Madden NFL 16 News Post

Miguel "Gator" Lozada has just uploaded 2 Madden NFL 16 videos. Check them out below and post your thoughts.

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
Madden NFL 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 oneamongthefence @ 06/19/15 12:51 AM
That sack looked awful. It seems to many break sack animations just leave you standing there open to the next hit. Also CPU running backs have not looked impressive so far.
# 22 dmslapped @ 06/19/15 02:36 AM
For the most part that looked alright. Though I didn't see any penalties...
Worst part is, this makes me miss NCAA football even more
# 23 ocat @ 06/19/15 03:28 AM
Could of told me I was watching a video of madden 15 and I'd be none the wiser. Commentary is still awful, worst in any sports game by a mile
# 24 Dazraz @ 06/19/15 03:32 AM
Got to love the 1st play where Kaepernick is lifting himself off the ground. His butt is about 8" off the surface. Seriously this game looks & sounds the same as 15. Not impressed.
# 25 kingsofthevalley @ 06/19/15 07:19 AM
I enjoyed 15 and I'm hoping to enjoy this years iteration as well, however, one thing is looking a bit strange. Please let this be some sort of tech/recording issue which makes it look a certain way to the eyes in videos, but it looks like the player models are back to those horrid stiff running animations similar to a few years ago. Like they're running with a pole stuck up their rear end, wtf. That was my biggest issue with the game and the devs seemed to smooth it out over the years. Why oh why does it look like it has returned?

I need to pop in 15 for a minute once my house shipment gets in because I recall that stiffness NOT being there.
# 26 RyanLeaf16 @ 06/19/15 08:43 AM
I'm really liking this concept of the "Draft Champions" mode. I just started playing MUT this year, and while I enjoy it, I do have to spend $$$ to compete. This looks like a more competitively balanced mode and I think it will be this and CFM for me this year. I may not even jump into MUT thanks to this mode.

# 27 Mauer4MVP @ 06/19/15 09:43 AM
The one problem I've always had with sports games (and I don't think it's really a fault of 2k or Madden) is that when mistakes are made like bad pass or overthrows, it just doesn't really seem natural. They are such obvious blunders that it seems forced.

It's probably tough to program a lot of close passes but just off target.
# 28 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/19/15 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.Smif
I think my favorite improvement is the small jukes and short choppy steps. Its a thing of beauty to finally be able to actually hit the holes because they have the ability to do small cuts to hit them.

On the down side, looks like Dez Bryant, Megatron, Larry Fitz, and other big possession receivers are going to be unstoppable this year.

Another issues seems to be that wr/db interactions don't start until the receiver gets ready to make the catch, they should be getting physical before the ball arrives.

Another issue is that Qb's are still taking stupid sacks, the likes of Kap should be running and moving to avoid sacks, not sit back, and wait to get hit for the cheap break avoid sack mechanic to trigger.
I agree I love the improvements to the running game this year. On the other hand, I don't mind Elite receivers like Dez & Fitz being able to go up & dominate in the air like that. They make catches like that in real life. Now should it be happening every single play? No but I want the elite receivers to stand out in the game so that you have to game plan for them & not leave them in single coverage. I personally don't have a problem with the catches I've seen so far.
# 29 cthurt @ 06/19/15 10:28 AM
Its nice to see the stadium option for the cardinals stadium was on open by default instead of always being closed like in past maddens, so hopefully that means they are also open in CCM by default for all stadiums that have retractable roofs.
# 30 JayD @ 06/19/15 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by cthurt
Its nice to see the stadium option for the cardinals stadium was on open by default instead of always being closed like in past maddens, so hopefully that means they are also open in CCM by default for all stadiums that have retractable roofs.
I was just about to post this. Every stadium was closed in CCM regardless of it being a beautiful 74 degrees outside.
# 31 Da-Man @ 06/19/15 10:45 AM
Why is the presentation almost EXACTLY like 15?

Scorebug and the intro with the 3d stadiums morphing into the start of the game looks exactly like 15... from what iv seen so far it looks like the presentation guys took a year off.
# 32 cthurt @ 06/19/15 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by JayD
I was just about to post this. Every stadium was closed in CCM regardless of it being a beautiful 74 degrees outside.

Yea I hated that it was like that esp. since the game doesn't look too good in dome stadiums, I wish they would just give us the option to have it open or closed before the game like they do in play now mode, I also wish we had weather options before games in CCM.
# 33 cthurt @ 06/19/15 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Da-Man
Why is the presentation almost EXACTLY like 15?

Scorebug and the intro with the 3d stadiums morphing into the start of the game looks exactly like 15... from what iv seen so far it looks like the presentation guys took a year off.

I was upset to see this was the same, and as for the highlight video they have for the QB when he comes on the field that will get old quick, EA needs to learn to be more dynamic with presentation, so we wont see all the new additions they added by just playing one full game.
# 34 csx009 @ 06/19/15 03:22 PM
finally, some nfl 2k5 game modes. will madden 17 introduce first-person football?
# 35 bxphenom7 @ 06/21/15 11:27 AM
I was watching gameplay on Gametrailers and I was actually kind of impressed. The aggressive catch was hard to gauge because they had a 90+ receiver against CBs in the 70s overall. Even then, they didnt catch everything on aggressive catch, but I'd say tuning it down just a little more and they got it.

It's Madden though, so I'm staying cautiously optimistic and waiting for reviews.
# 36 Jimmyx88 @ 06/24/15 02:06 PM
Hi new here, was wondering doesn't look like draft champions will be available offline versus. Anyone seen anything that say otherwise ? I think this would be a fun mode to play on the couch with some friends .
# 37 Sheba2011 @ 06/24/15 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by csx009
finally, some nfl 2k5 game modes. will madden 17 introduce first-person football?
Hopefully not, that was one of those sounds good on paper but is a horrible idea concepts.
# 38 Skyboxer @ 06/24/15 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
Hopefully not, that was one of those sounds good on paper but is a horrible idea concepts.
Options are good though.
I personally LOVED FP mode in 2K as well as R&L passing in Fever.
Wish we could get more gameplay options in Madden.
# 39 Sheba2011 @ 06/24/15 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Options are good though.
I personally LOVED FP mode in 2K as well as R&L passing in Fever.
Wish we could get more gameplay options in Madden.
I would much rather them improve what is already there than add new gimmick modes that people will play a handful of times and never go back to. We have been down that road many times before with Madden.
# 40 Skyboxer @ 06/25/15 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
I would much rather them improve what is already there than add new gimmick modes that people will play a handful of times and never go back to. We have been down that road many times before with Madden.
See that's the thing (Just like the conversation on how people are voting on CPU vs CPU) if you don't want to use that feature you're not forced to. Shouldn't mean not to have it or make any since to vote it down. I'll never really use CPU vs CPU but I voted it up as the more oiptions people have the better.

And for what it's worth I used the FP mode a lot more than regular mode in 2K. I really have zero clue how many people used it or not but know how much I liked it. Same with Fevers read and lead passing.

Looking at games like The Show, there's simply no reason we shouldn't have more options by now in Madden.

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