NHL 17 News Post

EA Sports has sent us some new NHL 17 screenshots, check them out here.

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Game: NHL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 5 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Moose24x @ 06/07/16 08:02 PM
Man, I just cannot get excited so far.

Not that I expected anything else but these screens are virtually pointless. Might as well be NHL 16. Not a single texture looks improved. Identical. Which is what I expected. But I just clicked the link thinking "maybe I'll be surprised". Nope.
# 2 Sparkles @ 06/07/16 08:19 PM
Yea nothing is captivating me from these screens. Probably just gonna wait till frostbite is in the game next year
# 3 ericromain @ 06/07/16 10:28 PM
The municipal rink looks fantastic. I'm all about adding some different atmospheres like that in EASHL and perhaps HUT.
# 4 Moose24x @ 06/07/16 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by BruinsHockey08
Damn OS is a tough crowd to please huh? Holy crap.

I for one am looking forward to the Be a GM features. Hopefully we hear more on that soon.
Setting ticket and concession prices? Those features? If I wanted to play roller coaster tycoon, sure. Improve the hockey. When we said "more sim" the last guy I wanted to "simulate" the experience of being was the team's financial advisor.
# 5 BlacknBlue @ 06/08/16 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by ericromain
The municipal rink looks fantastic. I'm all about adding some different atmospheres like that in EASHL and perhaps HUT.
Agreed, but the game has never really done a good job at showing off the arena work they have put into it, unfortunately.

How many shots of the actual arena, scoreboard, banners, rafters, etc. are shown during cutscenes or game play? This is probably something that could be changed in the future to spruce up the presentation.
# 6 Blzer @ 06/09/16 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by BruinsHockey08
I've always enjoyed having to do that kind of thing. I've always felt it added to the experience in these GM modes. Hopefully it can be set to auto for people who prefer to manage the roster only.
I don't think a GM does anything regarding ticket and concession prices.
# 7 headzapp @ 06/11/16 04:32 PM
The no frostbite was the thing for me to pretty much say no to this years game. Two disappointments in 3 years. When they took that year off I thought it was to work on the game, but they literally took a year off. Fighting for position in front of the net sounds good, but we need realistic board play.I stood by this game for a long time and now starting to believe what others say about them not caring. How I wish Sony would say " Hey, let's make a hockey game like our baseball game."
# 8 jake19ny @ 06/12/16 10:49 AM
Not to many shots of the goal tenders but it looks like the same crappy masks and outdated pads. I'm hoping that they just haven't updated that yet but I'm not holding my breath. Gameplay is a priority but I'm sick of the same old boring unimaginative masks that we have had for 6 years now.
# 9 ericromain @ 06/13/16 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by BlacknBlue
Agreed, but the game has never really done a good job at showing off the arena work they have put into it, unfortunately.

How many shots of the actual arena, scoreboard, banners, rafters, etc. are shown during cutscenes or game play? This is probably something that could be changed in the future to spruce up the presentation.
You make a fair point. You can't even pan around the arena details in replay mode, or at least not last I checked.
# 10 actionhank @ 06/17/16 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by ericromain
You make a fair point. You can't even pan around the arena details in replay mode, or at least not last I checked.
Yeah, I believe you're pretty much confined to within the glass.

Originally Posted by BlacknBlue
Agreed, but the game has never really done a good job at showing off the arena work they have put into it, unfortunately.

How many shots of the actual arena, scoreboard, banners, rafters, etc. are shown during cutscenes or game play? This is probably something that could be changed in the future to spruce up the presentation.
The presentation has been pretty bland for a while now. Everything is either in game, or suddenly clipping to another thing out of nowhere. It would be nice to see more things happening organically in the shot. It would be a lot nicer if they showed clips of guys skating out and changing lines when you selected the next one, focusing on guys known for fighting and showing them shoving on camera (it could be zoomed it, or just visible from above).

Just make everything more alive. The in-game action already feels totally removed from the rest of the league, but then inside the game itself, it's like you're playing between cut scenes.
# 11 mikeq672 @ 06/17/16 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I don't think a GM does anything regarding ticket and concession prices.
This, but you know what they do, negotiate contracts and extensions midseason, whoops, cant do that. At least I can make nachos cost 10 dollars though.

That perfectly encapsulates this franchise's problem. Fix/put in a feature that actually makes sense and people want, but requires a little bit of work orrrr just add some bullsh*t fluff that no one wants but we can market in a similar manner to what people will actually want and maybe people who dont pay attention to news and information about games will buy it and just assume we made changes that made sense, suckers.
# 12 THESHAMISASHAME @ 06/19/16 02:32 PM
Hope they keep adding to the announcing and atmosphere and stop over writing the game after release but that being said a few tweaks really wont make much difference and lol the goalie masks are now 8 years old ?

I mean how tough would board play be ? they added it pretty significantly at one point and then abandoned it for online gaming so maybe having online and offline tuners might help things .

I really enjoyed this game for years but it really needs a tear down at this point and I blame this on all the online tweaks that wreck the game for offline but Im still grateful for at least having a NHL hockey game .
# 13 Moose24x @ 06/19/16 04:30 PM
The EASHL should really just be a separate product.

SO much of what the online community vocally complains about ends up impacting what the offline community has to settle for. If the EASHL, which doesn't require the NHL license, could be a download on PSN/XB Live and be subscription based, they could probably actually increase profits by selling subscriptions, exclusive equipment and customization options, etc. while simultaneously dramatically increasing the quality of the NHL game, which does require the exclusive NHL license yet, unfortunately, sees the NHL portion getting the least attention.
# 14 mikeq672 @ 06/19/16 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME

I really enjoyed this game for years but it really needs a tear down at this point and I blame this on all the online tweaks that wreck the game for offline but Im still grateful for at least having a NHL hockey game .
People who play online dont like the changes either, well people who actually play some style of the game that resembles hockey dont like the changes I should say.

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