MLB 15 The Show News Post

There have been plenty of requests by folks to put up a little info on how to make some Stubs in the Marketplace within Diamond Dynasty. This video is perhaps coming a little late in the season, but hopefully it helps clarify some things and allows you to maximize your profits as you build up a nice surplus to buy players or packs of cards in MLB The Show's Diamond Dynasty mode.

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MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 SDwinder @ 08/20/15 09:23 PM
So what is behind the crazy market prices recently. Some one mentioned a black market. How does that work?
# 2 redsox4evur @ 08/20/15 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by SDwinder
So what is behind the crazy market prices recently. Some one mentioned a black market. How does that work?
People exploited the CCs or the marketplace on theshownation.com website and that's why they are gone. Or they are buy stubs off of random people. And the way that works is say you want 1 million stubs, you contact whoever sell stubs, work out a real $$$ price, then you say I put up player X for a million stubs. Then the seller has to buy every player card for that player. And people caught on to this and started putting up random people for a ton of stubs.
# 3 ChaseB @ 08/20/15 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
People exploited the CCs or the marketplace on theshownation.com website and that's why they are gone. Or they are buy stubs off of random people. And the way that works is say you want 1 million stubs, you contact whoever sell stubs, work out a real $$$ price, then you say I put up player X for a million stubs. Then the seller has to buy every player card for that player. And people caught on to this and started putting up random people for a ton of stubs.
Yep redsox more or less got it. It's sort of "unconfirmed" on some level how many people made Stubs and the exact way they did, but either way it messed lots of stuff up, and now the mass wealth is being spread to many others through the second thing redsox pointed out.
# 4 rjackson @ 08/21/15 01:13 PM
Glad to see I'm not the only one to refer to them as coins occasionally!
# 5 ChaseB @ 08/21/15 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by rjackson
Glad to see I'm not the only one to refer to them as coins occasionally!
They're represented as circles on screen, which doesn't help!
# 6 Goblins0Fun @ 08/22/15 09:56 PM
I am only getting audio; the screen just has the DD home page. Is this right?
# 7 ChaseB @ 08/22/15 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Goblins0Fun
I am only getting audio; the screen just has the DD home page. Is this right?
No it should be working like normal, at least works fine for me...

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