Very impressive. Really looking forward to this game. This will be the first WWE game I have bought in years.
Yea I'm already getting the game for the same reason. I haven't bought one since 2010/11. When I bought SVR 2011. So I just want a more updated roster than the one I have in that.
So I see confirmation of a DX version of Triple H. From Wrestlemania 14 from the looks of the attire. Makes the decision to not include Road Dogg even more mind boggling. I certainly hope he's gonna be DLC at least.
Looks great, has my favorite rock vs stone cold matches!!!!!! Still a bit confused myself seeing triple h in that dx attire and not having road dogg, I'll definitely flip if Billy gunn has a alternate dx attire. Still can't wait to play I also hope that wwe 2k takes a page out of NBAs book one year and try to incorporate some type of roster/gimmick update since wrestling always changes so much it would be a nice touch in my opinion.
So I see there is a corporate Rock, but will there be a Nation Rock as well?
There really should be. If you're telling the story of Stone Cold Steve Austin's career then you can't do it without his feud with the Nation of Domination and The Rock. There's no Owen Hart in the game so unless they plan on completely skipping the portion of Stone Cold's career as Intercontinental champion Nation Rock has to be included since those are his only two Intercontinental title feuds and were VERY instrumental in getting Austin over to the level that he got. The rest of the NOD is in, so I feel pretty good about the chances of a true Nation Rock. Worst comes to worst, we know that somebody will make a Nation accurate Rock with the superstar edit tools available and the fact that we don't have to use current Rock as a base now.
So doing some thinking here and there may be some clues to parts of the game in this trailer. Specifically the scene of Triple H and Shawn Michaels. If 2K is being accurate with their attires for certain matches or whatever in the Stone Cold Showcase then that brings up an interesting situation with Shawn Michaels. Spoilered for Tapatalk folks.
The attire that Shawn is wearing in that shot with Hunter is an attire that he's only worn on WWE tv three times that I can remember. The first being his WWF title match against Sycho Sid at the '97 Royal Rumble in San Antonio (hence the Texas theme to them), the second time would be in a match on Raw later on in '97 and the last time I recall them being worn is during his return to wrestling back in 2003 at Badd Blood in a match against Ric Flair.
So what's the interesting situation? Well, that second time that Shawn wore that attire was the Raw that Shawn and Stone Cold Steve Austin teamed up to win the WWF Tag Team titles from the British Bulldog and Owen Hart. So in my mind that sets up a few interesting possibilities.
The two most likely possibilities (since we know Stone Cold and Shawn's Tag Team Title reign is covered in the game based on the leaked commentary recording of JR and the King) is that they just make the match in question come down to Shawn and Austin vs Bulldog and one of the other Hart Foundation members in the game (Bret, Anvil or Pillman). Or they just went THQ and completely botched Shawn's Wrestlemania 14 attire and didn't bothered giving him accurate attire for that since Triple H did come down to ringside in those tights and the DX shirt for that match.
Possibility with a lot of potential would be that Sycho Sid will be DLC possibly as a Shawn Michaels showcase which would explain that DX Triple H attire (since the first time he wore that was Wrestlemania 14 and he never wore it in a match against Austin).
Longshot possibility would be Owen Hart actually making it into this game either as a hidden/unannounced character or DLC (since the Owen Hart DVD is dropping in December, that could line up for that). Owen Hart actually being in could also explain that Triple H attire since Hunter fought Owen at Wrestlemania 14.
Either way it shakes out, I'm curious to see how it goes.
Havn't bought a WWE game in years and I havn't seriously followed the organization in even longer. The more I see of this game though the funner it looks, as a casual fan i'm definitely considering it as a day one purchase. Hopefully they release some convincing career mode info and i'll be fully sold.
There really should be. If you're telling the story of Stone Cold Steve Austin's career then you can't do it without his feud with the Nation of Domination and The Rock. There's no Owen Hart in the game so unless they plan on completely skipping the portion of Stone Cold's career as Intercontinental champion Nation Rock has to be included since those are his only two Intercontinental title feuds and were VERY instrumental in getting Austin over to the level that he got. The rest of the NOD is in, so I feel pretty good about the chances of a true Nation Rock. Worst comes to worst, we know that somebody will make a Nation accurate Rock with the superstar edit tools available and the fact that we don't have to use current Rock as a base now.
Yeah bro, Nation Rock is my second favorite heel of his and of course Hollywood Rock is my all time fav. Would love to see those versions in the game.