MLB 15 The Show News Post

For many baseball fans, the end of the World Series simply signals the beginning of the offseason, a period arguably as exciting and tumultuous as the regular season. It's also when we start getting our first glimpse of what the next iteration of MLB: The Show may bring us come next spring.

Before we jump ahead to next season, however, let's take a quick look back at MLB 15: The Show.

Read More - MLB 15 The Show: A Look Back At What Worked and What Didn't

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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# 21 Knight165 @ 11/03/15 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
What(who) you lookin' at Willis?
(you can't come in here giving us the look when we are already fiends for any new info!!!)

# 22 mkilcNYR @ 11/03/15 10:12 PM
I don't mind the training system. If anything I never got the need to burn off valuable gameplay time doing drills with my player to gain XP. I trust that they are really working in the bullpen without me having to be in a pen screen throwing with Corey Kluber. In most other series I just automate that anyway. The franchise mode is really great as is right now. Exceptions to this would be the commentary and the fact that my minor league players still don't jump fast enough in skills but if they go on cold streaks they instantly drop points in a category (had a minor league player hit .348 at AA with 34 HR and 127 RBI in the Southern League. His power and contact numbers went up +5 but only after 5 months in the minors. Had another guy go on a cold streak and within 2 weeks he was -1 across the board on contact and power and -2 to vision)
# 23 TattooedEvil @ 11/04/15 04:31 AM
The top 3 things id love to see... #1 - Relocation and Create-a-Stadium - At the very least give us Montreal as an option. I dont want 50 options that are trash like Madden. Make it realistic. If this means only Montreal for 2016 then so be it...can always add later on in 2017 and beyond. #2 - Bring back financials - Not everyone can take it, so make it a enable/disable type of thing. #3 - More emphasis on minors - I wanna know who the Top 100 prospects are plain and simple. We all know who they are when custom rosters are made but what about after?
# 24 sydrogerdavid @ 11/04/15 09:15 AM
I agree on the animations. I would love to see the pitchers stop taking off their hats after, nearly, every pitch.

Also, I really hope they finally fix the helmet ear flap for left handed hitting baserunners. I can't stand it when I see Jason Heyward or Jon Jay running around with earflaps over their left ears. It's so annoying to me.

Fielding still needs to be tuned. I'm fine with the concept, but there is something wrong when I have Heyward get 15+ errors during the season and then have it happen in the World Series, costing me a game. Animations need to kick in at more appropriate times.
# 25 BravesBoy @ 11/04/15 09:39 AM
Been asking for it for years. Expansion mode (offline franchise please but maybe can still play with team online) would just blow this game up. Create team, jersey, location, stadium and expansion draft. Even if the team logos and stadiums are pre-created by SCEA I would be fine to start out with. All-Star did it that same way and I was very deep into that mode and played it all year round.
# 26 dalger21 @ 11/04/15 09:42 AM
more stats and stat overlays. Pretty much what I would want added.
# 27 Lisac @ 11/04/15 10:07 AM
I know the team said it takes alot of room for create a stadium or add retrackable roofs and I understand this, but than at least get rid of the 12 or so minor league Stadiums and make Major league Stadiums so we can at least use diff stadiums as our home Stadiums if we wanted.
# 28 Bullit @ 11/04/15 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Lisac
I know the team said it takes alot of room for create a stadium or add retrackable roofs and I understand this, but than at least get rid of the 12 or so minor league Stadiums and make Major league Stadiums so we can at least use diff stadiums as our home Stadiums if we wanted.
Completely disagree with this. As someone who plays franchise mode and RTTS exclusively, yes I play my minor league games as well, I would stop buying if the minor leagues were pulled out. I love the minor league stadiums and for me they add immensely to the game. If anything I would like to see more minor league stadiums. Bring the count up to 30 so each team can have their own park to play in.
# 29 Bullit @ 11/04/15 10:58 AM
One thing I would like though.

I know I am in the minority here with this. But I would like the 1st person mode in RTTS carried over to Franchise mode as an option. That way we could feel more immersed that we were playing a game of baseball instead of watching it on tv, if that makes sense.

The commentary, this year especially for some reason, is just really getting to me. Even my wife, who loves baseball and watches me play like she is watching real baseball on TV, commented the other day "Oh my God do these guys ever just shut up! The play ended like 3 pitches ago and they just ramble on and on"
# 30 burjeffton @ 11/04/15 11:39 AM
Good points, here. I'd like to see greater progress made on RTTS - Specifically, the injection of fun and depth. The spreadsheet analogy is a good one. Would love to see the game embrace more of an NBA2K "My Player" type of customization.

I'd like to see a video editor that can utilize the preset cameras in the park. It would make it easier to cut together highlight reels and share gameplay in a polished, stylized way.

Commentary is the game's weakest link, at this point. It's a couple years overdue and it really holds back the immersion. Coupled with new camera angles and presentation, and the game would feel fresh in a new way.
# 31 hf199 @ 11/04/15 01:09 PM
One of the most exciting things about baseball is the pitcher and batter faceoff. This is where most of the action lies. I would love to see more umpire personalities (real ones) and uniform differences; blazers (spring/fall) pullovers, stances behind the catcher, etc. The catchers need more personalities also behind the plate, like the crouches (Perez) and umpires in left and right field for playoffs. Old time stadiums with old time teams and players. Better slow motion replays and enhanced during playoffs. FOX, FS1 and TBS presentations. Ejections which rarely happens even when it's turned on. Doubleheaders!
# 32 N51_rob @ 11/04/15 02:20 PM
No mention of the absolutely asinine change to post-season pitcher stamina? That was the single biggest reason I stopped playing the game. Grinding to make the play-offs only to have your starters go shorter and shorter the longer the play-offs went. I joked on twitter, that Matt Harvey's steller game 5 would've never happened in the show because after about 50 pitches he woudl've been dead on a user controlled team.

