Madden NFL 16 News Post

EA Sports will be kicking off their 16 hour Madden NFL 16 marathon in a few minutes, click here for the link.

Click the spoiler button to watch it here.

The team will discuss gameplay, graphics, presentation, MUT, Draft Champions and much more. Check out the schedule listed in the image above (click on it to get a better resolution).

If you are watching, please post your thoughts.

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 4thQtrStre5S @ 08/19/15 08:17 PM
It is good to see the Devs come out and remind us that they are human too, and have things they like and dislike about the game, and that they want to improve it...
# 122 4thQtrStre5S @ 08/19/15 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
I missed the CFM gameplay and am just tuning back in now. Was there any good info from CFM and from the gameplay that Rex talked about?
One thing about gameplay that I liked is, LB's will chuck receivers doing short crossing patterns....Also the Aggressive catch has been proven to not be over powered...
# 123 Dwaresacksqb @ 08/19/15 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
One thing about gameplay that I liked is, LB's will chuck receivers doing short crossing patterns....Also the Aggressive catch has been proven to not be over powered...
But...but... Wyza said it was OP...
# 124 Fist Of Kings @ 08/19/15 09:07 PM
They said that there is some adaptive ai, so that if you're constantly going deep the ai will supposedly counter it. Hopefully that is true, because I could do that all day in madden 15, or run the same toss play and the ai wouldn't adapt...that is a big improvement if that is the case. The post play goofiness happens a lot less, and I haven't seen any mirror animations so far, so the game definitely looks cleaner.

A couple of things I don't like is maybe not so much the game, but the players themselves. One of the commentators said in madden you always go for it on 4th down...it was 4th and 8 as the guy correctly kicked a fg instead. I guess it shows the type of players madden caters to, and it's not sim.

Another thing I didn't like was the yearly hyping/bashing of last year's game that is common with madden, as one of the commentators said that unlike with madden 15, you can't spam turbo when running the ball. You have to set up your blockers first. Problem with that is, go back to when m15 came out, and people were saying the same thing about that game, claiming that unlike in madden 25, you have to play 'real' football. Same hype, different game.

I'm still not sure about wr/db interactions. I hope I'm wrong, but from what I've seen, the wrs still don't go for the ball on their own. I was hoping elite wrs would break their necks on their own going for the ball, just like dbs did last year in m15. And I'm seeing the one handed grabs a bit much.

I don't see this as a can't miss upgrade, but if there were a preorder deal to get it for cheap I would consider it.
# 125 HenryClay1844 @ 08/20/15 01:19 AM
I caught some of this stream and it was one of they worst presentations I have ever seen. Juvenile and not informative, whatever interest I might have had was defeated by this. Did no one at EA see what the San Diego Studios did for their game?
# 126 SmashMan @ 08/20/15 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by HenryClay1844
I caught some of this stream and it was one of they worst presentations I have ever seen. Juvenile and not informative, whatever interest I might have had was defeated by this. Did no one at EA see what the San Diego Studios did for their game?
What is "some of" when it comes to a 16 hour stream? I'm not going to say it was all informative, but there was a lot of actual info throughout the day. Maybe you just tuned in at the wrong times?
# 127 jpdavis82 @ 08/20/15 02:02 AM
Did anyone record any of the stream? Looking for a link where I can watch some of it, at least the gameplay part with Rex.

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# 128 ajk49er @ 08/20/15 02:07 AM
I understand defending the devs, but its annoying when that is the response to every criticism...

so yeah, I felt put off by a lot of bragging about stuff like having the best gang tackling in the industry. no one else has that quality level of gang tackling....yeah....happens when you CONTROL the industry.

that aside, and tossing aside the time spent on silly items like having four verts all together in some shot package...

-Sim Stats...they accurate? because I have been told they will be, and then aren't, only to find that this "looking into it" leads to months of nothing.
-Are CPU playbooks changing in CCM for cpu controlled teams that change coaches?
-Is there any defense possible for the draft class issues? this was pointed out months ago in regards to the ratings, nothing was done. lets continue with draft classes, we still have helmet/equipment problems? are we back to having a clearly white photo with a dark as can be player model? I understood this stuff with imported classes, I do not understand it with premade classes. why does it seem like the game can be played for a couple hours only to find these same mistakes every year that keep showing up. The speed ratings absolutely break the game when they re-did the entire ratings of stock rosters, all of this of course so they can release special versions of these players in ultimate team
-CPU run game is back to where it was in M12? 13? what year was it when the CPU running was this bad? its hard to keep track.
-penalies will become something that frustrates. the sliders control the amount of penalties on that field, NOT the action. that in itself is a crime.
-special teams remains to have no life whatsoever. occasional blocks? no. making FG's tougher/more realistic at range? nah.

see, a lot of the problems a lot of us have with this game aren't just popping up right now. they were in the game before, or was something they actually "fixed" months after a release only to have the same problems

yet I keep reading how great that intro is!!!!! yes, that would be sarcasm.
# 129 4thQtrStre5S @ 08/20/15 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by capa
Lack of cpu run game for offline gamers is a real concern and potential game killer.

They actually addressed this in the stream since I asked the question in the chat, but here is how it went:

Farls: "A question from capamamills on cpu run game"

Then they started joking about something that was happening in the game and were not really listening.

Farls asked Hoopgawd what he thought of run game, but then just said that they redid the QB RB handoff animation and it looks beautiful.

That was about it. They were so hung up on playing the game and besting each other and smack talk that they did not even phrase the question correctly. I asked about the lack of cpu run game and the fact that it is underpowered and could they look at this. Nope...they somehow morphed that into how improved the QB RB handoff is.

OMG. I give up.

I was there - I recall your question because I want the CPU to be competitive, and that requires a good run game...

So I can say that Capa did ask the question and it was avoided.

CPU controlled Adrian Peterson looked non threatening and Eddie Lacy didn't drag tacklers..
# 130 Hunkerdown @ 08/20/15 10:46 AM
After playing early access all pro default game against cpu. Wr catch will need to be toned down a bit. And rushing game needs a boost on sides. But sliders work so im excited.
# 131 legacy0000 @ 08/21/15 04:18 AM
Mut is What makes madden extra money thats What theyre interested in.I cant get answer to have the trade issues with ease,etc been Fixed.
# 132 EarvGotti @ 08/21/15 10:10 AM
What did the MUT devs say about MUT? Someone fill me in please
# 133 BaseballJunkie @ 08/21/15 12:31 PM
Sooo glad I decided to get 15 used instead of dropping $60 on this...

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# 134 ODogg @ 08/21/15 01:07 PM
This game makes 15 look awful

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# 135 redsox4evur @ 08/21/15 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by legacy0000
Mut is What makes madden extra money thats What theyre interested in.I cant get answer to have the trade issues with ease,etc been Fixed.
NO it isn't, compare all of the changes to this game with MUT. CFM had 100X more changes to it than MUT. Gameplay got more changes than MUT did. This isn't true. Hell they created a whole mode and did nothing to MUT.

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