01:38 PM - September 22, 2015 by MoneyOvaHuds
NBA 2K16 News Post
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# 3
LeBronistheKing @ 09/22/15 01:44 PM
If they did Kareem that much Justice than they have to do the same for Michael Jordan. They even have two different Showtime Lakers hairstyles for Kareem balding and bald. Would be nice to see the same thing applied to all classic teams.
Not that i care but no nba logo on the jersey
I honestly might not even use classic teams again
I honestly might not even use classic teams again
# 6
The 24th Letter @ 09/22/15 01:47 PM
Are you saying there should be?
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Notwithstanding the face the Bucks version is making, it's looking good.
Edit: Eko's got it, ha.
Now that's a match-up I can did....KAJ...vs. ADavis! See If he can block the Hook shot
Thought this was funny. For Airplane fans:
The most important thing is that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's face is looking on point; something worthy of next-gen status. So I'm not trying to take away from that, but something seemed off about that yellow uni.
Again though, just glad to see a new guy get the proper treatment. One step at a time.
Again though, just glad to see a new guy get the proper treatment. One step at a time.
I dont give a crap if it should be or not because i know i won't be gawking for his shoulder patches or anyone elses when im playing
At some point you get tired of some of the stuff and move along. Im sure my man Reuben Douglas is more content now that he stopped trying to get the artists attention about colors since 2k whatever long long ago. I mean some stuff just got touched that he was pointing out back in 2003
# 18
The 24th Letter @ 09/22/15 02:01 PM
Gotcha, I'm sure it'll incite another riot here soon...
FWIW, I think 87 Lakers have their patches in '15...not sure if it's just a quick stock photo or what...
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