The Madden NFL 16 roster update is available now, so fire up those consoles and download them. If EA releases a blog with the details and spreadsheet of all the changes, we will update this post.
I still don't get the logic behind Desean Jackson not being one of the top speed guys in this game.
The guys speed and ball tracking is amazing. Let's Go EA!
This roster update is not available for the CFM? #EABlows
When CFM was introduced, Josh Looman explained that Franchise mode had it's own roster. That what you could see with the "Play Now" roster wasn't going to show when you started your Franchise.
Has that changed since Madden 13? I have no idea, I assume it hasn't though.
That's why the earlier post that Dez Bryant is still under a 1yr deal when starting Franchise mode, even though the updated rosters has him signed to a 5yr deal.
I could go coach the Patriots and bench Brady. Doesnt mean Garapalo is better. They think RG3 is better than Cousins (he is). So he is rated higher. They cant make Gruden name him starter.
Gotta love this week from EA. Rosters with "stat corrections for the speed of rookies"... yes guess what wasn't touched?!
Sorta like that patch that "fixed o line regression, defenders sprinting offsides randomly" and was supposed to be worth delaying our CFM's for yet didn't do any of that.
It's like they just make whatever claims they want and there's no accountability.
I don't like the speed system this year either but I also have not found a single source where they said they were universally adjusting speed with this roster.
You can start a new CFM with updated rosters but theres no chance roster updates should ever overwrite your CFM rosters, imagine being in year 5 and a roster updates imports!
Never heard of a roster update overwriting a roster file in an already started Franchise.
My point of CFM having it's own Roster file for when you start a NEW Franchise, again is something Looman stated back when CFM was introduced. If EA changed it and CFM rolls with the one main roster we see in the Main Screen (after the update), then it was changed from '13.
One way to confirm is to start a Franchise and compare Dez contract details on Main Screen & then within Franchise Mode.
LaMichael James is on the Dolphins roster, but was renamed LaMike.
What??? That's just dumb. He said he wants to be called "LaMike" but that doesn't mean he changed his real name!!! I'll manually change it back to "LaMichael".
Never heard of a roster update overwriting a roster file in an already started Franchise.
My point of CFM having it's own Roster file for when you start a NEW Franchise, again is something Looman stated back when CFM was introduced. If EA changed it and CFM rolls with the one main roster we see in the Main Screen (after the update), then it was changed from '13.
One way to confirm is to start a Franchise and compare Dez contract details on Main Screen & then within Franchise Mode.
I went through the process and quickly started a Franchise, Dez Bryant contract was for 5yrs. So the roster update takes in Franchise mode.
When starting a Franchise, make sure you have the correct roster loaded (when asked).
In Franchise mode, QB Kellen Moore went from a 71ovr to a 74ovr. I guess that's a scheme fit/rating.
So glad for the update and roster updates been waiting to start a franchise!
I am having a problem though...
When I create a Franchise I use the Cloud option... then hit start Franchise and Use Active Roster(Recommended) and then it imports 2532 players in the loading screen.
Now when I go to select a team it seems like these rosters are wrong...
Seahawks are a 92
Colts a 79?
Ravens a 89?
Patriots are a 86?
and the Panthers are a 86 also??? with Cam a 93???
Doesn't seem right... Any advice? Am I doing something wrong?
I think those overall totals are based on how players fit in the coaches scheme. So if Cam is a 93 then Rivera's coaching scheme for QB is probably "mobile." I would assume the Colts personnel doesn't fit Pagano's scheme's in game. It doesn't mean the players are bad
Anyone notice practice squad players contracts being very low like real life. 1 year deal for 110k no signing bonus. Guess we can tell who the practice squad players are so that it will make cutting players easier for offline 32 team control franchise.
I'm impressed with the last minute details EA was able to squeeze into the roster update. I.E. Smith to the Raiders.
I don't like the speed system this year either but I also have not found a single source where they said they were universally adjusting speed with this roster.
Did anyone from EA specifically say that?
Rex said on Twitter they were adjusting veteran speed for cb on patch.
Sounds like a lot of people are having trouble figuring out how to load the correct roster and start a CFM. Noone has confirmed whether or not Kelvin Benjamin is on IR...for players like K. White, A. foster, G. Smith, etc just do 32 team control and let the cpu take control of all the teams decisions and operations. You will still be able to manipulate the depth charts as you see fit. It's truly kind of nerve racking to do online CFM because the cpu coaches/owners make really bad roster decisions.
Sounds like a lot of people are having trouble figuring out how to load the correct roster and start a CFM. Noone has confirmed whether or not Kelvin Benjamin is on IR...for players like K. White, A. foster, G. Smith, etc just do 32 team control and let the cpu take control of all the teams decisions and operations. You will still be able to manipulate the depth charts as you see fit. It's truly kind of nerve racking to do online CFM because the cpu coaches/owners make really bad roster decisions.
Benjamin is on IR, Smith and Foster are removed from DC.
OK guys...Is it finally safe to start a CFM? Or should I continue to remain patient until they fix it up some more???
I'm gonna start up mine now finally.
The one thing I'm worried about is the OP rookies coming in like monsters but I'm not gonna wait another 2 months for them to do something about it. Hopefully it's enjoyable.