MLB The Show 16 News Post

How should you hold the controller?

I use two different grips on my DualShock controller, depending on how much cursor movement I want to make:

A "fingerprint" grip with the center of your thumb meeting the center of the joystick will maximize the amount of movement you can make with the hitting cursor, letting you sweep the cursor across the far corners of the screen. This is a good grip to use with tall hitters who have large strike zones, or in situations where you are trying to protect the plate and avoid striking out.

I also feel like arching my thumb up a bit gives me improved control over the cursor, but I know plenty of people who are superb hitters that prefer to keep their thumbs completely flat. So experiment with both holds (arch versus flat) and stick with the style that's most comfortable for you.

Read More - MLB The Show 16: Zone Hitting Against Online Pitchers

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Member Comments
# 1 Benz87 @ 06/06/16 01:35 PM
Good info and insight here, thanks bud!

I consistently tend to over compensate when moving my PCI with zone hitting. I'll try some of these grips and see if they help.
# 2 XxAMPEDUPZACHxX @ 06/07/16 07:08 PM
I'm pretty new to all this so I should use zone hitting and what should the pci be on?
# 3 Ghost Of The Year @ 06/08/16 01:25 PM
What I really need is a setup where I only need one hand to hit so I can have a free hand for my beer & grilled cheese sammich.
# 4 jyoung @ 06/08/16 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Benz87
I consistently tend to over compensate when moving my PCI with zone hitting. I'll try some of these grips and see if they help.
Definitely try choking up on the joystick. The top part of your thumb has the largest range of motion. So if that is your point of contact with the joystick, it's going to move the PCI around a lot.

But if you use the lower part of your thumb below the first line on your finger to control the joystick, it will reduce your range of motion significantly.

Originally Posted by XxAMPEDUPZACHxX
I'm pretty new to all this so what should the pci be on?
It's really just a matter of preference. I like the outline cursor that looks like a circle with a dot in the middle. I know a lot of people who like the wedge cursor though.
# 5 513Moses @ 06/09/16 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
What I really need is a setup where I only need one hand to hit so I can have a free hand for my beer & grilled cheese sammich.
Pure Analog allows me to do both!

Sent from my VS990 using Tapatalk
# 6 punx317 @ 06/30/16 05:40 PM
Be liberal with the tar but make sure you keep it within regs. Seriously though very insightful write up concerning thumb placement. I'm just a lowly 250/275 hitter but you can manipulate the sticks in a.way.that will essentially make am move with your eyes

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