MLB The Show 16 News Post

The official MLB The Show 16 Twitter account has been answering quite a few questions about their upcoming game recently, we've listed some of them below. We should be hearing much more about the game, including developer Twitch streams in the weeks to come.

If you can say Will you be bringing back ability to change ticket prices and concession food prices?

No those won't be coming back for 16 but there are great new features and changes coming to franchise mode. Stay tuned!

Can you still play your RTTS character from 15 to 16 like people did from 14 to 15?


Player tattoos coming this year?


Will we be able to carryover out franchises from 15 into 16 like we could last year?

Yes of course

Will there be content missing on the PS3 version compared to PS4?

The PS4 versions has some features and upgrades the PS3 doesn't we'll reveal them all in due time.

Will stubs transfer from mlb 15 to mlb 16

No they will not

Can you guys add a "Beat up umpire" button in The Show 16'???

No that's never going to happen

Will the throwback players be added to the PS3 version?


Are the top 100 prospect going to be in the default roster?

No the minor league players do not have a Players Union there for their likeness cannot be included in the game in any form

Will we be able to make customizable fields?


Any word on Ken Griffey and or Mike Piazza being in MLB 16 the show?

Not at this time

Will online franchises transfer to new game from '15???

No online franchises don't transfer year-to-year

Will 16 bring back Rivalry Mode? That was the best way to play offline games against friends.


Is Joe Buck an announcer on MLB 16 the show? That would be great!

No he isn't

What are the chances of adding a third uniform slot in DD for 2016?

Very slim this year


No you start over every year

What is the cut off date for your final rosters that will ship on disc?

February, but there is always a launch day roster update

When will we learn more about new game modes? I want to pre-order but am reluctant to spend $99 with so few details.

In a few weeks

Could we possibly see a create a stadium in mlb 16?


Will there by any chance be an expansion mode like in all star baseball?

Not this year

Will you add new brands in MLB 16??? Like New Era or Adidas??

There will be new brands added to MLB The Show 16 but we aren't revealing them just yet.

Can we finally have the option to turn injuries off for franchise mode? Amazes me how a simple feature isn't in there.

Sorry brain fart you can do this in MLB The Show 15 GAMEPLAY OPTIONS.....INJURIES....ON/OFF/MANUAL

Are you guys going to put an argue button to the Umpire and more on field brands?

No and yes

Will 16 have online co-op like 13 did?

No it will not

Uniform slots?

Available uniform slots are the same as last year.

Will the open and closed dome feature be on ps3?Also, will you be adding more team jerseys such as the blue jays canada day one?

PS4 Only for closed roofs

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 lalblc @ 01/13/16 08:59 PM
Man do I miss All Star Baseball 2005.
# 22 buckeyedawgtribe @ 01/13/16 09:06 PM
I am gonna pass this year. I keep waiting for a baseball game that lets you play with past teams but it never happens. I will pick up 17 when it comes out. Not enough changes year to year for me
# 23 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/13/16 09:24 PM
I follow them on Twitter, so nothing new. I've read all of these already. Happy about new brands though. Hopefully New Balance is added. So many people wear their cleats that it almost has to be in.
# 24 BravesBoy @ 01/13/16 09:43 PM
No exspansion mode
# 25 Scott @ 01/13/16 09:53 PM
are single A and single A short season teams going to be playable in 16?
Same as The Show 15
# 26 Knight165 @ 01/13/16 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by nordiques1995
The injuries off in franchise mode. What if you just put the slider all the way to 0. Does that work ?

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Am I missing something.....?

You can turn injuries on/off/manual at will in franchise mode.
I'm confused by the question.

# 27 nordiques1995 @ 01/13/16 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Am I missing something.....?

You can turn injuries on/off/manual at will in franchise mode.
I'm confused by the question.

It's a question answered in the twitter stuff. The answer was no.

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# 28 Knight165 @ 01/13/16 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by nordiques1995
It's a question answered in the twitter stuff. The answer was no.

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I got that....I just don't understand why it was asked if you could turn off injuries in franchise mode FINALLY in franchise mode....when you could do it right now.
Those options are always available in franchise mode at any time.

# 29 jvalverde88 @ 01/13/16 10:23 PM
Don't know why people keep asking for a expansion mode considering its only happened once in the past 25 years. Only reason why ASB had it was because of the Expos situation.
# 30 Knight165 @ 01/13/16 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by jvalverde88
Don't know why people keep asking for a expansion mode considering its only happened once in the past 25 years. Only reason why ASB had it was because of the Expos situation.
Because it was awesome as hell.
One of the options in a baseball game that produced a lot of fun.......that and when they added the fact that your team was getting a new stadium.
I couldn't wait until (whatever year it was in game) to get the new Met Stadium!

# 31 Vechi8 @ 01/13/16 10:36 PM
Little bummed with the no ticket and merchandise pricing. That was a cool little addition to the offline chise.
Really interested in upgrades to the Franchise mode.
Also so hope that they can help fix the lack of depth in Right field so we can go 1st to third on base hits.
# 32 zello144 @ 01/13/16 10:36 PM
When are they doing the twitch streams?
# 33 Speedy @ 01/13/16 10:43 PM
I'm calling it.

They'll actually have the team's uniform displayed in the edit player screen (like 2K).
# 34 Scott @ 01/13/16 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Speedy
I'm calling it.

They'll actually have the team's uniform displayed in the edit player screen (like 2K).
That would be amazing...Fingers crossed..
# 35 khue33 @ 01/13/16 10:47 PM
cant change ticket prices or concession prices, and no Griffey is definitely disappointing, but cant wait to hear about upgrades in franchise and the new brands
# 36 Bremser_Rules @ 01/13/16 10:52 PM
A whole lot of nope
# 37 BDKiiing @ 01/13/16 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by jvalverde88
Don't know why people keep asking for a expansion mode considering its only happened once in the past 25 years. Only reason why ASB had it was because of the Expos situation.
Exactly. It's not like we'll be seeing an expansion team any time soon, the mode would be a nice bonus but not necessary.
# 38 Bondsfan @ 01/13/16 11:13 PM
All I want is to be able to import a player into an existing franchise. That way, when SCEA adds their new rookies each week, I can take that player and upload them and replace a generic SCEA created minor league player.

That and maybe all counts being available in quick counts, where 0-0 is still a possibility, and quick counts being influenced by batter/pitcher ratings (I'm not sure if it is or isn't already).

Give me those two things, and its a wrap. Preorder done.
# 39 Russell_SCEA @ 01/13/16 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by misterkrabz
Can't say there's a single question in there that I even care about...what a waste of an interview.
Calling it an interview is a huge stretch I'm just randomly answering random questions nothing more nothing less.
# 40 jvalverde88 @ 01/13/16 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Because it was awesome as hell.
One of the options in a baseball game that produced a lot of fun.......that and when they added the fact that your team was getting a new stadium.
I couldn't wait until (whatever year it was in game) to get the new Met Stadium!

Don't get me wrong I loved that part of ASB, I don't even I think I ever started a franchise with a actual MLB team haha, but I rather have things like more roster options in franchise/more stats/more minor ball parks than that though.

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