Madden NFL 17 News Post

A new Madden NFL 17 blog has just arrived going over many new details on the running game, including special moves, takeout interaction system and much more.

"Madden NFL 17 will feature a broad cast of new Ball Carrier mechanics to keep all Madden players engaged, from beginners to the hard core. Using modifiers, there are now four unique tactics available to customize the running game. In combination with the Fakeout Interactions, all carry their own risks and rewards. The four special-move types are: Standard, Speed (RT/R2), Precision (LT/L2) & Steerable (RT/R2 + LT/L2)."

I won't lie, I'm worried some of this stuff is getting a bit too complicated (think: fighting games and their convoluted control schemes) -- as there are a lot of different combinations to now memorize. Thankfully, the Madden team has thought about this with a couple of smart design decisions.

"There’s some new tools available in Madden NFL 17 to make the user a better and more creative ball carrier, including recommended special-move prompts, projected path indicator, special-move feedback text and a setting-specific ball-carrier threat cone."

This will obviously be something which is able to be toggle on/off (On by default in Rookie/Pro modes). This on-screen feedback will help you figure out what you are doing right and wrong which should, in theory, make you better at using the moves. That's a nice little touch.

NOTE: Tackle Battle is on for all difficulty levels with no way to turn it off.

"There are three unique ways to experience running the ball via the Ball Carrier Special Moves setting, which allows the user to customize the ground-game experience to his or her own liking (Auto, Assist, Manual)"

These three settings will allow anyone to take advantage of the new moves and not feel overwhelmed. Auto will be what it sounds like, the AI will make the moves as you simply steer the player. Assist will be a nice mix between full manual and full auto control.

The special moves sound like they're taking every level of Madden user into account, which makes them more appealing on the surface. What do you think? Read the full post and leave a comment below!

Source - Madden NFL 17 Gameplay Deep Dive - Ball Carrier Special Moves

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 khaliib @ 05/18/16 09:05 PM
I hope that the initial roster consist of very few players with "Elite" level ratings, as well as Draft Classes generating close to "90's" also.

This will make such players special and difficult to come by.

I am so glad that "Stamina" is linked to a "tiered" animation set.

My biggest concern is still "player size-to-field size ratio" the current cameras force us to play from.

It makes everything happen in a vacuum and allows at most 2 juke attempts before multiple tacklers from the back/opposite side are on you.
- just want space to actually use such special moves, but still have room to "run after the move set" is used.

Can't wait!!!
# 62 Allball76 @ 05/18/16 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
We've been doing this for 3 years now. WR icons last year, tackle and off the line mechanics the year before that.
Great direction Rex keep up the good work ! As long as we keep getting real football concepts . I can't wait to hear the sim standard Thursday rex call in again . In Rex we trust (simulation football)!
# 63 Allball76 @ 05/18/16 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by khaliib
I hope that the initial roster consist of very few players with "Elite" level ratings, as well as Draft Classes generating close to "90's" also.

This will make such players special and difficult to come by.

I am so glad that "Stamina" is linked to a "tiered" animation set.

My biggest concern is still "player size-to-field size ratio" the current cameras force us to play from.

It makes everything happen in a vacuum and allows at most 2 juke attempts before multiple tacklers from the back/opposite side are on you.
- just want space to actually use such special moves, but still have room to "run after the move set" is used.

Can't wait!!!

Allways been a big thing for me ! When the players ratings and hopefully now the new tier system are spreaded out ! The gameplay should be better ! We seen Mut with teams all 99 players , then compare that with salary cap mode and the elite stand out in salary cap mode way more !
# 64 OhMrHanky @ 05/18/16 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
We've been doing this for 3 years now. WR icons last year, tackle and off the line mechanics the year before that.

Yeah, but even 1 quick 'A button' over a player's head during gameplay is an immersion killer for many (simheads). Can u maybe clarify here, can we 'turn off' the visual cue for this similar to the way we can turn off the 'defense jump snap finesse/power move cue'? Like, when we select 'No visual feedback', is this included in that?

As an aside, I am a huge fan of the work you've done as madden 16 was by far and away the best madden in terms of gameplay, and you've completely turned this franchise around, in my opinion. Thank you for your dedication to a quality football game.
# 65 khaliib @ 05/18/16 09:36 PM
The one thing that concerns me do to it not being mentioned as it relates to ball carriers, is ball carrier "Player/Tackle" avoidance.

Maybe with the Cut-Back defender having a role, the AI Ball Carriers will look to "avoid" and/or "run to open field" rather than just running into a tacklers path so all these new move features will/can be triggered.
# 66 howboutdat @ 05/18/16 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
No No No EA! I'm not saying the tackle battle is a bad idea (need to see it in action 1st), but never implement on screen queues without giving us an option to turn it off. EA should know this by now. It'll be a huge mistake if they don't at least give us an option to turn off the on screen pop ups. I personally don't want any assists, on screen pop ups, clutter, etc.. on my screen when playing. EA needs to reconsider this.
AGREED, Not sure why they gotta force things like that on us.Just curious, was that something people was asking for?