The fact that this wasn't a bug but a design decision is arguably one of the worst SCEA has made in a very long time.
# 33 dalger21 @ 11/04/15 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
No mention of the absolutely asinine change to post-season pitcher stamina? That was the single biggest reason I stopped playing the game. Grinding to make the play-offs only to have your starters go shorter and shorter the longer the play-offs went. I joked on twitter, that Matt Harvey's steller game 5 would've never happened in the show because after about 50 pitches he woudl've been dead on a user controlled team.

The fact that this wasn't a bug but a design decision is arguably one of the worst SCEA has made in a very long time.
Wait. This really happens in the playoffs? That's...crazy. Seems like that should be something that happens in spring training, not the playoffs.
# 34 dubcity @ 11/04/15 03:23 PM
The game needs more teams. Classic teams, national teams, foreign leagues, etc.
# 35 Bobhead @ 11/04/15 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
No mention of the absolutely asinine change to post-season pitcher stamina? That was the single biggest reason I stopped playing the game. Grinding to make the play-offs only to have your starters go shorter and shorter the longer the play-offs went. I joked on twitter, that Matt Harvey's steller game 5 would've never happened in the show because after about 50 pitches he woudl've been dead on a user controlled team.

The fact that this wasn't a bug but a design decision is arguably one of the worst SCEA has made in a very long time.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

I wouldn't say it's the worst decision SCEA has made, but it was agreeably a very poor and irrational one.
# 36 2ndBase @ 11/04/15 09:20 PM
I felt 15 brought the fun factor that 14 lacked. Can't put my finger on it. Agreed on the playoff stamina issue. Killed some potential big game pitcher moments.

Needed for 16:

1. New player models
2. Sounds of the Show. The in between out music needs to be done through SOTS, it's too repetitive otherwise.
# 37 ajw514 @ 11/05/15 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by RoyceDa59
Would love to see to presentation improve but I would love to see better player models as they seem kind of limited now. Also animations could be cleaned up especially with the batters and many inconsistent animations at the plate when they are checking their swings. It looks very unnatural and jarring at times and it is a shame that Pro Yakyuu Spirits does a better job at nailing this.
I agree. We are now in the next generation era. They should take a page from Uncharted 4. The humans are almost life like in that game. Please no more robot eyes. This is next gen at its worst. Also, fix some of the emblems on the helmets. Either they are to small or way to big. 4 years ago the interlocking NY on the Yankee helmet was perfect. Then suddenly it grew from steroids. What happened?

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# 38 bhazlewood @ 11/07/15 02:31 AM
I haven't played the game for as many years as some (most?) of you. Mostly, I play RTTS, so there's a few things there:

1) Would like an opportunity for endorsements and interactions with other players (a la NBA2K)
2) Getting signs from the coaches (bunt / hit & run / etc) - a fundamental part of baseball.
3) Nit pick, I know, but the animation when there's a pickoff play at 2B - the runner ALWAYS takes his hand off the bag before touching it with his foot, which an alert infielder would tag for an out.
4) Agree with others, commentary gets old fast. "One thing he can't do, is walk him and load the bases..."
5) One step lead off from 1B = Picked off every time. Seriously? Maybe I'm just not fast enough on the stick LOL
# 39 KBLover @ 11/07/15 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
2. Scouting - Obviously it had a bug (well documented) and that needs to be seriously looked at to enhance the draft and make scouting a rewarding part of the game.
IMO, scouting needs to be vastly reworked or just dropped.

The fact that "discovery" is just creating new players on the fly instead of actually discovering unknown talent or going to different regions to try to find talent is a turn off for me.

I couldn't tell any difference to the pitching/hitting abilities of scouts. What did these actually do? Doesn't seem to impact the accuracy of the report.

Also, when I learned that "discovered" players are available to all teams...why? How does the rest of the league know about a talent I found unless they scouted him, too? Even then, why are we all finding the same guy at the same time (i.e. when I do)?

Scouts should also impact while players are on your team, especially for younger more unknown quantities. I mean, we all know what Mike Trout can do - but what about this hot young kid that's fast and seems to have pop in the bat? Is he really that good? Are they over(or under)shooting on him?

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
I actually disagree with the article talking about XP progression. Oh god no. Please do not do that. Instead focus on a smart intuitive stat's based algorithm system based on:

1. Potential
2. Performance
3. Age
4. Injury

So much this. Though I'd like to add coaches in there somewhere as well. Another aspect of the game where I'm not sure how much it matters. Does 3 points of speed or contact or whatever even make a difference? Now if it was a +3/-3 modifier to development, then I'd probably care much more.
# 40 DJ @ 11/07/15 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
I'm tired of these reviews that leave out GLARING issues. The game is good, but FAR from great and, in my opinion, not even close to the best of the series. In fact, this was the first iteration that I failed to get through 100 games, let alone a full season. Some of us play solely on manual fielding and the fielding animations and downright ludicrous errors made the game virtually unplayable in my eyes.
Yeah, I easily have played fewer games of 15 than any other MLB The Show game released in the last 5 years. I thought the hitting was unbalanced this year and frustrating (very similar to 13). Seems like they tinker every year with hitting timing and I enjoy it every other year.

Manual fielding produced so many unnessecary headaches. Getting locked into animations that cause you to miss the ball forced me to go back to Auto fielding.

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