MLB 15 The Show News Post

We may or may not get a roster update tomorrow as it's Memorial Day weekend in the States. But whether the update comes Monday or Tuesday, it's time to predict who may be on the rise in the next roster update.

I'll be breaking the predictions into tiers based on my own confidence level.

Ratings Boost Probability: High

Jason Kipnis - He got a plus-one boost last week, but he's done nothing but continue to hit.

Ryan Braun - He was stripped of Gold status earlier in the year, but not many players have hit the ball better than Braun the past month.

Kris Bryant - Bryant got a plus-two boost last week, but I still feel confident projecting him to get another upgrade.

Prince Fielder - Fielder is back and healthy and he's been annihilating the ball as of late.

Brandon Crawford - This is probably a little overdue as Crawford is hitting .350 the last month.

Dexter Fowler - Fowler just has a good mix of power and speed going this year.

Brandon Belt - Belt is crushing the ball in May, and it seems maybe he's putting it together.

Shelby Miller - Miller had the near no-hitter and has just been really good. Based on his price in the marketplace, most others think he's getting a boost as well.

A.J. Burnett - Burnett is another one people in the marketplace are already expecting to get a ratings boost. It's fair at this point, his numbers are silly.

Jason Hammel - Hammel has just been really good this year, and even better over the past month.

Mike Bolsinger - Bolsinger is rolling. He's 27 and not a hot-shot prospect, but I would still be a little surprised if he doesn't get a boost.

James Paxton - Paxton is having just a solid year. This is maybe the one I feel least confident about in this category, but he still seems like a solid candidate for a boost.

After the jump, I'll post my more speculative ratings boost predictions.

Read More - Diamond Dynasty Ratings Boost Predictions

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 MrOldboy @ 05/25/15 02:09 AM
Fowler's contact numbers this year have been mediocre and if anything he might deserve a slight drop vs LHP contact. His slugging isn't so far over his 2014 numbers that I think they'd raise his ratings much in the power department.

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