50 PM
This was in Madden 05. Nontheless good to have back.
# 9 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/12/16 08:54 PM
Great addition. Weekly game planning is a huge part of the NFL. Glad to see it finally make it in.
# 10 Grey_Osprey @ 06/13/16 03:35 PM
Anyone know if you have to manually perform this or if you can set it to "auto"?
# 11 RogueHominid @ 06/13/16 03:44 PM
I like the idea of being able to define a core game plan, practice it, and receive in-game boosts when you call what you've focused on.

It might, correspondingly, be harder to be multiple, but that's hard IRL and takes players with uncommon intelligence.

It also seems like they did a good job of making action steps easy to identify and easily accessible.
# 12 howboutdat @ 06/13/16 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
I don't care about the XP boosts and all that gimmicky stuff, but up to date tendencies sounds truly awesome.

The boosts it what i hate the most about it.So on one hand , 4 verts is not supposed to be OP this year, yet on other hand, you can gameplan it each week so every dang time you run it , you get a higher chance of completing it... so dang bass-ackwards EA.

Originally Posted by MMChrisS

You will choose gameplans each week on offense and defense. For each, you'll complete drills which will enable XP boosts for your team as you head into the next week.

You'll be notified of these boosts at the start of each game. EA uses a vertical pass plan gameplan as an example. Every time you call a vertical passing play your players
So you can still be OP using 4 verts , I HATE THE BOOST IDEA-

It clearly says in picture, because you gameplanned this play, you have a higher success rate with it.Man wtf. Why isnt the success rate based only on if your calling the right play against the right defense , like real football should be? They killin me with this," being more sim", but still being super casual at the same time.

What do you think of the gameplan feature?[/quote]

Well here is what i want to know.In gameplanning, how much detail do i get in my opponent? Is it in detail breaking down how often he runs, with a chart showing where he runs most, inside left, right, outside left right, etc. Same for defenses, passing etc? Or are they just gonna give us a bare bones here is 4 plays he likes to run ? Because to me, just giving me a few plays he likes to run aint cutting it nor is it really -"Know your opponent’s tendencies every week then pick the right drills to attack and counter those tendencies in game" .

Coach glass had alot of useful info, I expect this to mean we are getting complied data on that user , for what he does in that cfm, and give me a detailed report on him not just , here are some plays he likes.

As stated above, i can not stand a boost in effectiveness of a play , soley on the fact you gameplanned it.It should be more based on right play , at the right time, against the play the opponent is running along with some user skill. Nothing else should determine the outcome of a play. Thats so dang casual its not even funny to me.

Also , still waiting on answer from John, but i want to know this :

Is the info i circled here, based only on what that owner plays calls in that online franchise only, or is it still just based on all online games played data? Because quite frankly, if the data is not only based on what that guy im playing at that moment calls and how effective it is against his calls, its kinda pointless to be honest.
# 13 howboutdat @ 06/15/16 02:46 PM
Ok so , i found this picture, i cropped it down to the important part to me . Now they said we would know our opponents tendencies and top plays and would be able to gameplan plays against what they like to do.

Although i wonder , how much my teams playcalling for gameplanning someone should be based on something they run 6% of the time.Just seemed alittle odd for my defensive gameplan to be worried about screen passes that he runs 6% of the time. NOT A COMPLAINT, before someone complains. Just saying it seems odd to me....
# 14 GoJags904 @ 06/15/16 04:56 PM
I feel that this is a good 'rough draft' and while it won't be great this year, it'll do. If built right to custom fit each user's tendencies, and focused around high percentage ran plays, this could be perfect.

Boost, IMO, should be in because IRL practicing certain plays does reward players when running said plays in-game. If overused though, game planning should update mid-game to suggest counters. Same thing with week to week. If users use the same plays then counters should be the practice for boosts to force users to mix it up. It rewards more xp for success so even younger players can gain experience even faster for in-game execution.

I could see this staying and becoming big if they continue in this direction, ONLY this direction.

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# 15 DaSmerg @ 06/15/16 08:11 PM
In theory, sounds great.

Implementation? I just don't see how this is going to work and based on the past, won't be pretty.

Putting game planning into Franchise/CFM based on what happens in the sport the game is based on...awesome idea. The NFL has many teams successfully running week-to-week match up schemes. That would put a whole new layer of depth into franchise/CFM and it's something that lots of guys & gals have been begging EAS/Tib for years.

This is an easy tie in, also ads more impact and yet another layer of depth if you pair it up with coaching. Your franchise/cfm choices could have real impact on your team and how you are able to utilize your talent. What plays are available to call. Maybe you have teacher coaches, better suited for younger teams. Maybe you have better utilization coaches, better suited for older or year-to-year free agent teams. Set up a Colts-Saints-Packers like system where your team is built to play with a lead. The net effect would be organic variation and really all fun stuff here.

Sadly I just don't see how a 'booster' system can work for serious players. Franchise players don't need 'player perks', which historically in Madden means slightly raising the play of one player's team while lowering the play of the other.

Maybe they've found a way around this cycle?
# 16 2_headedmonster @ 06/16/16 12:00 AM
from what i've read, i dont like the execution. It doesn't seem like it gives enough useful information and it doesn't seem like its varied based upon coaching ability.

Also, i can see a boost in Route Running, but Throwing Power and Catching?
# 17 Trick13 @ 06/16/16 12:34 AM
I don't necessarily hate the boosts idea, just really hate what I am seeing in terms of what boosts - would rather see only boosts for things like PRC, ZCV, AWR, RR, not physical things like CTH THP, and the boosts should be there if the opponent calls the play or concept you ran that drill to counter.

IE - if in the game plan phase I see 4 verts, so I run COV 4 or whatever to "game plan" I should only get that boost if I call that play verses that concept...
# 18 howboutdat @ 06/16/16 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by GoJags904

Boost, IMO, should be in because IRL practicing certain plays does reward players when running said plays in-game. If overused though, game planning should update mid-game to suggest counters. Same thing with week to week. If users use the same plays then counters should be the practice for boosts to force users to mix it up. It rewards more xp for success so even younger players can gain experience even faster for in-game execution.

Ok, but to me just because my team practiced some cover 2 this week, to me should not just automatically = attribute boosts any time i run it in a game. Because cover 2 shouldn't be extra effective against certain offensive plays. I wouldnt mind it , if it gave you a boost when its called against a play it should be stopping, like the screen pass.I just dont think it should have a higher success rate just for calling it alone.
# 19 The JareBear @ 06/16/16 09:21 AM
As others have said, this sounds great on paper, but like many additions I just have to hope the CPU AI takes full advantage as well

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# 20 GoJags904 @ 06/16/16 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by howboutdat
Ok, but to me just because my team practiced some cover 2 this week, to me should not just automatically = attribute boosts any time i run it in a game. Because cover 2 shouldn't be extra effective against certain offensive plays. I wouldnt mind it , if it gave you a boost when its called against a play it should be stopping, like the screen pass.I just dont think it should have a higher success rate just for calling it alone.
This is what I mean by tweaking it to fit accordingly. IF, and that's a big IF, they tune it like that to only boost against plays it should stop then it would be perfect. I can only hope the GCs, DEVs, etc, get this feedback to the top of their list.

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