06:33 PM - July 31, 2015 by Steve_OS
Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced the
MLB 14 The Show online servers will close on November 2, 2015. Previously, the team announced they would keep them online until
June 18, but decided to keep them up for a longer period of time, after complaints.
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For those of you looking to use Year to Year Saves to continue MLB 14 PS4 to MLB 15 PS4, decommissioning the servers will NOT prevent that. To transfer your Save file from MLB 14 to MLB 15 on the same PS4, be sure to have the Save File stored on the Hard Drive of your PS4. You can then boot up MLB 15 The Show PS4 and the game will allow you to "load from MLB 14" using the Save file on your PlayStation 4 Hard Drive.
Now, for those of you moving from PS3 to PS4, you will need to take action before November 2. If you would like to move your Road to the Show, Season or Franchise save file from MLB 14 The Show PS3 to MLB 15 The Show PS4, please take the following steps: - Upload your MLB 14 PS3 save file to the Cloud, using the in-game feature.
- Load a copy of MLB 14 The Show PS4 and select "Load from Cloud," using the same account you used to upload.
- Once you "Load from cloud" the new save will be available to Save to your Hard Drive.
- Using MLB 14 The Show PS4 and the loaded Cloud save, select “Options > Save” within the loaded mode (Franchise, RttS or Season).
- Now you have a save file from MLB 14 The Show PS4 on your Hard Drive to load in MLB 15 The Show PS4 once you get a hold of a copy.