FIFA 16 News Post

Some folks are concerned that the speed of the gameplay in the retail version of FIFA 16 is faster -- or will be faster -- than that of the FIFA 16 demo. So what we did is put the games side by side in the same environment.

We have Chelsea vs. Manchester City at night on Professional difficulty. The audio for the left video is in the left ear, the audio for the right video is in the right ear.

So, do you see any differences?

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Game: FIFA 16Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
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FIFA 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Resurrection403 @ 09/17/15 06:15 PM
Woot! Man City vs Chelsea

nice vid and I think it goes to show the games the same just a better frame rate.

Great work
# 2 SpritePuck @ 09/17/15 06:17 PM
Top class vid Chase! Totally awesome and yep they are the same speed.
# 3 cadalyst17 @ 09/17/15 06:35 PM
Typical. Power of suggestion (rolling eyes)
# 4 PAPERNUT @ 09/17/15 06:49 PM
First two minutes and you see so much good from the CPU. Hold up play, backpassing, switch of play, and a foul. If a CF got that pass in 15 in their own zone, they would have immediately went to goal every single time. EA's programmers deserves credit on this one as they finally implemented the basics that have been missing for the most part. I love the direction this is going now and they need to hear about it if we want it to continue. I cannot wait till Tuesday and if tactics end up even half working.....

Thanks Chase.
# 5 takki @ 09/17/15 07:08 PM
The problem is, this is H2H gameplay. They wouldn't change that gameplay. The H2H game is always pretty great every year.

What the community is worried about is Ultimate Team. That's the gameplay that EA loves to drastically change with each build of the game prior to release.

Furthermore, you posted pre-release gameplay. EA loves to release day one patches to drastically change FUT gameplay. They did it with Fifa 14. The gameplay you posed in the video (which seems to be pretty much the same as the demo build) could be drastically different on the 22nd.
# 6 ChaseB @ 09/17/15 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by takki
The problem is, this is H2H gameplay. They wouldn't change that gameplay. The H2H game is always pretty great every year.

What the community is worried about is Ultimate Team. That's the gameplay that EA loves to drastically change with each build of the game prior to release.

Furthermore, you posted pre-release gameplay. EA loves to release day one patches to drastically change FUT gameplay. They did it with Fifa 14. The gameplay you posed in the video (which seems to be pretty much the same as the demo build) could be drastically different on the 22nd.
Just to play devil's advocate here, usually the "day one" patch that comes with games is usually out before the game is released. I'm not sure if one is out yet or not with FIFA but would just like to point that out (nothing notified me via EA Access but it didn't with NHL either and that patch was out before the game released). But obviously I can't compare online head to head FUT from the demo to the full game so yeah.
# 7 SpritePuck @ 09/17/15 07:20 PM
On PS4 the update "day one patch" downloaded for me today. Of course we do not have EA Access. So, I have no clue what the update included.
# 8 Peninc @ 09/17/15 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by papernut
First two minutes and you see so much good from the CPU. Hold up play, backpassing, switch of play, and a foul. If a CF got that pass in 15 in their own zone, they would have immediately went to goal every single time. EA's programmers deserves credit on this one as they finally implemented the basics that have been missing for the most part. I love the direction this is going now and they need to hear about it if we want it to continue. I cannot wait till Tuesday and if tactics end up even half working.....

Thanks Chase.
This is easily the best FIFA ever made. The fact that the AI actually plays a game of football now and not a mad rush of unrealistic CPU zig zagging to get beyond your players and score. The demo is incredibly fun to play and I have not scored the same goal twice. It's the first FIFA ever that actually does not reward over the top through balls and ridiculous numbers of skill moves (against the AI). It has the organic feeling that is known and loved. Can't wait to play when it's released.
# 9 kaletore11 @ 09/17/15 07:36 PM
This looks really good. Yes, the AI offense is much better and they actually have build up play, but I'm the most impressed by the AI defense. You have to think before you pass or run, you have to plan every move in advance and play smart possession football. That was NEVER the case in previous fifas, I LOVE it.
# 10 Garrett67 @ 09/17/15 08:46 PM
I must be in the minority but the first thing I had to do was turn down player speed and acceleration to 40 , and this was on slow speed. (although 40 might be a tad too slow)

Those little legs are just moving way too fast.
# 11 AS Roma 1927 @ 09/18/15 04:15 AM
Hello boys. I'm sorry for my English. I'm Italian.
i saw this video and i think that this year Fifa 16 is the best game of football.
# 12 ChaseB @ 09/18/15 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by AS Roma 1927
Hello boys. I'm sorry for my English. I'm Italian.
i saw this video and i think that this year Fifa 16 is the best game of football.
Thanks for stopping by, your English isn't bad at all.
# 13 AS Roma 1927 @ 09/18/15 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Thanks for stopping by, your English isn't bad at all.
thansk what do you think of Fifa 16 retail version ?

for me there are some difference between fifa 15 and fifa 16. The players are more slow, and the rhythm of the game is more rational.
# 14 speedtrucker @ 09/18/15 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by takki
The problem is, this is H2H gameplay. They wouldn't change that gameplay. The H2H game is always pretty great every year.

What the community is worried about is Ultimate Team. That's the gameplay that EA loves to drastically change with each build of the game prior to release.

Furthermore, you posted pre-release gameplay. EA loves to release day one patches to drastically change FUT gameplay. They did it with Fifa 14. The gameplay you posed in the video (which seems to be pretty much the same as the demo build) could be drastically different on the 22nd.
are missing the point of the comparison...

there has been a contingent of people on here that have been crying foul that the demo felt "right" and that the retail version was sped up and completely changed.

this comparison is to directly address those "concerns". as we see in the video, it was 100% placebo effect.
# 15 Peji911 @ 09/18/15 10:52 AM
Have they changed the AI shooting?

ie: Do they now shoot from outside the box or still try to walk it in?
# 16 nicecool @ 09/18/15 11:10 AM
A game of football is not the contrast (and thus fouls whistled) is not a game of football.
# 17 bwright25 @ 09/18/15 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by kaletore11
This looks really good. Yes, the AI offense is much better and they actually have build up play, but I'm the most impressed by the AI defense. You have to think before you pass or run, you have to plan every move in advance and play smart possession football. That was NEVER the case in previous fifas, I LOVE it.
Are you playing against cpu or online? Personally the game is basically the same as 15. At least h2h FUTis. Lob thrus are still way too powerful. Game is way too fast. Holding down sprint the entire game is still acceptable and players do not tire at realistic rates. Whats worse is they added a aggressive tackle option in assignments. EVERY player is a tackle monster on defense combine with flying all over the place= people lob thru the entire game
# 18 bwright25 @ 09/18/15 11:16 AM
Basically FIFA has hit a wall and the game has flat lined. Coming from a die hard
# 19 Peji911 @ 09/18/15 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by bwright25
Are you playing against cpu or online? Personally the game is basically the same as 15. At least h2h FUTis. Lob thrus are still way too powerful. Game is way too fast. Holding down sprint the entire game is still acceptable and players do not tire at realistic rates. Whats worse is they added a aggressive tackle option in assignments. EVERY player is a tackle monster on defense combine with flying all over the place= people lob thru the entire game
Dammit, why did I order this?!
# 20 bwright25 @ 09/18/15 01:39 PM
For reference. I only play UT h2h seasons and tourneys. I never play against CPU. And I also would like to add I probably play guys with HIGH elo. So my competition maybe a bit skewed at the moment considering its early access.

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