Maybe I'm missing something, but wasn't Vader's most common finish in WWE the corner Vader Bomb?
The moonsault I get, that was Vader's "murder move" in WWE so to speak (in the same way that the Phoenix Splash is Seth Rollins' "murder move" and the top-rope Attitude Adjustment is John Cena's "murder move"). But I can't recall a single match in WWE that 1996 Vader won with a Jackknife powerbomb.
I 100% agree with the 2 posts above. Especially the stink face. It looks very girly actually - kinda like they took Kelly Kelly's stink face and gave it to Rikishi. But it didn't even look like hers either. If Rikishi ever did the stink face like that, the guy receiving it wouldn't have to worry about his giant butt in his face... he'd have to worry about the fire that would start from Rikishi's legs rubbing together like that.
Vader never went to the top rope from the outside. He went to the top from the inside to balance himself before attempting the moonsault. That's what I remember from his WCW days.