NBA 2K16 News Post

Over on our YouTube page, I have posted a bunch of comparison shots that show some differences between the graphics in NBA 2K15 versus NBA 2K16 to this point. I'm sure we will do another one of these videos closer to launch or right after, but for now you can check out some side-by-side shots.

You can also just watch the video to enjoy record-spinning Kevin Durant turning into psychedelic Kevin Durant and then becoming haunted Kevin Durant.

Like, comment, subscribe y'alllllllllll. Oh, and as I say in the video, you can also look in the description below the video for time stamps to each one of the screenshots.

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NBA 2K16 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 ChaseB @ 09/01/15 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Trackball
You're the one that came into a topic you don't care for--a topic you could have just ignored, by the way, since you don't care about it--and decided to make it all about your wishes.

And yes, I do have a problem with people being rude--especially on a website as tightly-moderated as this one.

Don't make this any more about you. This is a thread on comparing screenshots.
Just so we're clear, lbrown is the one who came in and said he wants gameplay and not screenshot comparisons. ejohns just said he thinks it might make more sense to compare it to promotional material. So I think we may have a failure to communicate here and everyone should just ease up a pinch.

I love you all.
# 22 Trackball @ 09/01/15 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Just so we're clear, lbrown is the one who came in and said he wants gameplay and not screenshot comparisons. ejohns just said he thinks it might make more sense to compare it to promotional material. So I think we may have a failure to communicate here and everyone should just ease up a pinch.

I love you all.
Eh, if you say so. Just seemed really rude in how he said it, that's all.

Carry on.
# 23 Sundown @ 09/01/15 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by BA2929
Why'd you come into a thread that's specifically titled "Player Comparison Screenshots" if you don't care about them?

That's like driving by a McDonald's, knowing you don't want McDonald's, but stopping and going inside to complain to management that you don't want to eat their food.

Actually it's more like driving by and yelling "where's my McRib?!" and the management can only shrug in lament.
# 24 BA2929 @ 09/01/15 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Trackball
Eh, if you say so. Just seemed really rude in how he said it, that's all.

Carry on.
He just needed a after it and it would have completely changed the way you read it.

Emojis are the first step toward world peace.
# 25 kolanji @ 09/01/15 12:29 AM
@ChaseB....ur doing Ronnie2k and LD2k's job for them mein lol

That video made it easy to see just how greatly improved the body types are in 2k16...thanks for sharing bro
# 26 23 @ 09/01/15 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Just so we're clear, lbrown is the one who came in and said he wants gameplay and not screenshot comparisons. ejohns just said he thinks it might make more sense to compare it to promotional material. So I think we may have a failure to communicate here and everyone should just ease up a pinch.

I love you all.
Just say the word and I'll ban on the spot anyone deciding to throw vitriol and or take the thread off course and won't stop.
# 27 ChaseB @ 09/01/15 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Actually it's more like driving by and yelling "where's my McRib?!" and the management can only shrug in lament.
Yo, but seriously where is my McRib?

Originally Posted by BA2929
He just needed a after it and it would have completely changed the way you read it.

Emojis are the first step toward world peace.
I'm ready for an emoji party whenever, just say the word. I mean emojis are a NBA mainstay anyway so it's on topic.

Originally Posted by kolanji
@ChaseB....ur doing Ronnie2k and LD2k's job for them mein lol

That video made it easy to see just how greatly improved the body types are in 2k16...thanks for sharing bro
Well I hope I'm not coming off as a hype man! Just simply showing some side by sides.

Originally Posted by 23
Just say the word and I'll ban on the spot anyone deciding to throw vitriol and or take the thread off course and won't stop.
23 I heart you, but these are all my children so I would hope they can work it out first.
# 28 DBMcGee3 @ 09/01/15 09:56 AM
I can honestly say I prefer the player models in Live. If only EA could get the motion and animations right.....
# 29 Goffs @ 09/01/15 10:19 AM
ChaseB always startin ish...

Waiting on Glen Davis comparison pic! I just know I'm going to be disappointed! Prove me wrong 2k art team!
# 30 Misterjibb @ 09/01/15 11:32 AM
Wow, goes to show you just how dull the lighting was in 2K15. The side-by-side comparisons really help prove that the overall color saturation has been enhanced on the player's we've seen thus far. Can't believe how small Isaiah Thomas, sheesh! Gotta give 2K devs some credit here; superb job on the full body scans. Now get to work on the hair texture!
# 31 Misterjibb @ 09/01/15 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I can honestly say I prefer the player models in Live. If only EA could get the motion and animations right.....
I agree with you. Live is definitely back on track son. I'm really impressed with how far they've come since the next gen consoles dropped. I'll give them one more year to add more definition to the body types so the players can be better distinguished between one another. Maybe they'll do full body scans too idk. I personally think their tattoos, shoes and clothing look more realistic as well, just in terms of quality. 2K just seems to have more control over customization and a greater selection to choose from. We shall see in a few weeks. It's definitely on and poppin this year though!
# 32 NastyGT @ 09/01/15 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I can honestly say I prefer the player models in Live. If only EA could get the motion and animations right.....
Do you mean "models" as faces of NBA players, because body models are exactly the same one with difference in height, color and heads on it. And all the players move the same way with ball. Not to mention what one of the devs said during gameplay footage on IGN ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaaH70bymN4 ) - (3:00) "Now we have "off-ball motion system, where players move without ball...". OMG, in NBA Live 16 players without ball are moving?!!!! (sarcasm). And someone still think THAT is better???
# 33 ChaseB @ 09/01/15 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
ChaseB always startin ish...