Also , i just want to point this out , sometimes people wonder why people here arent really all that trusting what is said ... here is why :

"When timing the special moves correctly, users can see and feel the power of new multi-player fakeout animations, with nearly a thousand possible outcomes." - I know none of us are going to count them , and they know that, but somehow , i dont see it being that many possible different "outcomes" .

Lets not try to use large numbers to impress.What to impress us? Show it in gameplay, in the final product.
# 67 DeuceDouglas @ 05/18/16 10:00 PM
I wonder if you're on Auto if you wouldn't get any of the prompts for a tackle battle. That's obviously not ideal for a lot of people though. I do hope they find a way to provide an option though to let these battles take place as if it were a CPU v. CPU rather than User v. CPU.
# 68 bad_philanthropy @ 05/18/16 10:09 PM
I like everything but the "tackle battle" mechanic (like everyone else it seems).

We don't need QTE's not based in any gameplay representation of football. It doesn't correspond to or simulate any sort of decision making a player would make on the field. Even just tapping a button rapidly in the standup tackle scenario (with high risk of injury or getting blown up by another man cleaning up the tackle).
# 69 Yanks1408 @ 05/18/16 10:13 PM
Where are the videos? Words and still pictures always come across well, but the true indicators are videos.
# 70 OhMrHanky @ 05/18/16 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Yanks1408
Where are the videos? Words and still pictures always come across well, but the true indicators are videos.

I don't think we'll see any till June 12th, I think, is the EA play conference/presentation. I think some video footage will come out of that.
# 71 Yanks1408 @ 05/18/16 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by OhMrHanky
I don't think we'll see any till June 12th, I think, is the EA play conference/presentation. I think some video footage will come out of that.
I remember in previous years they would attach little videos showing what they were explaining. The absence of these this year is making me nervous.
# 72 OhMrHanky @ 05/18/16 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Yanks1408
I remember in previous years they would attach little videos showing what they were explaining. The absence of these this year is making me nervous.

Right on. And, I understand. I've been quite skeptical in the past of EA Madden, and I don't have a record of the vids released last year. But, legit, this is the absolute first bit of madden 17 we've seen, and I think they would want the first footage to be at their big gala event. Once that event takes place, and that footage comes out, we will start seeing some game changer footage here and there before official release in August. That was how it worked out last year, anyways.
# 73 reverend_heat @ 05/18/16 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
No No No EA! I'm not saying the tackle battle is a bad idea (need to see it in action 1st), but never implement on screen queues without giving us an option to turn it off. EA should know this by now. It'll be a huge mistake if they don't at least give us an option to turn off the on screen pop ups. I personally don't want any assists, on screen pop ups, clutter, etc.. on my screen when playing. EA needs to reconsider this.
I agree that I don't like the on screen icon popping up, but if you are just turning off the indicator, and it is basically a QTE, you would always be tackled in the "tackle battle" situation. You have to see the icon to be able to push the button and break the tackle, yes it sucks, but we will have to live with it I guess.
# 74 PVarck31 @ 05/18/16 10:48 PM
This tackle battle is not something I would personally put in the game, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
# 75 howboutdat @ 05/18/16 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by reverend_heat
I agree that I don't like the on screen icon popping up, but if you are just turning off the indicator, and it is basically a QTE, you would always be tackled in the "tackle battle" situation. You have to see the icon to be able to push the button and break the tackle, yes it sucks, but we will have to live with it I guess.
This is just not a cool feature. I know they think it is, but its not. On one page they say " first person to hit the button wins" then turn around and say its tied to attributes somehow. Which is it?

I know , i know , gotta appease the casuals, but dang this just sounds horrible already.No skill needed, no real Physics.Man come on EA . This sounds like the battle for the fumble that lasted what, 1 year? then they saw it wasnt good and removed it.
# 76 mrprice33 @ 05/18/16 10:54 PM
Ratings determine the window for the tackle battle. More forgiving of defense when ratings higher and vice versa.

The whole mechanic takes less than a second, if that. It's barely noticeable

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 77 SolidSquid @ 05/18/16 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Yanks1408
I remember in previous years they would attach little videos showing what they were explaining. The absence of these this year is making me nervous.
Eh but at the same time those videos really didn't come across the same when the game actually released
# 78 Tatupu_64 @ 05/18/16 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by howboutdat
This is just not a cool feature. I know they think it is, but its not. On one page they say " first person to hit the button wins" then turn around and say its tied to attributes somehow. Which is it?

I know , i know , gotta appease the casuals, but dang this just sounds horrible already.No skill needed, no real Physics.Man come on EA . This sounds like the battle for the fumble that lasted what, 1 year? then they saw it wasnt good and removed it.
how does trucking someone take skill?
# 79 SolidSquid @ 05/18/16 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Tatupu_64
how does trucking someone take skill?
Gotta know your RB and gotta time the truck move
# 80 MajorSupreme @ 05/18/16 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by SolidSquid
Gotta know your RB and gotta time the truck move
Right. I'm not trying to truck anybody with Shane Vereen, but I'll give someone the business with Rashad Jennings.

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