MLB The Show 16 News Post

The changes in Road to the Show in this year's MLB The Show may seem minor, but they make a huge difference in terms of how the mode plays -- and these differences all add up to the best Road to the Show experience yet.

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Member Comments
# 1 zephyr22 @ 04/05/16 04:40 PM
Agreed about the ball halo.

I'm a pure RTTS player, and right now The Show is sitting gathering dust until they patch this.
I've tried to play through it but I just can't, it shatters the immersion every single time.

An inexplicable decision to remove the option to turn off the halo.
Please please guys, give us back the option to turn it off.
# 2 jw9036 @ 04/05/16 06:19 PM
Need the option for ball trail and ball halo to be turned off in RTTS mode and player lock mode.

Bug report - Ball trail

# 3 Stolm @ 04/05/16 06:24 PM
I don't see how being able to quickly go from game to game and spend points in between, but not really getting into Showtime and Perks, and having a busted fielding camera warrants "Year of RTTS" Probably choose a less hyperbolic title.

In my opinion this mode is a shell of it's former self.

- Being forced to time jump between player opportunities, with the only way to experience what your team is doing, is having to hit a button during each and every cutscene(which skips said cutscene). Seriously immersion breaking, and for a mode that needed to improve on making you feel part of an actual team, it has gone in the opposite direction even further.

- Personally I think Showtime and Perks are an awful addition, and are just gimmicky fluff for ******s, but we were told they could be disabled. Except they can't be...........not 100%. I still get slow motion showtime while on base, and when certain fielding oppurtunites arise, with all of Showtime disabled in the options.

- I wasn't aware of how awful the Outfield Camera was, though I do not personally like the infield one

As someone who from MLB 12-14 sank hundreds upon hundreds of hours into RTTS, with the recent cuts to Broadcast last year, and with even more cuts and additions that I have no interest in, I am officially done with this mode.
# 4 underdog13 @ 04/05/16 07:03 PM
It's still way to easy to crank up your ovr in a year or two.

Several debilitating bugs, can't turn show time off and can't get rid of ball trail.

And by all accounts by people here at O.S the outfield fielding Camera actually has made being an outfielder possible again

This video is just out of touch with the O.S community, imo.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
# 5 moose616 @ 04/05/16 09:07 PM
Where is the "Manual Catch" feature? It got replaced by the Showtime function. Fielding in RTTS has become incredibly boring, especially as a 1B.

It's not like SCEA to completely remove play features. I'm all for adding ones with the intent of "if they don't like them, you can disable them"

Manual catch plus the new throw targeting mechanism would make fielding much more engaging and not just a mundane task before you hit again.

For the first time in the history of this game, I've been spending the majority of my time in a different mode.
# 6 sirwoodz @ 04/06/16 12:39 AM
I don't have a problem with anything other than the fact that your RTTS player doesn't get kudos for being a league leader when they walk up to the plate anymore, vasgersion doesn't even acknowledge if you are about to get the triple crown anymore.

will the developers address this? ever?
# 7 aarondmsu @ 04/06/16 02:18 AM
The mandatory ball trail is a bug. That can be patched.

The mandatory showtime is a bug. That can be patched.

With regard to being forced to jump from player opportunity to player opportunity, I am not sure if that is a bug or not or if it can be patched or not. But assuming it can, along with the other patches mentioned above, would you guys agree that this would be a pretty damn good mode?
# 8 piffbernd @ 04/06/16 02:23 AM
I use showtime for reaction in fielding.
# 9 fearwhatnow @ 04/06/16 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by moose616
Where is the "Manual Catch" feature? It got replaced by the Showtime function. Fielding in RTTS has become incredibly boring, especially as a 1B.

It's not like SCEA to completely remove play features. I'm all for adding ones with the intent of "if they don't like them, you can disable them"

Manual catch plus the new throw targeting mechanism would make fielding much more engaging and not just a mundane task before you hit again.

For the first time in the history of this game, I've been spending the majority of my time in a different mode.
Fielding as a 1B is generally more boring than other positions. I can't see how it became boring this year.. I'd say it is more interesting because of the Showtime addition.
# 10 DickDalewood @ 04/06/16 05:51 AM
First year I've ever played this mode for more than about an hour. Love the changes and RPG like elements.

Actually really, really enjoying it for once. Showtime is also a fantastic addition.
# 11 zephyr22 @ 04/06/16 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by aarondmsu
The mandatory ball trail is a bug. That can be patched.

