MLB 15 The Show News Post

MLB 15 The Show patch 1.04 arrived early this morning, weighing in at 799 MB. SCEA has just released the details.

Offline specific changes:
  • When using the Player Lock feature in Exhibition, Season, or Franchise modes, the user was unable to perform a dive or jump animation when inputting the command. This has been fixed for all modes.
Online specific changes:
  • During an online game, when a ball is hit directly at and fielded by the 1st baseman, tapping the circle button triggers the fielder to “take it himself” to 1st base. This was resulting in the offensive user not seeing the fielder run to the base and tagging it. He would only see the fielder standing in place (where he fielded the ball) but the out would be recorded when the play timed out. This has been fixed on this version of the patch.
  • During an online game, in a very rare and timing specific situation, the game would post the wrong win/loss result if the very last out was recorded on a force out play at the same time a runner was crossing home plate (that would have tied the game). The most common occurrence of this involved the bases being loaded, and the last out being recorded at 1st base, just as the tying run would cross the plate. This has been fixed, and games will post correctly when ending on this type of play.
  • During an online game, a hang/standoff could occur if the batter called for a timeout at the exact time that the pitching user was giving the input to select a pitch type. This situation was rare, due to the timing, but encountered frequently enough to warrant code reconstruction to resolve this. This has been resolved on this version of the patch.
  • Within an Online Challenge of the Week game session, users were able to bat from an outfield/pitcher view perspective. This was giving users an advantage, as they could see where the catcher was setting up (giving away the pitch location). Users are no longer able to bat with an outfield/pitcher view perspective in Challenge of the Week mode.
  • Following an extended period of offline gameplay (resulting in the accumulation of XP and stubs), users were encountering an issue where their universal profile was syncing to a system level user, instead of a PSN user. Their amount of XP and stubs were not syncing as expected during the log-in process. This has been fixed.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 nemesis04 @ 06/14/15 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
Yeah...pointed it to the right (3 o'clock) and pulled back L2 got the rumble....it seems to happen all the time.

I will try again....just to make sure.

I use default running controls not classic.
Just make sure you keep the left stick pointed in that position during the whole duration of your press and release of L2. Releasing the left stick too early will result in all runners stealing.
# 82 Dabears554 @ 06/15/15 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Bigsheen
In anyone else's franchise, does every other major league team have an excessive amount of SP and a small number of RP? I just now noticed this. I am in 2018 and every single team except my own (Pirates) has at least 6 or more SP on the major league club, one even had 10 SP with 1 RP!

I'm rarely one to point out little bugs in gameplay or franchise, but this is kind of game breaking for me, which is why I want to see if anyone else has had this or if it has been reported before? If it has I'm sorry, I havent been around very much and I doubt a forum search would be able to find it due to the issues' complexity.
I'm experiencing something similar in my RTTS SP where the MLB team is carrying around 14 pitchers all the time. Only 2 position players on the bench and the whole lineup is cold (probably because they're dead tired because they can't get any days off to rest)
# 83 Armor and Sword @ 06/15/15 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Just make sure you keep the left stick pointed in that position during the whole duration of your press and release of L2. Releasing the left stick too early will result in all runners stealing.
That is exactly what was happening!
# 84 HustlinOwl @ 06/15/15 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by jb12780
Online franchise guys,

Have you had trouble with lags and freezing since the latest patch?

Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
no issues here playing online franchise in several of my leagues.
# 85 Baseball Purist @ 06/15/15 12:21 PM
Still seeing walk off hits for the CPU that clear the entire bases (counting all of the runs..ie like it was home run) when in reality only the game winning run should be scored.
# 86 Bobhead @ 06/15/15 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Fours
Such a disappointing patch, especially knowing this is the last one with any hope of addressing non DD issues.. I know and accept that the money making modes will always get priority, but to have given up completely on franchise is a big middle finger to a huge segment of customers.

It's still possible to enjoy franchise with heavy editing and workarounds, but here's a list for MLB 16

- Balance overall Pitcher progression
- Pitcher progression velocity bug
- Playoff pitcher stamina
- Amateur draft generation, age over flow issue
- Amateur draft generation, inflated potential
- Amateur draft generation, ridiculous looking players
- Previous patch broke CPU lead offs
- Inflated pick off move errors(Can we call this fixed by removing lead offs?)
- Budgets preventing FA signings, leaving 90+ rated players unsigned.
- 1B not covering bag on diving plays.
- Players choosing relaxed throwing animations inappropriately.
- Catchers allowing passed balls on fastballs in the strike zone.
- Manager salary demands climbing to 8M+/year

That's just off the top of my head, I could come up with a lot more..

