MLB The Show 16 News Post

MLB The Show 16
is going to tease us with a steady stream of news over the next two months, instead of their traditional fact sheet release. This is certainly a good way to build anticipation, even if it makes it harder to wait until release season. I'll take it though: The Show's Twitch feeds are some of the best -- and most honest -- marketing in the sports industry.

Read More - MLB The Show 16: Road to the Show Revamped, But Is it For the Better?

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Member Comments
# 21 orion523 @ 01/28/16 08:17 AM
Having seen Showtime in action, my first impression is that I hope it can be disabled. Having a pitched ball slow down in order to mash it at key points in the game just feels cheap, and IMO is catering to those who can't get it done in real time.
Same goes for the perks really, they're silly and unnecessary.
# 22 DickDalewood @ 01/28/16 12:35 PM
These changes may be the reason I finally give this mode a real look. The RPG elements, Showtime, being able to play multiple games in a row... amazing. Color me very intrigued.
# 23 jsou4646 @ 01/28/16 03:35 PM
I'd have to say the perks and showtime look way to arcadey for me. As long as we can turn it off I'm cool with it. Personally I'd like some realistic additions.
# 24 Factzzz @ 01/28/16 04:03 PM
Is this what we're calling revamped?

Looks like hardly anything was changed. The addition of playing multiple games in a row is a good one, but other than that...


I hope there's still a lot more to announce on RTTS during the stream.
# 25 redsox4evur @ 01/28/16 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
Is this what we're calling revamped?

Looks like hardly anything was changed. The addition of playing multiple games in a row is a good one, but other than that...


I hope there's still a lot more to announce on RTTS during the stream.
So there were perks last year? This showtime feature was in the game last year? Must've missed those then...
# 26 bcruise @ 01/28/16 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
So there were perks last year? This showtime feature was in the game last year? Must've missed those then...
And being able to advance days without loading back to the main menu.

And scouting day (with the 20-80 system)

And whatever else they haven't told us yet (surely I'm not the only one who noticed "more to come" and the end of that RTTS/Showtime slide)? I think they've got more to tell us about RTTS on that twitch stream next week.
# 27 redsox4evur @ 01/28/16 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
And being able to advance days without loading back to the main menu.

And scouting day (with the 20-80 system)

And whatever else they haven't told us yet (surely I'm not the only one who noticed "more to come" and the end of that RTTS/Showtime slide)? I think they've got more to tell us about RTTS on that twitch stream next week.
I left that one out on purpose because he did mention it.
# 28 PVarck31 @ 01/28/16 06:21 PM
Relax with the condescending posts.
# 29 bcruise @ 01/28/16 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
Relax with the condescending posts.
Apologies. I just feel like they have more to tell us. Why have a blog + stream about RTTS and Showtime next week, but reveal all of the new features a week ahead of time?

I guess we'll see. Either way I'll definitely tune in for the first snippets of gameplay, even if what I hear about RTTS doesn't interest me.
# 30 NimCross @ 02/02/16 09:14 PM
Not a fan of the slow motion game play.
# 31 Knight165 @ 02/02/16 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
I don't think he was talking to you bcruise.

# 32 extremeskins04 @ 02/02/16 11:53 PM
Looks very gimmicky to me. Slowing down time to make a diving catch or hit the ball? This isn't simulation baseball. We want SIMULATION. We've always wanted that. If I wanted an arcade baseball game, I'd go dig up The Bigs.

Seriously. This slowing down time thing better not be in Franchise mode or it will be a killer.
# 33 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/03/16 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
Looks very gimmicky to me. Slowing down time to make a diving catch or hit the ball? This isn't simulation baseball. We want SIMULATION. We've always wanted that. If I wanted an arcade baseball game, I'd go dig up The Bigs.

Seriously. This slowing down time thing better not be in Franchise mode or it will be a killer.
Did you not see Ramone's IGN video where he walked through the teaser trailer. RttS and Player lock only, my man. Don't go killing yourself yet.
# 34 TheWarmWind @ 02/03/16 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
Looks very gimmicky to me. Slowing down time to make a diving catch or hit the ball? This isn't simulation baseball. We want SIMULATION. We've always wanted that. If I wanted an arcade baseball game, I'd go dig up The Bigs.

Seriously. This slowing down time thing better not be in Franchise mode or it will be a killer.
I would also like to point out that you're playing baseball with a controller. A controller that has very real limits in terms of how far you can move the joystick or how hard you can press the button. Adding in a "Focused" mode in order to bring on a sort of heightened state is not beyond the realm of reasonable when it comes to simulation. Players are not robots with hard limits.

I'm not endorsing showtime, I'm just pointing out that saying "it isn't simulation WE WANT SIMULATION" is kind of a poor argument.
# 35 piffbernd @ 02/03/16 10:14 AM
The good thing is most of time you can turn them of or don't use them.
# 36 Turbojugend @ 02/03/16 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by TheWarmWind
I would also like to point out that you're playing baseball with a controller. A controller that has very real limits in terms of how far you can move the joystick or how hard you can press the button. Adding in a "Focused" mode in order to bring on a sort of heightened state is not beyond the realm of reasonable when it comes to simulation. Players are not robots with hard limits.
You know, that is a very good way of putting it.
# 37 Stolm @ 02/03/16 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheWarmWind
I would also like to point out that you're playing baseball with a controller. A controller that has very real limits in terms of how far you can move the joystick or how hard you can press the button. Adding in a "Focused" mode in order to bring on a sort of heightened state is not beyond the realm of reasonable when it comes to simulation. Players are not robots with hard limits.

