NBA 2K15 News Post

In the midst of an entertaining NBA Finals, NBA 2K15 fever is still running rampant.

This is a trend that's been found to work for many years. During a league's playoffs, gamers will resort to playing games like 2K or NHL 15 before the frevor of said sports dies out until next season. That being said, there's no better time to be playing 2K than right now, but there's a good chance you've exhausted all possible avenues to enjoy the game for this year.

Many years in MyCareer and a large number of wins in MyTeam and MyLeague eventually get boring. Believe it or not, though, there are still ways to spice the game up and keep it fun before trading it for NBA 2K16 (unless you did already after seeing the Spike Lee trailer, which you're forgiven if that's the case).

But for those who still have the game and are still having fun, here's how you can still make NBA 2K15 a jolly good time.

Read More - Keeping NBA 2K15 Fresh As the NBA Season Ends

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# 1 JUSTlFIED @ 06/09/15 03:48 PM
Fix PS4 MyPark Voice chat to foster a competitive spirit, and to allow communication with those not on your friend list.

I still have the game and am still having fun, but they would allow many to have a jolly good time, IMO
# 2 DarkEdgeX5 @ 06/09/15 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by JUSTlFIED
Fix PS4 MyPark Voice chat to foster a competitive spirit, and to allow communication with those not on your friend list.

I still have the game and am still having fun, but they would allow many to have a jolly good time, IMO
That would be a nightmare with 20+ people at once. And I (and I'm sure most people) don't want to communicate with the average 2K player.
# 3 sluknucks @ 06/09/15 04:09 PM
What Online Leagues??????? That mode hasn't been functional all year! Anytime you play a game it does not register am I missing something here???????????
# 4 BA2929 @ 06/09/15 04:42 PM
Another tip:

Play a MyLeague with a fantasy draft, but include all the Classic Team players rated 75+. Just trade them for the worst players in the NBA.

Makes the game more difficult due to the better talent, and there's noting more exciting than having a guy like Larry Bird match up with Kevin Durant.
# 5 JUSTlFIED @ 06/09/15 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by DarkEdgeX5
That would be a nightmare with 20+ people at once. And I (and I'm sure most people) don't want to communicate with the average 2K player.
20+ people?

You only hear players on the Court with you. Plus its already in the game just broken on PS4.

You can here people talk waiting on Got Next, but once the game start is doesnt work.

And you might be in the minority. Lots of people use voice chat on MyPark in 2K14

Oh one more thing, allow teams of any affiliation (outside of The Stage) not the the championship is over
# 6 Skyflame21 @ 06/09/15 07:25 PM
I really was pumped for online leagues but the fact that it has to be a full 30 human controlled ruined the chance of my participation. Unfortunately I don't have 30 friends that are NBA fans nor the time to commit but there was about 6 of us locked and loaded for a season. All that build up to find out that we couldn't use AI controlled teams to fill the other non-selected organizations. Bummer. We didn't want unknowns in our league looking to spam which is pretty much every random online match. And it was too time consuming to vet another 20+ candidates to fill the teams. Hopefully next season the make a league where it's up 30 teams not a requirement. Most want to play against their buddies for bragging rights. Please allow for 2-30 teams in online leagues. I believe that if NBA and the NHL would go that route they'd get much more play.
# 7 zmcman1 @ 06/09/15 07:55 PM
Near the end of every year, I typically do a 30-team controlled fantasy draft. I do the draft itself within Excel so I can take breaks, usually takes me about a week to do it.

For the first round, I figure out the 30 guys I want to be in the round and try to match them up with the team/city I feel they fit best. So Kobe stays in LA, LeBron Cleveland, Rose in Chicago, etc. Then I rank them 1-30 for snake draft purposes.

I also won't let guys that typically retire within the first three seasons to go in the first round. So for this season with Duncan, I think I'm just going to let him be San Antonio's second round pick to keep him there with Parker. May give them a competitive edge, we'll see.

After I finish the draft within Excel, I draft the teams within the games. I don't make any trades for the entire first season so my initial setup stays the same. In past years, I'd usually play a game with each team/play the All Star weekend/sim to the playoffs where I play some of those series.

I think I'm going to try something different this year though and mainly use one team. Do the initial draft and afterward, use a randomizer to determine which team I use. That way I won't know who I'm going to be during the draft process and can't skew things in my favor.
# 8 KennyJ1976 @ 06/09/15 08:40 PM
NBA 2K15 would be more fresh to me if it had a playoff mode so I can play out these current playoffs. Since it doesn't, I barely play it at all. ALL SPORTS GAMES NEED A PLAYOFF MODE!!!!!!!
# 9 Fist Of Kings @ 06/10/15 12:05 AM
What you can do is build theme teams: a team of all scrubs, all young players, all old players, all short players etc. That never gets old for me.

