MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch stream has begun, as the team talks about Diamond Dynasty. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: For those of you that missed the stream, you can watch the archive here.

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Member Comments
# 1 Shakedowncapo @ 02/18/16 05:44 PM
Really liking what I see so far. I hope going forward they incorporate a draftkings/fanduel point system where you have to mix superstars with players that help fill a role. Still its going to be another great year for DD.
# 2 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/18/16 06:10 PM
# 3 BrianU @ 02/18/16 06:12 PM
# 4 HozAndMoose @ 02/18/16 06:20 PM
Oh man that 3rd number for WAR will drive me crazy. But who the hell cares. I no longer have to write all my stats down if i want to remember them. If only this was 3 years ago and we were getting the game in 2 weeks.
# 5 bcruise @ 02/18/16 06:25 PM
Okay, so...it actually shows all the years of a player's career now in the player card. This is definitely different from past years when it only gave one year and the career totals. I still want to see it in Franchise though, unless they specifically said on the stream that they're tracking career stats now in that mode (I'm not watching the stream, just following the thread). And yes, I know we weren't going to see that today - I'm just anticipating it.

# 6 TheKnack @ 02/18/16 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Okay, so...it actually shows all the years of a player's career now in the player card. This is definitely different from past years when it only gave one year and the career totals. I still want to see it in Franchise though, unless they specifically said on the stream that they're tracking career stats now in that mode (I'm not watching the stream, just following the thread). And yes, I know we weren't going to see that today - I'm just anticipating it.

Oh my god... if Career WAR makes it into Franchise and RTTS... Please god.
# 7 takki @ 02/18/16 06:30 PM
That was a really good stream. The features they have added in are amazing and have completely increased my hype for the game as someone who solely plays Diamond Dynasty.

My burning questions that remain are:

1. Are team restrictions in the mode? For example, do they restrict the amount of diamond players you can put on your team to increase strategic choice on constructing teams instead of just fielding an entire diamond team?

2. Outside of "play a friend" matches, have they added a way to play shorter online matches? The 50 minute on average games last year were too much for me as a ****** gamer.

But yeah, SCEA has outdone themselves. That inside edge feature causing card overalls to change everyday and the hundreds of flashbacks are going to keep us playing the mode for a very long time.
# 8 HozAndMoose @ 02/18/16 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Okay, so...it actually shows all the years of a player's career now in the player card. This is definitely different from past years when it only gave one year and the career totals. I still want to see it in Franchise though, unless they specifically said on the stream that they're tracking career stats now in that mode (I'm not watching the stream, just following the thread). And yes, I know we weren't going to see that today - I'm just anticipating it.

Im 90% sure this was from franchise. It was a tease for the next stream i believe.
# 9 Denzel Washington @ 02/18/16 06:33 PM
Who's algorithm is being used for that WAR calculation
# 10 HozAndMoose @ 02/18/16 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Denzel Washington
Who's algorithm is being used for that WAR calculation
Their own it seems. Fangraphs and Baseball Reference have Ortiz's 2003 season at 3.2 and 3.3.
# 11 HozAndMoose @ 02/18/16 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Okay, so...it actually shows all the years of a player's career now in the player card. This is definitely different from past years when it only gave one year and the career totals. I still want to see it in Franchise though, unless they specifically said on the stream that they're tracking career stats now in that mode (I'm not watching the stream, just following the thread). And yes, I know we weren't going to see that today - I'm just anticipating it.

Just re watched it. When they were showing that screen Nick was saying there is so much stuff to show with Franchise. So it would only make sense that it was from a Franchise screen. But next week is supposed to be presentation so im not sure why they would tease something 2 weeks away.
# 12 dran1984 @ 02/18/16 06:53 PM
What's with the mature audience warning? lol
# 13 HozAndMoose @ 02/18/16 06:58 PM
YouTube video will be up at some point. Whenever YouTube feels like letting it upload.
# 14 Speedy @ 02/18/16 07:00 PM
Anybody find it odd that the message on Twitch says the channel is intended for mature audiences?

Apparently all the *******, ***, and *****-***** Russell mentioned earlier on OS seeped it's way on the stream to downgrade from that "E" rating.
# 15 HozAndMoose @ 02/18/16 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by dran1984
What's with the mature audience warning? lol
Probably has to do with them streaming Drawn to Death or Kill Strain.
# 16 Turbojugend @ 02/18/16 07:06 PM
Still no mention of a returning user bonus, or are we starting our collections from scratch? Either way is fine, I'd just like to know.
# 17 HozAndMoose @ 02/18/16 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Still no mention of a returning user bonus, or are we starting our collections from scratch? Either way is fine, I'd just like to know.
They said we would get something for having 15.
# 18 MrOldboy @ 02/18/16 07:28 PM
Holy crap! If that WAR calculation is balanced for offense and defense then that is a huge deal. I wonder if it'll go into affecting the AI at all in that a player with average ratings gets a big deal due to their high WAR stat? Could we see a player offensively perform mediocre, but put up great defensive numbers still put up a respectable WAR? That is the big question in my opinion. It would be useless to add if t didn't so I bet they took some effort into implementing it.
# 19 WaitTilNextYear @ 02/18/16 07:30 PM
Still watching the stream, but my 1st impression is they've created a lot of new depth to the DD mode. The hardcore DD players should really like it, but newcomers will probably find the DD mode a bit too complicated to hold their interest. I mean from stubs to tickets to captains to missions to flashbacks....it's going to be a bit too much for a lot of people. But gamers that like RPGs more than baseball itself--the collectors and card flippers and guys who play the NBA2K MyTeam mode--should really get into this mode.
# 20 Victor_SDS @ 02/18/16 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by takki
That was a really good stream. The features they have added in are amazing and have completely increased my hype for the game as someone who solely plays Diamond Dynasty.

My burning questions that remain are:

1. Are team restrictions in the mode? For example, do they restrict the amount of diamond players you can put on your team to increase strategic choice on constructing teams instead of just fielding an entire diamond team?

2. Outside of "play a friend" matches, have they added a way to play shorter online matches? The 50 minute on average games last year were too much for me as a ****** gamer.

But yeah, SCEA has outdone themselves. That inside edge feature causing card overalls to change everyday and the hundreds of flashbacks are going to keep us playing the mode for a very long time.

1: No
2: You are able to set whatever inning length you want with Play vs Friends. Be sure to tune into the next stream as we talk about even more ways to play.

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