Madden NFL 16 News Post

The NFL season has finally begun, and by now, all the Madden junkies have had ample time to gobble up the game. Now we’re in the digestion period where opinions are being formed and potential improvements to Madden 17 are already being thought about. So in order to break up the tension a bit, it’s time to discuss what really matters: uniforms. Here is a light-hearted, please-don’t-take-this-too-personally-or-seriously look at the three best and worst uniforms in Madden 16.

Read More - The Best and Worst Madden NFL 16 Uniforms

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# 1 SmashMan @ 09/16/15 12:42 PM
No love for the mysterious orange alternate pants for the Bears?

I might have added the Jets' blue/gold AFL Titans throwbacks. Not sure why, but for some reason I really like the way that uniform looks.
# 2 Hooe @ 09/16/15 12:45 PM
This list is null and void because it does not include the Cleveland Browns' new uniforms amongst the worst.
# 3 BadAssHskr @ 09/16/15 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
This list is null and void because it does not include the Cleveland Browns' new uniforms amongst the worst.
i thought they were way cool. a vote yes for the brown uni's from me.
# 4 Datninja619 @ 09/16/15 12:56 PM
I'm guessing the Charger powder blues were #4

I've also liked the all black uniforms for the ravens and cardinals
# 5 Jadakiss88 @ 09/16/15 01:26 PM
I'm actually like the Bill's Anniversary Jerseys...part of the reason I always start a Franchise with them is to wear the Anniversary Jerseys in October it blends so well with the pink accessories....LMAO...no but seriously I love those Jerseys.
# 6 hogfanhw81 @ 09/16/15 01:39 PM
I haven't looked to see if it is actually in the game, but if it is, the new BFBS 49ers alternate is horrible.
# 7 Cardot @ 09/16/15 01:51 PM
I grew up watching football in the late 70's/Early 80's where most teams had a distinct look to them. So I kind of like those Dolphin & Bengals unis mentioned here. These days, so many teams go with the dark blue or black, it is tougher to tell teams apart with a quick glance.
# 8 hogfanhw81 @ 09/16/15 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Cardot
I grew up watching football in the late 70's/Early 80's where most teams had a distinct look to them. So I kind of like those Dolphin & Bengals unis mentioned here. These days, so many teams go with the dark blue or black, it is tougher to tell teams apart with a quick glance.
I know that is the reason behind many current rules re: alternate jerseys in pro football (outside of player safety forbidding teams like the Bucs from wearing their creamsicle alternate completely). The NFL wants you to be able to turn on a game and recognize that its the Cowboys, Jets, Giants, Eagles, etc. playing.
# 9 DeuceDouglas @ 09/16/15 02:07 PM
I know my bottom three would be the Browns, Jaguars and Seahawks with the Bucs coming in close.

As for top three, I'd go with the Falcons red helmet, black jersey throwbacks and the 49ers 94 throwbacks. Then for a current uniform I'll just go full bias and say the Chiefs.
# 10 IlluminatusUIUC @ 09/16/15 02:28 PM
The Ravens all-blacks are nice, but otherwise the all-black trend is really, really boring. Boo 49ers.

Anyway, I don't think any list of ugliest uniforms is complete without mentioning the Titans. They are so ungodly bad, and they are sitting on the glorious Houston Oilers uniforms, which forced the Texans to have their own ugly uniforms and silly name. Ruining two franchises at once is a feat.
# 11 azdawgpound @ 09/16/15 02:38 PM
Bucs, hawks, jags as worst

I like the browns jerseys alot for longest ppl were saying they needed to be updated atleast they didn't go the digital clock number which I think looks dumb.
# 12 jeremym480 @ 09/16/15 02:58 PM
The Bills, Titans (Oilers really), Pats and Chargers AFL uniforms are easily the best. Anyone who says otherwise is clearly wrong.
# 13 hogfanhw81 @ 09/16/15 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by IlluminatusUIUC
The Ravens all-blacks are nice, but otherwise the all-black trend is really, really boring. Boo 49ers.

Anyway, I don't think any list of ugliest uniforms is complete without mentioning the Titans. They are so ungodly bad, and they are sitting on the glorious Houston Oilers uniforms, which forced the Texans to have their own ugly uniforms and silly name. Ruining two franchises at once is a feat.

And the Titans can't decide if light blue or dark blue is going to be the primary color from year to year.
# 14 Anaxamander @ 09/16/15 03:47 PM

Kansas City Chiefs
Green Bay Packers
Pittsburgh Steelers
Oakland Raiders
Buffalo Bills


Jacksonville Jaguars
Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans
Cincinnati Bengals
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
# 15 jimbobbowles @ 09/16/15 04:58 PM
Someone likes black.
# 16 DBMcGee3 @ 09/16/15 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by IlluminatusUIUC
The Ravens all-blacks are nice, but otherwise the all-black trend is really, really boring. Boo 49ers.

Anyway, I don't think any list of ugliest uniforms is complete without mentioning the Titans. They are so ungodly bad, and they are sitting on the glorious Houston Oilers uniforms, which forced the Texans to have their own ugly uniforms and silly name. Ruining two franchises at once is a feat.
Really? I think those 9ers black uniforms are the jam, especially with those gold helmets popping in the light. They stole the idea obviously, but I think theirs actually look better than Baltimore's.
# 17 Ruben2424 @ 09/16/15 05:16 PM
The ugliest uniforms in the entire league are those hideous new Tampa Bay Buccaneers uniforms! Those things are by far the ugliest! Not only do they not fit the theme (pirates) of the team, but the colors are pretty bad as well. Orange, red, and a brownish-grayish-blackish color with chromed out helmets...if that's not ugly, I don't know what is!

Oh and I almost forgot...those digital Alarm-clock numbers!!! LOL
# 18 Phobia @ 09/16/15 05:29 PM
Speaking of rivaling those old Pitt Unis
# 19 k9nineseguel6 @ 09/16/15 07:00 PM
I wish EA would get the socks of the Bears,Lions,Redskins,Bills and Chiefs right for once!!!!!!
# 20 franchise10 @ 09/16/15 07:31 PM
I wonder why the 49ers early 2000's uniforms T.O. jeff garcia era weren't added,there best in my opinion

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