MLB The Show 16 News Post

We have captured a bunch of MLB The Show 16 screenshots from the trailer that was released earlier today. While the quality isn't going to be as good coming from a video, these will have to do until we get actual in-game screenshots.

If there are some things you spot from the screenshots, let us know what you're seeing!

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Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 TerryP @ 12/05/15 10:30 PM
It looks like we might be getting the classic stadiums on the PS4 based on one of the screenshots(?).
# 2 TerryP @ 12/05/15 10:37 PM
Also looks like a closed Rogers Centre.
# 3 Knight165 @ 12/05/15 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by TerryP
It looks like we might be getting the classic stadiums on the PS4 based on one of the screenshots(?).

doncropper brought up a good point in the Turn Back the Clock:1965 thread when I mentioned it there...
That could be a PS3 shot mixed into the trailer.

I hope not.

# 4 Spokker @ 12/05/15 10:43 PM
Looking at the roof of the Toronto dugout, it looks to me like the texture is higher quality than 15. I compared as best as I could and what I noticed is that the 15 version's texture looks flat while 16's texture has this little marks in it. It's more... "textury."

The trailer is on YouTube and this is not great for picking out details like this, but I wonder if we're going to see higher quality textures all around.

I can't get the correct angle during replays but here's 15 for comparison.

15 looks like a pasted on image while 16's logo looks more like a material overlaid on the dugout's roof.
# 5 Turbojugend @ 12/05/15 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
doncropper brought up a good point in the Turn Back the Clock:1965 thread when I mentioned it there...
That could be a PS3 shot mixed into the trailer.

I hope not.
Man, there's no way they'd do that to us. No way.
# 6 tnixen @ 12/05/15 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Spokker
Looking at the roof of the Toronto dugout, it looks to me like the texture is higher quality than 15. I compared as best as I could and what I noticed is that the 15 version's texture looks flat while 16's texture has this little marks in it. It's more... "textury."

The trailer is on YouTube and this is not great for picking out details like this, but I wonder if we're going to see higher quality textures all around.

I can't get the correct angle during replays but here's 15 for comparison.

15 looks like a pasted on image while 16's logo looks more like a material overlaid on the dugout's roof.
Great catch that is a very nice upgrade in the graphics department . You can easily see how much better dugout's roof in 16 looks compared to your 15 screenshot!
# 7 tnixen @ 12/05/15 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Clarke99
One thing that is annoying Is the amount of red shirts In toronto we don't all goto the Rogers centre in our Canada shirts eh!
Blue I worn at the Blue jays game
This is something I would think could be fixed before release time if someone at Sony here's about this complaint pretty soon. Hopefully they get the message before it's to late to fix.
# 8 sinizin @ 12/06/15 12:11 AM
They have Bautista flipping Donaldsons shirt which is their real life HR cely. So cool! Hope they have Jose Bautista's flex with Encarnation and Encarnation's 'Ed-Wing' walking the parrot cely! Great touch for immersion!
# 9 tnixen @ 12/06/15 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
doncropper brought up a good point in the Turn Back the Clock:1965 thread when I mentioned it there...
That could be a PS3 shot mixed into the trailer.

I hope not.

It's definitely the PS4 version because the PS3 version does not have Ball Boys on the field and you can clearly see them in the video
# 10 SDwinder @ 12/06/15 04:55 AM
Saw the Polo Grounds, hopefully signifying that Classic Stadiums are back in. Also noticed the new big video screens at Wrigley.
# 11 NBA2Kforlife @ 12/06/15 09:58 AM
I think we can abandon hope that those player models will get the much-needed overhaul, such as new jerseys, pants, correct team colors and/or logo placements. It still looks okay, but in my view pretty outdated. Once I hoped they would take care of that, more or less, in the following versions after PS4 launch, but I guess this area of the game will stay untouched for always and ever.
# 12 bronxbombers21325 @ 12/06/15 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by NBA2Kforlife
I think we can abandon hope that those player models will get the much-needed overhaul, such as new jerseys, pants, correct team colors and/or logo placements. It still looks okay, but in my view pretty outdated. Once I hoped they would take care of that, more or less, in the following versions after PS4 launch, but I guess this area of the game will stay untouched for always and ever.
You're right. I highly doubt they'll do any updates on the game at all between now and release date. SMH
# 13 cnh2os84 @ 12/06/15 11:34 AM
141 pitches and in the 5th inning! Dude's arm is gonna fall off! (Blue Jays pitcher)
# 14 Lisac @ 12/06/15 11:47 AM
[quote=Spokker;2047880195]Looking at the roof of the Toronto dugout, it looks to me like the texture is higher quality than 15. I compared as best as I could and what I noticed is that the 15 version's texture looks flat while 16's texture has this little marks in it. It's more... "textury."

The trailer is on YouTube and this is not great for picking out details like this, but I wonder if we're going to see higher quality textures all around.