I'm not endorsing showtime, I'm just pointing out that saying "it isn't simulation WE WANT SIMULATION" is kind of a poor argument.
I don't agree with this at all.

Take the controller argument out of this because nothing can be done about what the game is actually manipulated with.

First of all the "heightened state" is something intangible, and no attempt to even mimic it should be made. Especially in a sports game that is striving to replicate a real sport in a realistic manner.

Which players even reach this heightened state?

*When do they have it?

*Do you give players with better stats more of this heightened state?

*Is everyones heightened state the same?

*What about religious players that attribute this state to that?

*Do you get more heightened state if you equip some religious jewelry on your player?

The whole thing is stupid.

Any kind of heightened state where you are reacting faster to a situation should come from the gamer and gamer alone. Individual player stats should help or hinder but, not everyone should be able to make these plays consistently.

I really don't get how things like this are supposed to be rewarding either. I don't always make every diving play, but when I nail it, it feels great because of the challenge of reflex and timing.

Same goes for hitting, guessing pitches, and placement (without using Guess Pitch). When you expect a fastball up and in and you crush it, it's rewarding. Now you really don't need to react at all, put on the slow-mo and take your time.

Th game is kinda playing for you, taking effort out. Which makes the game less rewarding in the end.

And now we see similar issue with these new "Perks" being added.

*Well, I don't even need to pay attention now, because this perk will make the pitcher throw all fastballs. Apparently I am psychic now and can telepathically control a pitcher into throwing whatever I want.

Manipulating outcomes with magic is not Simulation.

Instead of these lazy arcade gimmicks, they should be working to improve the core experience.

* Instead of completely removing the Stride mechanic, fix it, improve on it

* Improve the view when fielding, improve the movement on controlled players, come up with a better interesting way to field.

* I'm not a big Pitcher player, but 2K had a far more interesting and fun way to pitch than The Show

* Improve on the hitting cameras. Some very minor tweaks to the camera, can improve your hitting tremendously. Players do not look up at a pitcher from their knees. No wonder you need to add this slow-mo mechanic, that view is awful for reacting to the fastball. A higher offset view more realistically replicates a hitters eyeline, and allows you to see pitches more clearly.

Sure I can edit the camera myself, but I can't play Online with it.

Why not?

Because it's a tremendous advantage, that's why. Why not give everyone a more optimal and realistic view, it's a lot easier than adding completely new features, that compromise what the sport is.

Layer upon layer of these new features on top of the core gameplay, that not only hasn't changed, but has actually been reduced.
# 38 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/03/16 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Stolm

Instead of these lazy arcade gimmicks, they should be working to improve the core experience.
Let's see what Sony San Diego has to show us over the next 6-8 weeks before taking the "instead" approach. Just because they have added some arcade style features doesn't mean they ingnored the core experience. They don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Also, I don't remember what thread it was in, but Ramone did mention last week that OS users represent less than 1% of their market. So many of us on here, like you, really want the more challenging, sim-like experience. But for every one of us, they could have 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, or who knows how many users who want a more ******, pick up and play, arcade style experience. If they risk alienating 1% of their sales base in order to attract say 5% more users into purchasing, then more power to them.

But I have faith that the core experience will, as usual, see more improvements and updates than it will see things taken out or dumbed down. The stride removal from the analog swing mechanic is the only time I remember them removing a game play mechanic option in the history of the series. Heck, maybe it was done because EA patented something back in MVP baseball and they HAD to remove it or pony up big bucks to use it?
# 39 TheWarmWind @ 02/03/16 07:31 PM
Like I said Stolm, I'm not endorsing showtime. I'm a franchiser and it's already been confirmed that it's not in franchise, so it's kind of a non-issue to me. I'm just saying that claiming it's not simulation is a poor argument, since what simulation even entails is incredibly subjective.

And I'm sorry, but the players reactions alone cannot create a true simulation experience. I'm a 7 year the Show vet, and there is no way my play alone could create a simulation experience. I'm ok with the devs trying to take an intangible part of the game and make it controllable by the player as opposed to randomly generated (I'm talking about amazing defensive plays specifically here).

I may not agree with the implementation, but at least I can applaud the effort and admit that I can't think of a better way to do it. Plus it may be possible to turn it off.
# 40 kadzier @ 02/05/16 10:30 PM
I'm not against showtime because it's optional, but I think it's going a bit to far to argue it's actually a "sim" mechanic. Sure, some players can get "locked in" at certain moments, but the effect of essentially stopping time and making a guaranteed play at will ludicrously over-represents that ability. I'm sure there are other, subtler ways to mirror that effect but I definitely am of the mind that the gamer themselves getting locked in during "clutch" situations (maybe with slight attribute help) represents that more fairly

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