Previously, we looked at how to attack the deep zones in Madden with a few thoughts on passing concepts against the cover two. Today, we're going to take a look at some thoughts on the short passing game. If you can't see the video above, click here to view it.
As with the last video, it's pretty much impossible to comprehensively cover the concepts needed in the short passing game in a quick five-ish minute video, so we'll keep the content simple and the approach pretty broad brushed.
The short passing game's biggest positive is that if you know how to effectively run it, you can keep the chains moving by getting your receivers into open space where your quarterback can effectively deliver the ball to them. Obviously, you will need to know how to read the linebackers and what they are doing as well as have an understanding of the matchups your receivers are facing.
Finding mismatches and soft spots on the field will mean you can complete short but meaningful passes for reasonably good gains. When mixed with an effective run game, you'll find the chains are always moving for your offense. As with last time, if you want a specific topic covered be sure to suggest it in the comments and we'll certainly consider it for a future video!