F1 2015 News Post

Regardless of what professional racing series an individual may follow, it does not change the fact that each series has certain locales that are, simply put, more exciting than the others. This fact rings true just as much in the genre of video game racing as it does in real life. And what I mean by this is that certain tracks promote better racing in regards to strategy, passing and overall approach. With that in mind, and with the new F1 2015 title from Codemasters hitting retail shelves last week, here is a look at my five favorite tracks in F1 2015.

Read More - F1 2015: The Top Five Tracks

Game: F1 2015Reader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 0 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BL8001 @ 07/29/15 11:51 AM
Yeah, Canada is a great track, they toss on the super soft tires and there is a ton of overtaking. It's one of the few tracks where it isn't a pretty car parade waiting for mechanical failure.
# 2 RunN1st @ 07/29/15 12:52 PM
I agree with this list.
# 3 FanOfCali @ 07/29/15 05:10 PM
My Top 5 would have to be:

1. Air Bahrain
2. Spa
3. Canada
4. America
5. Monaco
# 4 jihardy @ 07/30/15 02:30 AM
5. Spa
4. Silverstone
3. Brazil
2. Canada
1. Austria
# 5 TheArsenologist @ 07/30/15 08:20 AM
Tough to pick a top 5. Almost easier to single out the tracks that aren't enjoyable. I don't care for Shanghai that much and still keep hoping the Italian Grand Prix will move to Imola.
# 6 RunN1st @ 08/02/15 01:43 AM
Man, Canada is really cool!

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