Year-to-year saves only make sense if you've tuned the game to make sense years down the road.

Have to say I agree. I'm still enjoying the game, but with so many lingering issues (I'll add the lack of pitch speed on the swing/pitch feedback display, on a pitch where contact was made), I'm stunned that at least some of them were not looked at for this patch.
# 87 Jr. @ 06/16/15 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by Mo
Sigh, was really hoping this would get fixed. This kinda is a game killer.(Runners auto sliding into 3rd base)

Just happened to see this as I sent a guy home from 2B. I've always pressed L1 as soon as the ball is in play, so maybe that's this has never happened to me. Scored easily with Starlin on a 1B to left field.

I know if you try to advance the runner too late, the slide is already loaded and will still occur. Do you remember where the runner was in relation to 3B when you sent him?
# 88 bberu @ 06/19/15 05:51 PM
First time on the board but a veteran of the Show. I haven't seen this mentioned and couldn't find any threads but have u guys noticed the running animation glitch when trying to beat a throw to first? The runner goes into a stutter step instead of legging out the throw. I swear I've been throw out on close plays where my runner would have been safe without this glitch. Anyone? Sometimes the animation just stops before reaching the bag. Can't believe this isn't getting more conversation.
# 89 countryboy @ 06/19/15 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by bberu
First time on the board but a veteran of the Show. I haven't seen this mentioned and couldn't find any threads but have u guys noticed the running animation glitch when trying to beat a throw to first? The runner goes into a stutter step instead of legging out the throw. I swear I've been throw out on close plays where my runner would have been safe without this glitch. Anyone? Sometimes the animation just stops before reaching the bag. Can't believe this isn't getting more conversation.
I've actually seen this a few times and not just at first. I've seen it happen at second as well.

Next time I see it, I'll record replay to be sure we are talking about same glitch/animation

Oh and by the way, welcome to the boards!
# 90 bberu @ 06/20/15 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I've actually seen this a few times and not just at first. I've seen it happen at second as well.

Next time I see it, I'll record replay to be sure we are talking about same glitch/animation

Oh and by the way, welcome to the boards!
Thanks! That would be great if you could post a video. Hopefully the devs will take notice and see if it can be fixed with an update.
# 91 Mmapps @ 06/21/15 03:06 PM
Was the franchise draft glitch ever fixed or are people still experiencing it? Sorry if this has been answered, I have been away from the game for a while.
# 92 Knight165 @ 06/21/15 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Mmapps
Was the franchise draft glitch ever fixed or are people still experiencing it? Sorry if this has been answered, I have been away from the game for a while.

# 93 ElroyJetson @ 06/24/15 01:48 AM
I havent been able to connect to the show servers in about a week. anyone know how to fix it? I can access online with every other game, and use the ps store, but not the show.
# 94 xvgjchj @ 06/26/15 12:32 PM
One offline fix? Really? I must say I am a little disappointed in them this time. Granted I like the one fix a lot, but there were bigger issues .
# 95 steelcityjames @ 07/04/15 10:54 PM
my offline franchise was practically bug-free up until the last patch. now i experience ALL of the bugs that have been mentioned. i'm guessing i should delete the game data and reinstall but stopping it at the point of the most recent patch? if this is the solution, how exactly do i do this? help will be much appreciated
# 96 countryboy @ 07/05/15 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by steelcityjames
my offline franchise was practically bug-free up until the last patch. now i experience ALL of the bugs that have been mentioned. i'm guessing i should delete the game data and reinstall but stopping it at the point of the most recent patch? if this is the solution, how exactly do i do this? help will be much appreciated
you can't go back a patch or anything like that. You'll either have to play with the most recent patch or play without any patches.
# 97 steelcityjames @ 07/05/15 01:38 PM
thanks. i deleted the game data then reinstalled. only had the chance to play one game, but i didn't see any bugs. obviously too early to tell, but reinstalling might have helped *fingers crossed*
# 98 artdog5110 @ 07/09/15 01:24 PM
I haven't got the game yet, what is the boundary issue at Wrigley?
# 99 forme95 @ 07/09/15 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by steelcityjames
thanks. i deleted the game data then reinstalled. only had the chance to play one game, but i didn't see any bugs. obviously too early to tell, but reinstalling might have helped *fingers crossed*
Any update on this? How are your games playing now? When you reinstalled it, how did you avoid the patch?
# 100 steelcityjames @ 07/09/15 06:04 PM
@ forme95 - unable to avoid the patch. just deleted and reinstalled. since then i have played about 10 games. so far it's been bug free. i'm not a tech geek, so i have no explanation why....but it worked. so far, so good.

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