The mandatory showtime is a bug. That can be patched.

With regard to being forced to jump from player opportunity to player opportunity, I am not sure if that is a bug or not or if it can be patched or not. But assuming it can, along with the other patches mentioned above, would you guys agree that this would be a pretty damn good mode?

I might be a rarity in that I only play as a SP in RTTS, and only ever play RTTS mode. I've never tried any other positions. That's just the way I am. So other bugs or developer decisions that other people have come across and object to probably don't have the same impact for me.

I happen to think the game, as it usually does, has nailed the atmosphere and feeling of actually being in a ball park. I play with no visual aids at all, nothing on screen. Which is why the ball halo for me is a killer. If I can remove ball halo and trail and red arrow, I'm 100% satisfied once again and will play RTTS until 17 comes out.
# 12 Papito208 @ 04/06/16 11:46 AM
I don't mind the changes to RTTS this year, to me it makes playing SS or 2B exciting but it makes playing as a 1B super boring. Thankfully I have a speedy 1B with decent reaction/fielding to request a change in position.
# 13 orion523 @ 04/06/16 12:24 PM
I'm a huge fan of RTTS, I ramp up the difficulty, avoid any and all crutches and do my best to get to The Show. Right now I'm in the midst of getting dynamic difficulty where it needs to be, and once I do, I am all over this mode.
# 14 aarondmsu @ 04/06/16 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by orion523
I'm a huge fan of RTTS, I ramp up the difficulty, avoid any and all crutches and do my best to get to The Show. Right now I'm in the midst of getting dynamic difficulty where it needs to be, and once I do, I am all over this mode.
In the spirit of ramping up the difficulty, shouldn't you just put it straight to Legend?
# 15 zephyr22 @ 04/06/16 03:13 PM
Agreed, stick it on Legend. Speaking from a purely pitching perspective Legend is awesome, you have to think about every pitch and if you leave something hanging over the plate you'll be punished severely, which is how it should be. You absolutely have to work the corners and try and out think the hitter, I'm thinking two or three pitches ahead all the time.

Despite my misgivings about ball halo I genuinely think this year's RTTS captures the pitching chess match better than ever, you can't lose concentration on Legend and I love that.

So please, once again Ramone, can we have halo off?
# 16 cjthisguy21 @ 04/06/16 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by zephyr22
Agreed, stick it on Legend. Speaking from a purely pitching perspective Legend is awesome, you have to think about every pitch and if you leave something hanging over the plate you'll be punished severely, which is how it should be. You absolutely have to work the corners and try and out think the hitter, I'm thinking two or three pitches ahead all the time.

Despite my misgivings about ball halo I genuinely think this year's RTTS captures the pitching chess match better than ever, you can't lose concentration on Legend and I love that.

So please, once again Ramone, can we have halo off?
Yes, I really pray that they remove to ball halo and ball trail. What even happened to us even getting the option to turn those off anyway?
# 17 DickDalewood @ 04/07/16 12:14 AM
They don't need to remove it, they just need to have the OPTION to remove it. I personally like the halo and trail, and I know I'm not alone, so removing it isn't the answer either.

# 18 zephyr22 @ 04/07/16 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
They don't need to remove it, they just need to have the OPTION to remove it. I personally like the halo and trail, and I know I'm not alone, so removing it isn't the answer either.

Totally agree.

I'm asking for them to reinstate the option to turn off the halo, not for it to be removed wholesale.

That way guys like you can enjoy a more arcade style game, and guys like me can enjoy a more sim-like style.

Then, everyone's happy. This is why I'm baffled they removed the option in the first place.
# 19 Womas64 @ 04/07/16 10:19 AM
Is anyone else having an issue with the Dyanimc difficulty? I'm stuck between Beginner and Rookie, and I'm hitting over 400
# 20 cjthisguy21 @ 04/07/16 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by zephyr22
Totally agree.

I'm asking for them to reinstate the option to turn off the halo, not for it to be removed wholesale.

That way guys like you can enjoy a more arcade style game, and guys like me can enjoy a more sim-like style.

Then, everyone's happy. This is why I'm baffled they removed the option in the first place.
Yea I agree with that too, because it WAS in The Show before, but if they want to implement options into our settings, is that really possible? Is it not too late?
I certainly hope its not...

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