MLB The Show 16 News Post

MLB The Show 16 server update #2 is scheduled to arrive early in the morning, according to Ramone. Check out the details in the above image, or check out his Tweet here.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Turbojugend @ 04/06/16 10:55 PM
I switched over to watching MLB.tv this evening, trying to get anything done in The Show is just beyond frustrating at the moment.
# 22 bkrich83 @ 04/06/16 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Benz87
Careful, i've seen others get banned for voicing this grievance.

10 char.
# 23 dynastynation @ 04/06/16 11:03 PM
I spent 30 minutes opening 20 card packs earlier. Fortunately I was watching MLB.tv so it was not a huge waste of time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 24 jyoung @ 04/06/16 11:09 PM
Ramone said that there will be server maintenance again early this morning at 3 AM PST.
# 25 ImTellinTim @ 04/07/16 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Benz87
Careful, i've seen others get banned for voicing this grievance.
No, you haven't seen anyone get banned for airing a grievance. You've seen people get banned for the way they go about it. That post was borderline. I understand people are frustrated, so I'll let that last comment slide, but let this be a warning to everyone else. If you can't be rational and constructive, don't hit the post button.
# 26 Stolm @ 04/07/16 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by ImTellinTim
No, you haven't seen anyone get banned for airing a grievance. You've seen people get banned for the way they go about it. That post was borderline. I understand people are frustrated, so I'll let that last comment slide, but let this be a warning to everyone else. If you can't be rational and constructive, don't hit the post button.
Don't see how his comment was "borderline" at all. He is saying what alot of us feel.

Not like it was some profanity laced tirade.
# 27 ImTellinTim @ 04/07/16 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Stolm
Don't see how his comment was "borderline" at all. He is saying what alot of us feel.

Not like it was some profanity laced tirade.
A poster saying someone has no clue what they're doing when the poster doesn't have knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes is absolutely borderline. Keep personal attacks out of the discussion.
# 28 WeWereGiants @ 04/07/16 12:34 AM
I literally don't know what any of that means but I didn't see anything about adding/upgrading servers, maybe I missed it?

I don't even play online modes, I'm exclusively a RTTS player, but because so much of the game is server side I have to sit there twiddling my thumbs all too often.
# 29 TattooedEvil @ 04/07/16 12:38 AM
Word is that the server speeds fluctuate with Padres runs.....
# 30 dynastynation @ 04/07/16 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by ImTellinTim
A poster saying someone has no clue what they're doing when the poster doesn't have knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes is absolutely borderline. Keep personal attacks out of the discussion.

But with the terrible servers, are they really wrong when they say someone doesn't know what they're doing? I mean, it's been a week and the servers are still pretty terrible. When it takes 5 minutes to load a menu, there is a major problem and someone failed to do their job. I don't see how the post was out of line. They were just stating an opinion about a major issue. When people are paying to play a game mode (battle Royale) and losing connection continuously, they have every right to be upset.
# 31 Stolm @ 04/07/16 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by ImTellinTim
A poster saying someone has no clue what they're doing when the poster doesn't have knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes is absolutely borderline. Keep personal attacks out of the discussion.
You don't need insider knowledge to know somebody royally screwed up. And if you are going to constantly advertise and promote Pre-Orders like they have, they deserve the criticism.

Whether from a technical side they still have not fixed the online experience(online has been a mess for as long as I have played The Show, so forgive me if I don't give them the benefit of the doubt.) or from a business standpoint they didn't feel the need to have the proper infrastructure in order.

He didn't name drop. SDS is not a singular person. I know a lot users here feel the need to constantly praise and defend the company because they post here, but when you sell a product, and it doesn't work, people are going to be pissed.
# 32 ryan36 @ 04/07/16 05:27 AM
You can make every point you just did without saying "somebody royally screwed up" is all.
# 33 Ed_Farias @ 04/07/16 09:35 AM
Does this have anything to do with the theshownation.com being down for the last 10 hours or so as well? It's still down.
# 34 vinny_pizza @ 04/07/16 09:56 AM
I am so intrigued by the "someone royally screwed up" comment. Not to sidetrack from the good money that was spent on what has become an unplayable game at the moment, or at least last night, i was thinking the same thing. If there is anything to be learned from the history of the release of this game, it is that the servers are in fact always overloaded which begs the question, "why is SDS not more prepared for the launch?"

In my field of business we have a lead person that oversees tech development, servers, and the network, if we're constantly crashing, then he's held accountable. The people that work at SDS are professionals and adults, if a criticism like the one above is considered borderline because we don't want someone to be offended, then i take the stance as a consumer that feels ripped off when i can't play a brand new game, I am offended. We're not lemmings, then again by the number of people that pre-ordered (your's truly as well), maybe we are. Maybe the best thing to do for MLB 17 is don't pre-order, wait until after the release to see how they handle the server issues. As consumers, let our wallets do the talking.

Bottom line to this rant, the staff at SDS are adults and for this to be the alleged worst server opening according to the many die hards, then a little harsh criticism can be expected. People work hard for their money, when they are sold a faulty product, there should be some recourse. Unfortunately for the consumer in this relationship, once you buy the game and load it in, you've lost all rights to get your money back. And if you pre-ordered online straight from Sony, no refunds allowed. So borderline, i'd say no, more like right on the money...no pun intended.
# 35 acts238shaun @ 04/07/16 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Ed_Farias
Does this have anything to do with the theshownation.com being down for the last 10 hours or so as well? It's still down.
Been wondering about this...
# 36 Ed_Farias @ 04/07/16 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by acts238shaun
Been wondering about this...
I can't remember the last time I saw a major website be down for this long. It's a bit crazy now. I can't do any of my market flipping from work .
# 37 acts238shaun @ 04/07/16 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Ed_Farias
I can't remember the last time I saw a major website be down for this long. It's a bit crazy now. I can't do any of my market flipping from work .
Same here. I play the game, but flip on the website while looking at daddy leagues. I only use stubs for RTTS players and completing the collections. Frustration...

At least it's not the whole psn down like a few years ago.

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