NBA 2K16 News Post

GameKings have posted a new NBA 2K16 video featuring an interview with Senior Producer, Rob Jones. It also includes NBA 2K16 gameplay footage featuring the Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Golden St. Warriors and Los Angeles Clippers vs. Philadelphia 76ers.

Originally posted by GameKings, but it's no longer available. Thanks to strawberryshortcake for the upload.

Game: NBA 2K16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 45 - View All
NBA 2K16 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 blues rocker @ 09/16/15 04:07 PM
player movement seems more explosive and more responsive, which i'm looking forward to.

fast players seem REALLY fast finally. that was one of my problems with 2k15 (super fast players didn't quite feel as fast in the game as they were in real life...it seemed like like even at a full sprint you couldn't get that true speed). it's looking like in 2k16 they've increased the "top speed" for fast players so you really feel that explosiveness and athleticism. you can see in this vid how Lebron can really turn on the jets and fly down the court. acceleration seems a bit faster too, so exploding out of a stand still with a really explosive player will hopefully feel as responsive as it should.

looking at the new vids, most movements in the game just seem quicker and more responsive (everything from passes to dribbling to acceleration to general player locomotion and even those minor movements like jab steps seem quicker and more urgent), which should make things feel great from a control standpoint.
# 82 23 @ 09/16/15 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by lakers24
Well, we haven't seen any runs in any of the vids tbh. As far as it building up to a crescendo, i'd be more concerned with the audio aspect of it than the visual. That's been their issue and judging from what I've heard not much has changed unfortunately.

It's both. The crowd will not only get quiet on you but also sit down when you make a shot during a run
# 83 Impetuous65 @ 09/16/15 04:37 PM
Presentation looks great, unfortunately there is this big elephant in the room regarding the PS4. That elephant is playing the game past the 7 minute mark since being on the PS4 renders Post Game moot, since it will not show the post game highlights. They have yet to fix this on the PS4, got it working on the XB1 last year. Has there been any confirmation that this will work on the PS4 by any blogs or dev answering the question.
# 84 woody47 @ 09/16/15 05:15 PM
lebron interview clip starts at 13:10
# 85 hesko @ 09/16/15 05:22 PM
that kyrie pass to mosgov tho
# 86 BluFu @ 09/16/15 05:46 PM
Those blocks by Bogut at 11:56 and 30:07... wow. I'm amped for the interior game.

But that celebration by Mozgov at 25:08 though...
# 87 ch46647 @ 09/16/15 07:30 PM
When they talk about defensive strategy they say the players will match up to the personnel on the floor and use the example of Klay guarding Lebron.

However, it appears that when Iguodala is on the floor he is not guarding Lebron.. Shouldnt Iggy be guarding Lebron whenever he is on the floor?
# 88 tsbmolina @ 09/16/15 07:43 PM
Nasty dunk by Gay.
# 89 trekfan @ 09/16/15 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by tsbmolina
Nasty dunk by Gay.
That was sick. But I'm still waiting for them to add in a dunk like this.

# 90 tsbmolina @ 09/16/15 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by trekfan
That was sick. But I'm still waiting for them to add in a dunk like this.

They did add 10,000 new animations this year so I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of them.
# 91 trekfan @ 09/16/15 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by tsbmolina
They did add 10,000 new animations this year so I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of them.
I really hope so, lol. I would just DIE if someone did a sick dunk and, on the replay, the game shows a coffin coming down from the sky and over the dunkee. It would be the best easter egg in the history of gaming.

The celebrations they showed in the video give me hope that at least the DeAndre "Oh man ..." face made it in after a dunk like that.

# 92 tsbmolina @ 09/16/15 07:56 PM
Loving how the blocks look this year.

# 93 Junior Moe @ 09/16/15 08:00 PM
I would like to see created/future draft picks getting interviewed (sit down and sideline) this year, too. Just give us 4 or 5 different voice types to choose from. Or pick them based on where the player is from like "European" (Dirk sound where English is good but you can hear the accent), "American Slang" (MyCareer guy NBA2k14), "American" (Grant Hill, Kobe, can even change inflection to sound more urban or suburban) and maybe a few others I cant think of. Heck, the MyCareer guy can voice all of them just give them a distinct sound. They all say they same generic stuff, anyway. Would add a nice touch to MyLeague/MyGM after the current stars are gone.
# 94 trekfan @ 09/16/15 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by tsbmolina
Loving how the blocks look this year.

The defensive improvements are very apparent, at least to my eyes. Guys stick on you better, the passing lanes aren't clogged with dudes (like in past years), now the players jump the lane, rotations are crisper ... it's not perfect, but way, way improved.

I might be able to build my defensive twin-towers team if everything works as well as it seems to.
# 95 BluFu @ 09/16/15 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Junior Moe
I would like to see created/future draft picks getting interviewed (sit down and sideline) this year, too. Just give us 4 or 5 different voice types to choose from. Or pick them based on where the player is from like "European" (Dirk sound where English is good but you can hear the accent), "American Slang" (MyCareer guy NBA2k14), "American" (Grant Hill, Kobe, can even change inflection to sound more urban or suburban) and maybe a few others I cant think of. Heck, the MyCareer guy can voice all of them just give them a distinct sound. They all say they same generic stuff, anyway. Would add a nice touch to MyLeague/MyGM after the current stars are gone.
My goodness... if the game ever hit me with this in my MyLeague....
# 96 tsbmolina @ 09/16/15 08:18 PM
You can feel the emotion this year.

# 97 tsbmolina @ 09/16/15 08:37 PM
Nice screen by DeAndre Jordan into a Gorilla dunk.

# 98 Saro1 @ 09/16/15 09:00 PM
Anyone knows if in 2K16 will be handoff control like Live 16?
# 99 Sundown @ 09/16/15 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by tsbmolina
You can feel the emotion this year.

The funny thing is, that's not something I see Ezeli doing much of. He's either laid back or angry.
# 100 Junior Moe @ 09/16/15 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by BluFu
My goodness... if the game ever hit me with this in my MyLeague....
It would be dope as heck. That could add so much to the future years and make it feel more alive. I remember back in one of the older 2Ks where they had the players dribbling in the corners advertising upcoming games and it never showed the new star players in the league. They were always default guys. It bugged the crap out of me for some reason. The MyCareer guy is pretty good with voices (I thought he was Black...) so I imagine he could record a ton of generic lines of different scenarios in different dialects for use in MyLeague/MyGM talking segments.

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