WWE 2K16 News Post

The WWE 2K16 development team continue to reveal nuggets about their game. Today they show off a quick clip featuring Paige vs. Naomi. Post your thoughts!

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Game: WWE 2K16Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 3 - View All
WWE 2K16 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Dazraz @ 10/16/15 06:18 PM
I'm not a Wrestling fan but I'm always looking for a new gaming experience. I was on the fence in buying this game but this video just screams 'DON'T BUY'. Everything looks & sounds so last gen. I know this game incorporates a lot of modes with plenty of depth that I would love to see in a boxing game but as stated, I'm no Wrestling fan & therefore all that depth is swallowed up by all the games negative elements.
# 2 and1product @ 10/16/15 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Dazraz
I'm not a Wrestling fan but I'm always looking for a new gaming experience. I was on the fence in buying this game but this video just screams 'DON'T BUY'. Everything looks & sounds so last gen. I know this game incorporates a lot of modes with plenty of depth that I would love to see in a boxing game but as stated, I'm no Wrestling fan & therefore all that depth is swallowed up by all the games negative elements.

Its kinda odd and weird for someone to appreciate a wrestling game when they are not a wrestling fan to begin with. And from the past two iterations of this game, a lot has improved. I don't know how much wwe wrestling games you have played in the past but this game has almost everything its fan base wants aside from 4 missing important women wrestler.

That's like me going into the rugby game forum saying I'm not a fan of the sport and giving the game a boring review because no matter what people say I just don't like rugby.
# 3 PVarck31 @ 10/16/15 09:17 PM
I think the gameplay this year looks way better than the past couple years. Looks more like a wrestling match and less like a fighting game. Graphics look great, I don't see how anyone can say it looks like last gen. And as far as the sound, it could be better, but by no means does it scream last gen.

However, calling a spade a spade in the commentary department. Its trash. And unfortunately you have to get over that fact if you want to enjoy the game. And personally I've been over it for years so it no longer factors into my enjoyment of the game.
# 4 SmashMan @ 10/16/15 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
However, calling a spade a spade in the commentary department. Its trash. And unfortunately you have to get over that fact if you want to enjoy the game. And personally I've been over it for years so it no longer factors into my enjoyment of the game.
Lawler's Texas Cloverleaf call around 5:30 sounds very natural. Everything else is terrible though. Shocked that there has been no progress at all when it comes to commentary under 2K.

I'm also not sure what the "looks & sounds so last-gen" actually means.
# 5 redsox4evur @ 10/16/15 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by SmashMan
Lawler's Texas Cloverleaf call around 5:30 sounds very natural. Everything else is terrible though. Shocked that there has been no progress at all when it comes to commentary under 2K.

I'm also not sure what the "looks & sounds so last-gen" actually means.
It means that the game doesn't look or sound good compared to other games on the 4 and X1.
# 6 Cowboy008 @ 10/16/15 10:51 PM
The gameplay looks good. I like the wrestler voices this year because it adds to the experience. On the other hand commentary is still as bad as before. I might just turn the commentary off after a little while.
# 7 SmashMan @ 10/17/15 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
It means that the game doesn't look or sound good compared to other games on the 4 and X1.
Which is an incredibly vague thing to say. Sounds? Sure. It's by far the worst of any game in the sports genre. Looks? The wrestlers look as realistic as any other. Well, the scanned ones do.
# 8 Kmac27. @ 10/17/15 08:33 AM
I have already seen this originally on 2k Dev YouTube the game looks amazing commentary needs work but I can't wait
# 9 Reed1417 @ 10/19/15 08:30 PM
Gameplay looks really good. Just one more week fellas. I'm excited!

Reed is comin' atcha!!

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