In this video, we take a look at a couple of theories (out of many) on how to attack deep zone coverages in Madden NFL 16. In this video, we focus on the cover two, but the overall concepts presented would tend to apply to most other deep zone coverages as well.
The first concept we look at is how some playcalls in Madden simply don't work against some defenses. This is obviously a good thing in terms of realism! Our first playcall is a deep TE crossing route with two deep routes by the WRs into the teeth of a cover two playcall -- the results are predictably bad.
We then shift gears to a more reasonable playcall versus the cover two, which features some underneath and short routes which have more success. As with any passing concept against the zone, timing and space are everything.
This is the first in a series of videos on the passing game and breaking it down, let us know what other concepts you'd like to see covered in the comments!