Waiting on Glen Davis comparison pic! I just know I'm going to be disappointed! Prove me wrong 2k art team!
Oh man I forgot about Glen Davis. He's definitely in the didn't-get-face-scanned-let's-not-even-try group. He really looks jacked up in 2K15.
# 34 DBMcGee3 @ 09/01/15 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by NastyGT
Do you mean "models" as faces of NBA players, because body models are exactly the same one with difference in height, color and heads on it. And all the players move the same way with ball. Not to mention what one of the devs said during gameplay footage on IGN ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaaH70bymN4 ) - (3:00) "Now we have "off-ball motion system, where players move without ball...". OMG, in NBA Live 16 players without ball are moving?!!!! (sarcasm). And someone still think THAT is better???
Yes, the faces, as I haven't seen much regarding body types on Live. That being said, I've already seen several new body types in 2k that look way off, so I'm not ready to give them credit on that one quite yet.

I should also note that I haven't played a retail version of Live in 5 years, so I can't really comment much on player movement, etc. I will say that, from what I've seen, 2k was light years ahead in terms of animations last year, especially collisions. While some people find 2k to be animation heavy, with Live you kind of get the other end of the spectrum, where the game is maybe a bit more responsive, but less realistic looking.

I'm anxious to give both games a try this year and hopefully have a more difficult decision than in years past.
# 35 NastyGT @ 09/02/15 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
Yes, the faces, as I haven't seen much regarding body types on Live. That being said, I've already seen several new body types in 2k that look way off, so I'm not ready to give them credit on that one quite yet.

I should also note that I haven't played a retail version of Live in 5 years, so I can't really comment much on player movement, etc. I will say that, from what I've seen, 2k was light years ahead in terms of animations last year, especially collisions. While some people find 2k to be animation heavy, with Live you kind of get the other end of the spectrum, where the game is maybe a bit more responsive, but less realistic looking.

I'm anxious to give both games a try this year and hopefully have a more difficult decision than in years past.
Well, 15 years ago I played NBA Live 2001 on my PC and one day I saw NBA 2K1 on Sega Dreamcast and i couldn`t believe the difference! Yes, Live had good graphic, nice gameplay, but 2K1 was something way more than that. And, you know what? It still is. THE ONLY reason people may think different is because there was no good NBA Live in years and people want something different. Finally Live does not look like "cartoon puppets run on something that looks like court" and that`s a good thing. But I think Live is still far away from 2K15 and 2K16 but finally a worthy competitor...
# 36 ChaseB @ 09/02/15 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by WISports
ChaseB for prez.
I'd rather be the cool dad, so how about Vice Prez instead?
# 37 DBMcGee3 @ 09/02/15 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by NastyGT
Well, 15 years ago I played NBA Live 2001 on my PC and one day I saw NBA 2K1 on Sega Dreamcast and i couldn`t believe the difference! Yes, Live had good graphic, nice gameplay, but 2K1 was something way more than that. And, you know what? It still is. THE ONLY reason people may think different is because there was no good NBA Live in years and people want something different. Finally Live does not look like "cartoon puppets run on something that looks like court" and that`s a good thing. But I think Live is still far away from 2K15 and 2K16 but finally a worthy competitor...
I definitely think you're right about the "2k fatigue" theory. I've thoroughly enjoyed 2k games, all the way back to the original you mentioned on Dreamcast, but at this point I just want badly to play something else, without sacrificing too much in terms of game quality. That being said, 2k has plenty of faults as well, some of which have not been addressed for years now.

As I mentioned, the animations in 2k look great, but you lose that ultra precise feel to the controls when guys are constantly getting sucked into collision animations, etc. Their servers have been embarrassing as well, and don't get me started on some of the completely broken functions in the game, like the end of game highlights not working, or those days when the 'NBA Today' is a day or two behind schedule.

These may seem like small gripes, but when they never seem to be addressed, it compounds the fatigue of playing the game for so many years. I'll still give 2k a thorough opportunity to win me over again this year, I'm just really hoping that Live somehow magically turns out to be solid.
# 38 NastyGT @ 09/02/15 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I definitely think you're right about the "2k fatigue" theory. I've thoroughly enjoyed 2k games, all the way back to the original you mentioned on Dreamcast, but at this point I just want badly to play something else, without sacrificing too much in terms of game quality. That being said, 2k has plenty of faults as well, some of which have not been addressed for years now.

As I mentioned, the animations in 2k look great, but you lose that ultra precise feel to the controls when guys are constantly getting sucked into collision animations, etc. Their servers have been embarrassing as well, and don't get me started on some of the completely broken functions in the game, like the end of game highlights not working, or those days when the 'NBA Today' is a day or two behind schedule.

These may seem like small gripes, but when they never seem to be addressed, it compounds the fatigue of playing the game for so many years. I'll still give 2k a thorough opportunity to win me over again this year, I'm just really hoping that Live somehow magically turns out to be solid.
You are absolutely right about collision animations, but my opinion is that it`s not much of a big deal. I love and play mostly MY LEAGUE in 2K15 (and any NBA 2Kxx before) and absolutely horrendous foul detection ruined any enjoyment in that mode. And that was, for me, THE BIGGEST gamebreaking "glitch" of 2K15. Everything else, even online games worked perfectly for me. I know that many people were pissed about servers, but, I do not know how, from launch day of 2K!5 it was no trouble at all for me. Everything went perfect.
And, also, I did not care much about "NBA today" because if I am interested in results and games, I go to nba.com, Playing it on daily base?? Hmm, not at all. But, that`s me, many other people think different and there is no way to please them all no matter what you do...

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