Madden NFL 16 News Post

Even though the midwest is current experiencing a heat wave, the start of fantasy leagues, preseason rankings, and training camps have me excited that football season is finally upon us. And of course, that means the next Madden release is right around the corner. Seems like a perfect time for another ranking! Let’s take a look at the Madden teams I’m most excited to try on the virtual gridiron.

Read More - Madden NFL 16: The Seven Most Exciting Teams

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Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Teleo @ 08/19/15 04:37 PM
Definitely rolling with my Fins! Usually after the season I look to jump to another team for rebuild or change of scenery...Browns, Raiders, and Vikings new stadium will be sick! Cannot wait for tomorrow to download from EA access!
# 22 SoMiss2000 @ 08/20/15 10:23 AM
Yes my Cowboys were benefactors of a call against Detroit but let's not forget we still had to go win the game. Detroit also had a chance to go win the game and failed.
# 23 DerkontheOS @ 08/20/15 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by SoMiss2000
Yes my Cowboys were benefactors of a call against Detroit but let's not forget we still had to go win the game. Detroit also had a chance to go win the game and failed.
Would you say the same against the Packers?
# 24 Trick13 @ 08/20/15 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by DerkontheOS
Would you say the same against the Packers?
Yep, D. Murray could have put that game on ice early, but he fumbled it away. That was a stinking catch, no question, but the worst rule in the game (which is worded in even more assanine fashion now) cost them a chance at redemption for Murray's screw up.

To be honest though, the play everyone talks about in the game against the blue kittens, should have had a penalty on the intended receiver (illegal hands to the face) before any other penalty occurred so the kittens got served what they earned - just like the football gods did their weak sauce punter for his flop job earlier in the game - act like a punk and the football gods will punk you with a ten yard shank job....
# 25 B_T_33 @ 08/21/15 12:01 AM
I can't wait to use my bucs! So excited, love our roster!

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# 26 MooseBoyJ @ 08/21/15 11:54 PM
I say the Jags had a GREAT draft class and will be fun to use. 2) you spelled week wrong in the Lions and Boys post. You put weak not week..... good read tho

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