PES 2016 News Post

For a game that received such critical acclaim, there was a lot of uncertainty surrounding PES 2016 going into E3 2015. For one, there was Konami's mid-May announcement stating that going forward mobile gaming would be their future. While that statement was clarified in early-June several outlets sparked furious debates regarding the future of PES After some reassurances from Konami, the release of a teaser trailer before E3 2015 helped to erase doubt and raise expectations for PES 2016 as they debuted this year's tagline "Love the Past, Play the Future."

A few days prior to E3 2015, the team over at Konami released their first features list. With some time to digest this list -- and to witness the game in action -- let's revisit what we've seen thus far...

Read More - Breaking Down the PES 2016 Features List

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Member Comments
# 1 KtheQ @ 07/06/15 04:50 PM
Does anyone know if the 2016 Master League will have an online option so you can play with friends?

I know PES had it in the past, but then it went away for a while.
# 2 bxphenom7 @ 07/06/15 05:31 PM
I assume next year dynamic weather will actually be truly dynamic instead of only changing at halftime. It would be cool to deal with on and off rain, with the sun shining in between the rainfall. Also hopeful for Become A Legend next tear as it seems only ML is getting love, but it's about time. This is my most anticipated sports game this fall for sure!
# 3 FightingIrishUnited @ 07/06/15 05:33 PM
The only question that matters now or ever has. What is fully licensed?
# 4 bxphenom7 @ 07/06/15 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by FightingIrishUnited
The only question that matters now or ever has. What is fully licensed?
They reveal that at Gamescom, which is August 5th
# 5 inkcil @ 07/06/15 05:55 PM
I wonder how the PS3 version stacks up.
# 6 asu666 @ 07/06/15 08:37 PM
Nice article. I'm most-excited about the file important and wider camera.
# 7 RoyceDa59 @ 07/06/15 09:47 PM
Hopefully team tactics will be good this year, I feel like with 2015 they sort of got away from teams playing dynamically throughout the match.
# 8 DBMcGee3 @ 07/07/15 03:13 PM
The controls being more responsive is the most important thing to me, along with more fouls being called. I felt like certain moves were virtually useless the past couple of years, due to what felt like input latency. The stepovers specifically come to mind for me.

Keep it up Konami!
# 9 dubcity @ 07/08/15 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by RoyceDa59
I feel like with 2015 they sort of got away from teams playing dynamically throughout the match.

That's an understatement. I think part of the problem was that the lack of a real collision system and animations made CPU tackling way too clean and OP. So if the CPU actually went into aggressive press mode, the game basically would have been broken (or more broken). They would have had like 50 tackles and interceptions per game.

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