I can't get the correct angle during replays but here's 15 for comparison.

15 looks like a pasted on image while 16's logo looks more like a material overlaid on the dugout's roof.[/QUOTE

They finally got the turf pattern right at Roger Centre. Hopefully it's correct at every stadium!
# 15 tnixen @ 12/06/15 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by NBA2Kforlife
I think we can abandon hope that those player models will get the much-needed overhaul, such as new jerseys, pants, correct team colors and/or logo placements. It still looks okay, but in my view pretty outdated. Once I hoped they would take care of that, more or less, in the following versions after PS4 launch, but I guess this area of the game will stay untouched for always and ever.

I was just playing NBA 2K16 this morning and it's a night and day difference between the player models in NBA 2K16 and MLB The Show. If I never saw 2K16's players models I would be more then happy with how MLB The Shows player models look. I mean they are definitely not awful or anything but man once you see 2K16 models it really can make you kind of sad. Now having said that I almost can guarantee you that Sony is well aware how good 2K16 player models look and also realize MLB The Show player models need to be improved big time. Sony is building a master piece year by year and when the time is right we will get brand new next gen player models that rival 2K16! I mean think about it a lot of us have been asking for Open and Closed roofs and yes it took a long time but they are finally going to be in the game.

So I guess what I am saying to myself and everyone else is we just need to be a little patient and eventually your most wanted features will be added at some point.

As the old saying goes Rome was not build in one day
# 16 agentlaw13 @ 12/06/15 03:00 PM
I think improvements can be made to graphics every year but MLBTS15 is a great looking game to me.
I get the graphic comparisons to the other next gen sports games but to me, I don't think it's fair to compare NBA2k and Madden to The Show. I feel the detail to stadiums in a baseball game take up more graphic requirements than the other 2 sports games bc their stadiums aren't quite as detailed or play as big of part in the game as it does in MLBTS (numerous shots/angles of scoreboards, concession areas, and items beyond the outfield walls during plays and replays). Also you got the dirt, grass, day/night skies(which look awesome in replays!), and shadows that are typically in view on almost every play. That's a lot of detail right there and that's before you even get into players hair/faces, uniforms, and equipment.

With all that being said, the biggest leap graphically that I would like to see is in the players faces/hair, player models, and hopefully more uniform slots, which they are gonna need for all the Dbacks new unis [emoji12]

Of course, I'm no computer expert on memory requirements for all these graphics and such but as long as we are seeing improvements graphically from year to year, I think that is fair to us as consumers. Regardless, I'm ready for more info and the live streams. Got that Show '16 itch in full effect now.

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# 17 Syce @ 12/06/15 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
Patient? People have been waiting three years to see better models and accurate jerseys. Only so much time bud but I get what you are saying. Bout time to poop or get off the pot though. This was a full year of dev time basically without many distractions. To see no improvements to unis and models is very very sad. This is a first party game that I assume gets decent budgeting.
i think one issue is that they are still releasing ps3 versions of the game, so right there takes away devs to work on the ps4 version. if they stopped the ps3 game then every dev can all be focused on ps4 and development of things such as updated player models would come quicker.
# 18 Lovesports @ 12/07/15 02:49 AM
I do not see any improvement in graphics. Hope the game looks better once it comes out
# 19 NBA2Kforlife @ 12/07/15 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I was just playing NBA 2K16 this morning and it's a night and day difference between the player models in NBA 2K16 and MLB The Show. If I never saw 2K16's players models I would be more then happy with how MLB The Shows player models look. I mean they are definitely not awful or anything but man once you see 2K16 models it really can make you kind of sad. Now having said that I almost can guarantee you that Sony is well aware how good 2K16 player models look and also realize MLB The Show player models need to be improved big time. Sony is building a master piece year by year and when the time is right we will get brand new next gen player models that rival 2K16! I mean think about it a lot of us have been asking for Open and Closed roofs and yes it took a long time but they are finally going to be in the game.

So I guess what I am saying to myself and everyone else is we just need to be a little patient and eventually your most wanted features will be added at some point.

As the old saying goes Rome was not build in one day
You're optimistic about that. I am not anymore. They keep focussing on improving gameplay – which is always great, necessary and guaranteeing them stable sales figures. But they almost completely keep neglecting the area of artwork. PS4 models are almost 100% identical with PS3 models, only difference is the higher resolution. They could produce a so much better looking game, but that means work. Since the discontinuation of the MLB 2K series, there is no pressure anymore to compete. Which, in the end, is always bad for us consumers.
# 20 thaSLAB @ 12/07/15 05:49 PM
I can state for a fact that competition (or lack thereof), has nothing to do with the direction the game takes from year to year. I mean really, think about that statement, and how much sense it doesn't make. As stated before, anyone is free to make an MLB game, but they've decided against it for whatever reason. That alone shows the passion SCEA has for baseball, to continue producing a game.

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