EA Sports UFC 2 News Post

EA Sports has just announced EA Sports UFC 2 on their official Twitter feed. They have scheduled more details to be revealed tomorrow.

The original EA Sports UFC released on June 17, 2014, read our review here. Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson felt like the game would be released every other year, before the original game release date was even announced.

What are you hoping to see or hear about?

Game: EA Sports UFC 2Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 GameplayDevUFC @ 11/10/15 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I dont have a problem with them doing this but the gamechangers program has a different goal (at least when it comes to UFC). The goal is to actually improve the game and get a hardcore perspective of the game. I cant go into much detail now but that first trip gave me a MUCH better understanding about how games are made, how many people work on a a game and how difficult it can be to make a game. They need people who played the first game and other MMA games to come in and give them input on whether a change or mode they added is good or bad.

The reviewers idea is tricky because 1) You dont want to be seen as trying to influence reviews and 2) The controls in UFC 1 were actually difficult to understand. If IGN, Gamespot and OS gave UFC 2 a high score and people found out that EA invited those reviewers to Vancouver and gave them an all expenses paid trip to the studio....some people would consider those reviews suspect. The way to get better reviews is to make a better game and have features that make it easier for people to pick up and play the game.

I'll be honest when I first joined up, I wasnt sure what the other guys would bring to the table and was concerned that many of their suggestions would only focus on online and would negatively affect the offline portion of the game. I was completely wrong. These guys know their stuff and I've learned a ton since October. I believe having this diverse group will help the game immensely. We've already provided some input since the first event and I'm excited to see what changes were made when we see the game again.
I couldn't agree more. The group that was chosen has been outstanding.

We have a private Skype chat going, and I have it open all the time.

At a moments notice I have access to expert players with diverse backgrounds to bounce ideas off of and do a sanity check on the way things are been put together.

It's really been an amazingly useful tool for me, and I think they're all getting something out of it as well.

I think the results will show in the final product.
# 22 Steve_OS @ 11/10/15 01:19 PM
Some details and a trailer have arrived, use this thread now.


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