More around 7 but I see you're point. Forgot all about that. I don't know then. Maybe it simply isn't a requested feature and is harder to implement that we know.
For rounds 6-10 only 21% make it to MLB and only 6% last 3 years. The results regress the lower in the draft a player is taken. After round 20 only 1% last 3 years in MLB.
To replicate the MLB draft you would be populating the game with close to 1,000 extra players every year the vast majority of whom are worthless filler for milb squads.
The current system in the show is done so the devs can replicate a franchise in future years which has an adequate number of MLB level players without overwhelming the game with worthless players. MLB does it to keep their milb affiliates populated with an adequate number of players with a salary which allows those teams to make a profit. For me it would be a chore to go through the system every off season and release 30 worthless players to be replaced by 30 worthless players simply to fill the milb affiliates with cheaper labor.
1) Actually, with two outs, the out ALWAYS has to be made at first regardless of baserunners. It is with 0 and 1 out that a runner on 1B makes the throw unecessary.
2) I agree that this was a huge bug last year. Also, on a run and hit where the ball is put in play, runners were given a CS if they were forced or tagged out. This is a huge bug that throws off statistical balance.
I wonder if the hit and run bug impacts anything other than stats. With progression based stats does the game punish or reward a player based on steals and caught stealing? It sounds like the kind of thing they would fix because it is probably a simple fix.
I missed this stream and don't really feel like sitting through the archive to mine for one piece of information, so I'll ask you guys:
was anything mentioned re: gameplay about any actual on the field changes in the form of ball physics, the timing window (seems to change every year), hitting and pitching tuning, more variation in hit types, stuff like that? Actual on the field gameplay stuff, not franchise tweaks or animations or anything like that, but how the game plays.
I know that's kind of vague and open ended, but I was just thinking about all the new additions/changes this year and realized I can't remember hearing a single thing about any changes to the actual baseball on the field. I could be forgetting something though. Again I'm not talking about animations, they add hundreds of animations a year. I mean like "increase to balls hit down the line" or "more variation in ball trajectories" or something like that.
Something I'm curious about is how team revenue and revenue sharing work. Luis mentioned it briefly here in the stream and referred to market size with the top 15 teams paying and bottom 15 receiving.
There is a difference IRL between market size and team revenue. For example the Cardinals are in the bottom of market size but in the top of team revenue. The Phillies have a low payroll but are in a large market.