Axis Football 2015 News Post

When Axis Football 2015 went live on STEAM last Wednesday, July 15, the Greenlight program's latest graduate hit the field stumbling and bumbling around like a broken, buggy mess. Most –- but not all -- of those gameplay glitches have since been bandaged up by the version 1.3 patch. But there's no hotfix for Axis Football 2015's biggest problem: it's simply not much fun to play.

The game's one noteworthy feature –- using mouselook to aim your passes -- just feels like an alternative to traditional icon-based passing rather than a revolutionary replacement. All other aspects of Axis Football 2015 come across as amateurish and archaic. A more apt title would have been Axis Football 96, because that's the era of football gaming –- the Nintendo 64's and Sony PlayStation's early 3D efforts –- the on-field action and off-field options most closely resemble in their current state.

Read More - Axis Football 2015 Review (PC)

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Member Comments
# 21 AxisGames @ 11/09/15 07:04 AM
Hey folks!

Danny Jugan here. I first want to thank everyone for this support and feedback on Axis Football over the past few months. We were able to improve several aspects of the game and have huge plans to improve several areas that need some love! To that end, we've released a Kickstarter to help raise some funds for motion capture animations and graphical improvements. If you're at all interested in football gaming on the PC or just for better football options in-general, I'd like to encourage you to consider support the Kickstarter! If not, at least check it out and let a friend or two know!


As always, I am truly thankful for your support. Feel free to reach out to me anytime with questions or comments!

Happy gaming,

Danny Jugan
[email protected]

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