NBA Live 16 News Post

If you’re an older gamer like myself, then you remember the reason(s) that got you into playing video games in the first place. Sure, there are a handful of auxiliary reasons, but for me it was the insane amount of fun and excitement they provided. As the gaming demographics have changed over the years, so have the expectations from the gaming community.

Now, not only do we ask the games be fun, but also incredibly realistic, both in look and play -- especially in regards to sports games. Fair or not, that’s the world each developer lives in these days, and any misstep (or four) can set your franchise back for years.

Read More - Why I Love to Play NBA Live 16

Game: NBA Live 16Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 4 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Mr Bungle 34 @ 11/24/15 02:47 PM
They should have done what 2k5 did and only charged $20. Maybe someday they will compete with 2k, but they have a ways to go.
# 2 adriancat1963 @ 11/24/15 02:48 PM
Im with you 100%!!
# 3 Nemesis Enforcer @ 11/24/15 02:56 PM
Agree on the fun and love the free flowing nature, atmosphere and control that live does so well.

Played 2k free over the weekend on Xbox and it just solidified why I like live so much and hope they continue to improve it.
# 4 The 24th Letter @ 11/24/15 02:58 PM
Good read Chris.

These games are supposed to be fun, and if you're having fun (we all have our different standards) that's all that matters.
# 5 ballin2k0 @ 11/24/15 03:01 PM
im honestly considerring buying live 16 just for the online play,i cant take losing the ball constantly on myteam in 2k16 online players constantly get in front of you so the ball gets knocked out of your hands its too much to even have any type of fun,its hard to even play in the paint the ball will be knocked out of your hands 99% of the time if you try to maneuver in the paint in 2k16,i wonder did they even try the game before releasing it if they had of played it 2 or 3 times they would have realized its unplayable online this way.
# 6 NoTiCe_O @ 11/24/15 03:11 PM
I am Honestly addicted to NBA Lives Pro AM mode. I find it extremely fun and satisfying. I can only imagine how much better this game will get over the years. While the head to head hasn't been as enjoyable as I like I've had moments where I've said "Wow, this game could be GREAT going forward". I find it fun and realistic besides some wonky animations here and there, but honestly the Pro Am mode is just pure Fun and Basketball.

Good read.
# 7 ballin2k0 @ 11/24/15 03:22 PM
also i really think 2k has put me on a cheaters server for no reason other than i play the game alot well i did play it alot,i say this because all i play are the best cheesers there is every game i play feels the same the opponents have the same players almost every game and cheese 3 with melo and others
# 8 Ownal0t @ 11/24/15 04:01 PM
online in ultimate team is fun. (more so if BOTH players attempt to play basketball and not HULK SMASH) online is regular H2H isnt. since there no Fatigue and subs. and cavs users would just run BRon whole game
# 9 mcmax3000 @ 11/24/15 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Bungle 34
They should have done what 2k5 did and only charged $20. Maybe someday they will compete with 2k, but they have a ways to go.
It's my understanding that after 2K did that, a lot of the sports leagues wrote into their contracts that their games had to be full price, because they don't want them to be seen as budget products.
# 10 Eyeman79 @ 11/24/15 04:41 PM
Thank you! You are spot on. This trend towards ultra realism adds nothing to the enjoyment of a game for me, it's all about game play. I saw an update awhile back that involved socks...seriously socks!, This somehow adds to your appreciation of a a game. Sorry I don't get it.
# 11 tril @ 11/24/15 04:55 PM
fun equals ease of use.
2k has an arcade mode, dont know if they have a simple control config to go with that mode. if not they should add it.
2k could be in danger of eventually losing newer users and older gamers because of its complexity.
# 12 RoyalBoyle78 @ 11/24/15 05:02 PM
Agreed, I love Live too. Its just plays FUN and that what matters.
# 13 RoyalBoyle78 @ 11/24/15 05:06 PM
Agreed, LIVE is fun and that's what matters to be and why I Love LiVE, also, LIVE stats are pretty spot on too.
# 14 SonicBoom2040 @ 11/24/15 05:28 PM
I think...and I've said this since 2010...if u were to blend both games together I think we would have an awesome game! Apart, one lacks what the other has and yet it only makes sense that combining the 2 would yield maybe the perfect bball game
# 15 SonicBoom2040 @ 11/24/15 05:30 PM
Meant to say since 2000...I've played them all since forever
# 16 metallicarl @ 11/24/15 05:37 PM
I agree as an older gamer that grew up on tecmo bowl and the games you list. While realism generates so many complaints from gamers because of likeness/equipment/ ratings, sometimes its just fun to play a game just for the enjoyment
# 17 DetroitStyle @ 11/24/15 06:51 PM
Not a very good article in my opinion. I understand what Robert is trying to say but he never says it. It's just a short rambling on nostalgia and the games of yore.