What I like about the nba 2K series is that if you choose to go the all scrub team route, it won't be easy. Other sports games you can plug in anyone and still win with ease.
# 10 iTofu @ 06/10/15 11:44 AM
"Fantasy Draft in MyLeague or MyGM" scratch that... The reduction in 3 point ratings has seriously unbalanced simulation results and stats. Completely ruined those game modes for the playoffs this year.
# 11 Tengo Juego @ 06/11/15 08:50 PM
My Park is a mess currently. From court's got next spots breaking and causing players to get stuck in them, or not be able to step on/off in a reasonable amount of time, to awful lag spikes in-games; often just too laggy to play. And the rotten community that has now set out with this Demi-god glitch giving them all badges and spawning 7'2" PG. It's not a great experience. If you can manage to get a good group together, you'll have better luck, but good luck finding quality opponents who play non-cheese ball.
# 12 ItsJustaGame @ 06/11/15 09:32 PM
@MMChrisS bro how old are you?
# 13 H Town @ 06/12/15 05:21 PM
Yeah, the OA works. I joined one the other day and it was fun.
# 14 TheBallGuru @ 06/12/15 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by zmcman1
Near the end of every year, I typically do a 30-team controlled fantasy draft. I do the draft itself within Excel so I can take breaks, usually takes me about a week to do it.

For the first round, I figure out the 30 guys I want to be in the round and try to match them up with the team/city I feel they fit best. So Kobe stays in LA, LeBron Cleveland, Rose in Chicago, etc. Then I rank them 1-30 for snake draft purposes.

I also won't let guys that typically retire within the first three seasons to go in the first round. So for this season with Duncan, I think I'm just going to let him be San Antonio's second round pick to keep him there with Parker. May give them a competitive edge, we'll see.

After I finish the draft within Excel, I draft the teams within the games. I don't make any trades for the entire first season so my initial setup stays the same. In past years, I'd usually play a game with each team/play the All Star weekend/sim to the playoffs where I play some of those series.

I think I'm going to try something different this year though and mainly use one team. Do the initial draft and afterward, use a randomizer to determine which team I use. That way I won't know who I'm going to be during the draft process and can't skew things in my favor.
Confused as to why you do a fantasy draft but pretty much keep everyone on their current teams. Whats the point of fantasy draft if you're making Parker and Duncan stay in SA?
# 15 Inzombniac @ 06/12/15 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by TheBallGuru
Confused as to why you do a fantasy draft but pretty much keep everyone on their current teams. Whats the point of fantasy draft if you're making Parker and Duncan stay in SA?
I do the same thing sometimes whenever I do a fantasy draft. Dwight in Orlando is another frequent. Two guys staying together in their location isn't that bad. Even if you kept Manu, you have the Spurs three but you can surround them with different talent to see how that works out playing against them compared to the normal Spurs.

Then maybe on another team you go completely fantasy with a younger player as the star piece. Being honest, I think what always suckers me in with fantasy drafts is the idea of creating different scenario teams. Like a three point shooting team with Steph Curry and other good 3 point shooters. Or a defensive team with a bunch of defensive minded players like Jimmy Butler and Tony Allen. Or since the Knicks have the triangle, putting a team suited to that together.
# 16 zmcman1 @ 06/13/15 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by TheBallGuru
Confused as to why you do a fantasy draft but pretty much keep everyone on their current teams. Whats the point of fantasy draft if you're making Parker and Duncan stay in SA?
Because for some guys, I don't want to see them playing in other jerseys. Kobe's been a Laker his entire career, I'd rather him stick with the city. Rose is Chicago, Wade is Miami, Dirk will always be a Mav as long as I keep him in the first round.

There's some guys I'll shuffle to different places if I don't really feel a connection to their current/previous teams and can move them closer to their hometown. CP3 tends to end up in Charlotte. Wiggins got to be Toronto's first pick. I took Cousins out of Sacramento so I could have a Curry/Warriors and Klay/Sacramento rivalry.

I've only done five rounds to this point but Parker/Duncan are the only Spurs players to be on San Antonio. Had them pass on Ginobili twice before I put him on Atlanta.
# 17 Pvidakis @ 06/15/15 12:00 PM
This is a great game . I have played 40.000 games and that is like to statt just now. Join us

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