FIFA 16 News Post

There are 25 different formations to choose from in FIFA 16 Ultimate Team. While your skill with a controller and the quality of players on your team will largely determine your success, picking the right formation could ultimately be the difference between winning and losing.

Before We Begin

I've had my fair share of Division 1 titles over the years, and I've never used more than one or two formations on a regular basis to get them. The most important aspect of picking a formation is choosing one that complements your overall play style. Once you've figured this out, combining it with tactic and mentality commands can also prove beneficial, and I’ll list some examples of this as we go along.

Another key factor is understanding when to change your formation on the fly. If the opposition is overwhelming you with attacking flair, you could switch to a defensive strategy and work the counter-attack. Alternatively, if they’re finding too much success down the wings, try altering your setup by bringing in some wing backs to cover those areas. When you're struggling to gain the upper hand, it's all about spotting the danger signs and implementing an effective strategy to counteract any weaknesses.

So, on to the list. We’ll start with some of the most basic formations and go from there.

Red More - FIFA 16 Ultimate Team: All 25 Formations (A Guide)

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Member Comments
# 1 10 @ 03/09/16 01:09 PM
I've had a lot of success in division 1 playing 4231(2). It's great for possession and build up if you use the right players. Pogba and Ozil are perfect cam's and both score tons of goals for me. For dm's I try to use 1 that's there to defend (destroyers like Matic) and a box to box or slightly more attacking mid (Ramsey, Yaya, Marchisio, Nainggolan, Vidal etc.) Mids bomb forward too much regardless of the instructions you use and for me this formation takes advantage of that. I've had a lot of great opportunities from just outside the box with my cdm.
In the clip you can kind of see how Nainggolan and Marchisio play as cdm's. Nainggolan is set on stay back and Marchisio on balanced. Nainggolan stays back far enough to get back in case I lose possession until I involve him in my attack and Marchisio gets forward to help build up the play around the box. He ends up with the ball in perfect position to shoot and score.

As long as you use the right players any formation can work. The only ones I wouldn't suggest are 3 at the back. Unless you're an elite defender online you will get destroyed by pacey wingers regardless of what defenders you use.

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