The author never explained what exactly makes Live "simplistic" or any game for that matter. Is it a straightforward association mode? Is it a lack of convoluted controls that we see in 2K? Does it load faster and throw you right into a game as opposed to the competition?

If you want simple look at The Show and NHL series. They offer simplistic, sometimes one button controls such as NHL 95 controls for the NHL series and in the show they offer simplistic modes such as Season mode as opposed to the more dynamic franchise mode.

While I don't agree or disagree with what the article is about it lacks the substance as to why Live is the better pick up and play option. You can't have "half court jesus" (the ill fated Live a few years ago) and say "well, tis' but a simple game". This in reference to Live's mentioned shortcomings of "NBA Live’s failures in the paint, lack of proper animations, and missing player likenesses ". You need to be careful how you approach this because lack of features and bugs aren't the same as stream lined modes and control making a game a fun pick up and go option.

Just my two cents.
# 18 pslieber @ 11/24/15 07:38 PM
Love your post...and agree completely. As a gamer pushing 40, the fun factor is very important to me. Likewise using tried and true actual sports tactics in a video game setting. Seeing someone space the floor in an online game brings a smile to my face.

It's not about simplicity...more about gameplay flexibility. I think that's what DetroitStyle was asking.

I adore Pro Evolution Soccer after years of FIFA as I never know where the ball is going to go based on physics. You can go an entire game without using a single skill move, and still have an awesome time.

I'd give anything for a community of casual, older gamers who share the same wants/needs. I'm so sad going online these days.
# 19 KingPeteNasty @ 11/24/15 07:44 PM
Great post I totally agree. I feel bad for the people in the comment section that don't get where your coming from but I do. You don't have to justify the specific reasons you love the game and think its fun, you answered that question with the article. In other words a feeling like "Enjoyment" doesn't need to be justified with an explanation. Can't wait to get home and check out the update and see the emprovements!!
# 20 charlesadams3rd @ 11/24/15 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by DetroitStyle
Not a very good article in my opinion. I understand what Robert is trying to say but he never says it. It's just a short rambling on nostalgia and the games of yore.

The author never explained what exactly makes Live "simplistic" or any game for that matter. Is it a straightforward association mode? Is it a lack of convoluted controls that we see in 2K? Does it load faster and throw you right into a game as opposed to the competition?

If you want simple look at The Show and NHL series. They offer simplistic, sometimes one button controls such as NHL 95 controls for the NHL series and in the show they offer simplistic modes such as Season mode as opposed to the more dynamic franchise mode.

While I don't agree or disagree with what the article is about it lacks the substance as to why Live is the better pick up and play option. You can't have "half court jesus" (the ill fated Live a few years ago) and say "well, tis' but a simple game". This in reference to Live's mentioned shortcomings of "NBA Live’s failures in the paint, lack of proper animations, and missing player likenesses ". You need to be careful how you approach this because lack of features and bugs aren't the same as stream lined modes and control making a game a fun pick up and go option.

Just my two cents.

I think for many of us he made perfect sense. Many people here have expressed that same simplicity factor. It's ok if you disagree but I don't think it's quite as complex as your response called for, hence the use of the word "simplistic". The game is just fun for some.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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