With Madden NFL 16 and MLB 15 The Show as the currently-available big-time sports games (not for long, though, as hockey, soccer, and hoops games are coming out quickly!) a few of our regular Press Row panelists get together to debate the merits of the two against each other. Kat, Bryan, T.J, and Rich analyze how Madden is faring three weeks after release, and compare and contrast gameplay, modes, and Ultimate Team vs Diamond Dynasty between the two games.
In addition, Kat Bailey drops by (again) to chat about her hands-on time with NBA 2K16 at the development studio. She's very impressed with what was on display and has a lot of interesting perspectives on where the game stands.
Joining us this week:
- Bryan Wiedey, PastaPadre and Hit The Pass (@pastapadre)
- Kat Bailey, US Gamer (@The_Katbot)
- T.J. Lauerman, ThatSportsGamer (@ThatSportsGamer)
- And your host, Richard Grisham, Hit The Pass (@richgrisham)
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Run Time: 1 Hour, 25 Minutes
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