MLB The Show 16 News Post

The Chicago White Sox pulled off what is being described as a shrewd trade with the San Diego Padres to acquire James Shields.

In a deal you'd typically see at the Trade Deadline, the White Sox gave away a couple of younger talents to acquire Shields from the Padres. White Shields hasn't been up to his old standards this year, he's still eating innings and is a good addition to any rotation.

"Nevertheless I love what the White Sox did here. Pitchers like Cole Hamels, David Price and Johnny Cueto are not going to be available to acquire via trade this season like they were a year ago. Sonny Gray was thought to be one of the best that might be available, but he just came off the DL and was not having a strong season.

The White Sox beat everyone to the punch, landing a key rotation piece much earlier than what is usually expected."

Shields will slide right into the White Sox Rotation. He's an 84 ovr pitcher in MLB The Show 16, boasting some good stuff. He has a 4-seam fastball at 92mph alongside a 2-seamer and an 83 mph change-up. On top of that, he also features an 86mph cutter and a 78mph Knuckle Curve.

The White Sox are currently in third place in the AL Central, just three games back from the Indians. This is a trade intended to improve the White Sox rotation enough to make a run at a division title. At least on the surface, the new look rotation certainly seems to be capable of doing just that.

What do you think of the James Shields trade? Did the Padres get any value in return and did the White Sox make a smart move?

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Member Comments
# 1 Dice @ 06/06/16 02:16 PM
Not sure about this. While it does improve the rotation, not sure if this improves the team as a whole. The White Sox biggest holes are bullpen and offense.
# 2 Margelofskya @ 06/06/16 04:00 PM
John Danks was released
# 3 Ghost Of The Year @ 06/06/16 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by vizioN
John Danks in that picture of the rotation?
Yep, his spot is on days right after Mark Buehrle.
# 4 SuicideSqueeze @ 06/06/16 06:13 PM
Just like the rest of the rotation, Shields will hand-off to the bullpen and they will muck it up more times than not.
# 5 bxphenom7 @ 06/06/16 08:23 PM
Ew, that ball release though lol
# 6 NDAlum @ 06/07/16 08:40 PM
As a pitcher that release does make me cringe. Well at least the hand position.
# 7 kaptainkarl76 @ 06/08/16 11:31 PM
2 IP 7ER 2BB

Sox can have him..
# 8 Dice @ 06/09/16 09:41 AM
Looks like that James Shield trade isn't starting off as promising as most people would think. He got shelled yesterday. Where is Jon Danks when you need him? LOL!
# 9 Aensland @ 06/09/16 11:59 AM
The Sox hot start was all smoke and mirrors; not unlike the 2015 Braves .500 start before the All-Star break. And Shields is garbage.
# 10 Teddy_Long @ 06/09/16 01:44 PM
he was awesome last night lol
# 11 CubFan23 @ 06/12/16 06:19 PM
Why is this thread, like many of your others about actual baseball news, in The Show forums? Shouldn't these be here http://www.operationsports.com/forums/pro-baseball/ ? If any of us posted these here they would be moved.
# 12 Ghost Of The Year @ 06/12/16 06:44 PM
Can't wait to see who Chris jinxcurses next lmao
# 13 kaptainkarl76 @ 06/15/16 01:18 AM
Start number 2 was quality..at least he went 5 innings and allowed 6 ER and 4BB..got that ERA down to a 16.71
# 14 Dice @ 06/20/16 12:22 PM
Reaction from San Diego Pardre's management.

# 15 ML @ 06/20/16 03:05 PM
# 16 WaitTilNextYear @ 06/20/16 04:01 PM
Good prediction, bro

# 17 kaptainkarl76 @ 06/21/16 08:09 PM
I had hope with start number 3..well, until after a 1/3 of an inning..
# 18 KBLover @ 06/21/16 08:55 PM
Is it the OS version of the Madden cover curse?

Perhaps the Curse of Bartolo?



Poor Shields. He has a 21.81 ERA (12.88 FIP) as a ChiSox. Wow.

In 3 starts (8 2/3 innings), he's already at -1 WAR with his new club.

Talk about selling high on a guy.

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