Madden NFL 16 News Post

EA Sports is seeking to expand the Madden NFL 16 skills trainer by focusing more on real world positions, responsibilities, and concepts.

New this year will be a base level of knowledge focusing on details about each player position on the field and their role of responsibility. After the player positions breakdown, you will then be taught run, pass, and defensive concepts how they are actually taught to players.

Of course, the new passing, catching, and coverage mechanics will be well covered in the skills trainer as well.

Another cool new addition will be a section within skills trainer which teachers players popular run concepts. In this section, the skills trainer will break down the most popular run concepts such as the inside zone, power, and trap plays. You will be taught where you should run based on how the play is evolving.

Also, Gauntlet Mode is making a return, with extra life challenges being introduced to try to give players an extra life to complete a challenge. Less than 200 players completed all 40 levels of Gauntlet mode last year -- so the team is looking to make that more possible this year.

Be sure to check out the new screenshots for the Madden NFL 16 Skills Trainer here.

What do you think of the new additions of Skills trainer and the return of Gauntlet Mode?

For those of you that have missed out on the recent news about the game, we've highlighted some of them below.For more news and media on the game, check out the Madden NFL 16 page.

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Member Comments
# 1 bcruise @ 07/07/15 05:15 PM
Nice to see run concepts included this year.
# 2 Don Jon @ 07/07/15 05:31 PM
I know it's small but it would be cool if the skills trainer players/practice mode players were dressed in shorts, and qb's in practice had different color shirts.

# 3 ShaiLeGran @ 07/07/15 05:46 PM
I think somebody at PR forgot the click a button before leaving the office last week. No presentation news yet, but at least some info on skills trainer
# 4 Don Jon @ 07/07/15 05:57 PM
This mode reminded me of one of my favorite past madden features, that was the mini camp game mode, where you had to travel from city to city playing mini games like this. And what's funny is that in madden 04, the players had shorts.

# 5 Junior Moe @ 07/07/15 06:03 PM
Absolutely love it, teach the game. This should be standard in all sports games. I learned a lot about coverages and concepts and how to beat them last year. I would love to have this be available in our CCM's and allow us to learn deeper concepts of our respective systems. Incorporate it into practice and add back mini camp (with practice gear). I imagine that this could lead to more strategy in online games instead of the chuck and pray gameplay we usually get. .
# 6 bcruise @ 07/07/15 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Don Jon
This mode reminded me of one of my favorite past madden features, that was the mini camp game mode, where you had to travel from city to city playing mini games like this. And what's funny is that in madden 04, the players had shorts.

Yeah, the drills themselves were fine but I hated the way you could get permanent rating boosts (rather large ones) by doing well in them - an advantage the CPU teams did not have. Which is why I always skipped them.

Much prefer having them in the front-end like this, and as far away from CFM as possible.
# 7 NINJAK2 @ 07/07/15 06:11 PM
Hope they fixed the profile glitch so progress will be saved. That's the reason I stopped playing it..
# 8 Junior Moe @ 07/07/15 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Much prefer having them in the front-end like this, and as far away from CFM as possible.
The attributes did go up too much. I think it could work in CCM if the physical drills gave minimal (+1, +2) physical boosts, while the skill trainer like drills boosted awareness of whatever system you're running.
# 9 PhillyPhanatic14 @ 07/07/15 06:13 PM
Tough to see that the players standing by during the drills still have the high white socks and that lifeless look to them. Cool additions otherwise.
# 10 BlackBetty15 @ 07/07/15 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Don Jon
This mode reminded me of one of my favorite past madden features, that was the mini camp game mode, where you had to travel from city to city playing mini games like this. And what's funny is that in madden 04, the players had shorts.

MY MAN! LOL I haven't seen a Rodney Pete and Thomas Davis sighting in some time.
# 11 spidertour02 @ 07/07/15 06:22 PM
Cool. The Skills Trainer is one of the things I really liked from Madden 15, so I'm glad they're expanding it.
# 12 Don Jon @ 07/07/15 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Yeah, the drills themselves were fine but I hated the way you could get permanent rating boosts (rather large ones) by doing well in them - an advantage the CPU teams did not have. Which is why I always skipped them.

Much prefer having them in the front-end like this, and as far away from CFM as possible.
Oh I didn't know that. That game was when I was 8 or so years old so my opinion on this was based strictly on a fun not sim perspective.
# 13 bravesvolsfan @ 07/07/15 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Don Jon
Oh I didn't know that. That game was when I was 8 or so years old so my opinion on this was based strictly on a fun not sim perspective.
The fun factor is what I missed the most from video games in the mid 2000s, games were so much fun because it combined sim and fun. MVP Baseball had create-a-ballpark, Madden had the fun Franchise mode and Mini-Camp, Tiger Woods PGA Tour had the fun arcade and career modes. So on and so forth.
# 14 Datninja619 @ 07/07/15 06:50 PM
Is it weird that I miss mashing my controller in hopes of getting a 4.4 40 or reppiing 225 20+
# 15 Toupal @ 07/07/15 07:01 PM
Look at that! Madden bringing back another feature they scraped! Pretty soon we can be right back to where we were in PS2/ xbox days.
# 16 bcruise @ 07/07/15 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Toupal
Look at that! Madden bringing back another feature they scraped! Pretty soon we can be right back to where we were in PS2/ xbox days.
You're a year late on this take.
# 17 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 07/07/15 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by PhillyPhanatic14
Tough to see that the players standing by during the drills still have the high white socks and that lifeless look to them. Cool additions otherwise.
I agree. This ties into presentation which I guess is off topic but I don't understand why they can't at least get actual on field accessories & sock length for the sideline players. I really sticks out like a sore thumb smh. Other than that I like the Gauntlet.
# 18 jpdavis82 @ 07/07/15 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
MY MAN! LOL I haven't seen a Rodney Pete and Thomas Davis sighting in some time.
Stephen Davis actually but yeah it's been a while.
# 19 BleedGreen710 @ 07/07/15 08:06 PM
teaching running concepts is great but as someone who plays online a lot, I really wish they would teach punting concepts
# 20 Hooe @ 07/07/15 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Toupal
Look at that! Madden bringing back another feature they scraped! Pretty soon we can be right back to where we were in PS2/ xbox days.
The PS2 games had nothing equivalent to what Skills Trainer provides to the user with respect to its power and depth as an educational tool, and The Gauntlet flat-out did not exist before Madden NFL 15.

Try again.

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