EA Sports UFC News Post

The Noober Goobers (and formerly the Tommy Toe Hold YouTube page) have had a field day over the last year making these videos narrating hilarious glitches in EA UFC. It's the perfect combination of an over-the-top Joe Rogan voice and a really spot-on Mike Goldberg impersonation.

Of course, the star of the show is still EA UFC as it makes all this stuff possible. The first of these videos cropped up in June 2014, and really the videos are as funny now as they were then. The appeal of EA UFC is it's a solid game, and because of that, you can on some level just enjoy the goofiness of the glitches without screaming about how "THIS IS A SIGN THAT DEVELOPERS ARE SO LAZY NOW!"

So enjoy that video, and maybe check out a feature from our recent past where Glenn Wigmore talked about five things he would like to see in the next EA UFC -- whenever that does end up becoming a reality.

Source - Enjoy UFC Glitches, Narrated By Fake Joe Rogan And Mike Goldberg (Deadspin)

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 scottyp180 @ 07/06/15 09:34 PM
Always great seeing people make the best out of glitches instead of holding them against the games and developers. As long as the issues are constant and persistent there is nothing wrong with a glitch here or there.
# 2 hogfan @ 07/07/15 04:07 PM

Mummy guard, demonic spirits, fusing with the cage.

Those videos are a riot. Those guys nail Rogan's and Goldberg's inflections.
# 3 CurlyMurph @ 07/08/15 01:03 AM
Pretty amusing. Loved the psychic suplex.

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