I hate how they put out screenshots for the current game & not the upcoming game smh. I remember they used to release screenshots of rookies for the upcoming game during the draft. I wonder why they stopped? I would rather see Madden 17 screenshots. To me it would make sense to start releasing info on the upcoming game during the NFL Draft to capitalize on the excitement for the upcoming NFL season.
My guess - because they don't have face scans for the rookies placed into the new game yet.
Given the emphasis placed on graphics by AAA game companies these days, if they are going to show off screenshots of Madden 17, they probably will want to show off something which is representative of the final product and not give a false impression that the rookies in M17 won't have face scans.
My guess - because they don't have face scans for the rookies placed into the new game yet.
Given the emphasis placed on graphics by AAA game companies these days, if they are going to show off screenshots of Madden 17, they probably will want to show off something which is representative of the final product and not give a false impression that the rookies in M17 won't have face scans.
That's true. People will definitely jump out the window over stuff like that. Even if it's in April.
I hate how they put out screenshots for the current game & not the upcoming game smh. I remember they used to release screenshots of rookies for the upcoming game during the draft. I wonder why they stopped? I would rather see Madden 17 screenshots. To me it would make sense to start releasing info on the upcoming game during the NFL Draft to capitalize on the excitement for the upcoming NFL season.
But they never showed the faces anyways. However it's probably a lot quicker to make these guys in madden 16 apposed to a game that is still in development.
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