11:16 AM - May 13, 2016 by RaychelSnr
As we navigate through the NBA playoffs, it's time to start taking stock of things. We're down to four teams, and the Draft Lottery is just around the corner. Coaching changes are still coming (sup, Scott Skiles), and in all there's lots of teams trending in many different directions.
So I want to take this opportunity to play a little game of you all: NBA Stock Market.
Below, I'm going to give one team I think is trending up, one team I think is holding steady, and then one team that is trending down. I'm basing this on how I would feel about playing with that team in NBA 2K's Association Mode moving forward and weighing it against how I would have felt using the team earlier in the season.
From there, I'd love to hear what categories you might put some teams in at this juncture.
Read More - NBA 2K Stock Market: What Teams Are Trending Where?