NASCAR 15 News Post

As with any racing game, sim-based or arcade, two of the biggest factors that will ultimately decide its fate are driving physics and AI ability. If you’re at all familiar with the NASCAR series by European-based developer Eutechnyx, then you probably realize these two areas have been extremely problematic since the series launched back in 2011 -- and two primary reasons why NASCAR 15 is the studio's last entry (assuming they did most of the development after the transition to DMi back in January, which seems to be the case).

The Tom Dusenberry-Ed Martin co-founded development group, DMi Racing, now controls the NASCAR license and will build a sim-based game from scratch that should release in 2016. For now though, a NASCAR fan's only choice for this year is NASCAR '15, presented by DMi Racing and developed by Eutechnyx.

Read More - NASCAR '15: The Handling and AI Opponents

Game: NASCAR '15Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 1 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 TCrouch @ 06/04/15 10:55 AM
I always enjoy Bob's work--and NASCAR 15 is just enough of an improvement to be worth $20 to me. It's still a mess, and a full price game would have been off the table.

But I can actually have some fun in a race now more often than not. And I can't properly express how happy I am that a new developer will get to take a crack at it. Whether Ed Martin is the Papyrus version or the Eutechnyx version is the big question.

I'm of the belief that the ETX versions limited creativity through something like publisher or some other external force---as you don't develop some great ones for Papy and even NASCAR Heat, and then suddenly forget how to code AI once you get to ETX.

Here's hoping, at least.
# 2 bluengold34_OS @ 06/04/15 11:02 AM
I have high, but realistic expectations for Dmi's version NASACR 16 - hopefully it's the start of a long running series that fans can actually enjoy again.

***Please follow SMS's lead, and allow AI online to help fill out private rooms -PLEASE***

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