Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR News Post

The first gameplay trailer for Rory McIlroy PGA Tour is here! In the trailer, we learn about the various gameplay styles as well as the enhanced ball physics and how the different types of courses are going to affect your shots in the game.

Also a big piece of news is that the game, while being listed with a June 2015 release for some time is actually going to end up being released in MId-July -- July 14, 2015 specifically.

Game: Rory McIlroy PGA TOURReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 12 - View All
Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR Videos
Member Comments
# 1 jbd345 @ 04/23/15 03:20 PM
very impressive!!! That shot at the end with the caddie pulling out the flag wow!!!
# 2 jbd345 @ 04/23/15 03:41 PM
A few thoughts after reading the blog, awesome that we can choose between arcade and simulation, as well as customizing each gameplay to how we like it. Tour mode looks awesome, basically what TGC is now. Not sure how I feel about this "mid air spin" as in the blog they made it sound like you can change direction of the ball mid flight. If that's the case I really hope there will be different tournament settings for each of the gameplay settings. Looks like we are not getting a watered down version after all. I'm still skeptical until the rest of the player roster and course list comes out but right now this is looking light years ahead of NHL.
# 3 adh5199 @ 04/23/15 03:48 PM
Did anyone else notice that they slipped in July 14th as the release date at the very end? It was originally supposed to be June. Oh well, the graphics look impressive to say the least.
# 4 godylla @ 04/23/15 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by jbd345
A few thoughts after reading the blog, awesome that we can choose between arcade and simulation, as well as customizing each gameplay to how we like it. Tour mode looks awesome, basically what TGC is now. Not sure how I feel about this "mid air spin" as in the blog they made it sound like you can change direction of the ball mid flight. If that's the case I really hope there will be different tournament settings for each of the gameplay settings. Looks like we are not getting a watered down version after all. I'm still skeptical until the rest of the player roster and course list comes out but right now this is looking light years ahead of NHL.
I think the mid-air spin is just like in previous versions of the Tiger Woods series. Where tapping A/X in the air and holding the analog stick in a direction will give you backspin, top spin, or a favorable bounce left or right depending on which direction you are holding the analog.
# 5 jbd345 @ 04/23/15 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by adh5199
Did anyone else notice that they slipped in July 14th as the release date at the very end? It was originally supposed to be June. Oh well, the graphics look impressive to say the least.
Woah good catch. And unfortunately that is a Tuesday. Don't understand why they keep pushing this back.
# 6 godylla @ 04/23/15 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Just what I figured. They dumbed down the game and looks like they're making it really easy. So much for tempo swings and no more ball marking with the left stick and total swing control. They took away that and the diagonal swing which was the best thing they had ever done for difficulty. When they reintroduce a 3 click swing, then you know they are making this game for the arcade crowd. Online is ruined as everybody will be shooting -20 on the hardest level with thier Hori controllers. From what it looked like in the menus, you can't even eliminate the MPH #'s for the wind.

The physics looked kind of weird. Everytime the ball hit the greens it was going pretty much straight. Actually looked more natural in TW14. The tree physics look much better though. The graphics were as expected, nicer but not nearly as good as you see in the first trailers. Didn't really blow me away.

Disappointing but expected. Since online will be useless, unless they wow me with a really good career mode then I'll be skipping this year's game and wait until whatever the next game is to get the diagonal swing back which I'm sure their holding back for future games.
It is possible that the "Tour" mode could quench some of your thirsts. Maybe not all of them, but might give you some of the simulation you were hoping for.
# 7 huntt26 @ 04/23/15 04:36 PM
I'm probably very much in the minority, but I'm hoping for an option for Kinect controls to swing. Really enjoyed Wii Tiger woods and the Masters game that had Kinect controls.
# 8 brandon27 @ 04/23/15 05:02 PM
Looks and sounds good to me.

Except for that July release date.
# 9 DivotMaker @ 04/23/15 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by jbd345
Not sure how I feel about this "mid air spin" as in the blog they made it sound like you can change direction of the ball mid flight. If that's the case I really hope there will be different tournament settings for each of the gameplay settings.
Only in arcade mode....

EDIT: After re-reading the blog, you can customize how you play the game with any of the swing combinations. However, for online play and Live Tournaments, the swings will be default for each swing for each tournament meaning you can't add in-flight spin to the ball in TOUR mode, but you could in any offline mode. My apologies for the confusion.
# 10 DivotMaker @ 04/23/15 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Just what I figured. They dumbed down the game and looks like they're making it really easy. So much for tempo swings and no more ball marking with the left stick and total swing control. They took away that and the diagonal swing which was the best thing they had ever done for difficulty. When they reintroduce a 3 click swing, then you know they are making this game for the arcade crowd. Online is ruined as everybody will be shooting -20 on the hardest level with thier Hori controllers. From what it looked like in the menus, you can't even eliminate the MPH #'s for the wind.

The physics looked kind of weird. Everytime the ball hit the greens it was going pretty much straight. Actually looked more natural in TW14. The tree physics look much better though. The graphics were as expected, nicer but not nearly as good as you see in the first trailers. Didn't really blow me away.

Disappointing but expected. Since online will be useless, unless they wow me with a really good career mode then I'll be skipping this year's game and wait until whatever the next game is to get the diagonal swing back which I'm sure their holding back for future games.
They have not had a true "Tempo-based" swing in the game since TW08 and prior versions for PC. Instead of bashing this before playing it, I and others will have an open mind. The impact stick was poorly done on Simulation mode as it disappeared and it was a crapshoot. If this is a true "Tempo-based" swing, then the Hori group will have no motivation to get one other than swinging straight. You and others seem to also forget that EA gets alot of their feedback from various sources. Many folks complained of the removal of 3-click during the introduction of TCS in TW12. There are MANY users who can't physically manipulate the swing stick. The diagonal swing was liked by some in the hardcore simulation crowd and hated by others in that same crowd. I was 50/50 on it. Liked it at time, hated it others. If they get a truly tempo based analog swing like TrueSwing from the PC versions, that will be plenty of challenge for even the most hardcore.

At the end of the day, it is the first gameplay footage we have seen and I am sure they are not showing us everything as the previous 7 weeks would suggest. I am sure I am not going to change your glass half empty perception of EA or Tiburon, but can we wait and play the game before we proclaim that it is "disappointing"? I am cautiously optimistic that we are going to get a very nice first effort with this NG EA Sports game. And July 14th? No problem as that is only a couple of weeks beyond the end of June and honestly, if they need the extra time, LETS GIVE IT TO THEM (remember TW14 and the flaws that were never completely fixed?)......
# 11 DivotMaker @ 04/23/15 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Hutton
What's up with the grass textures, it looks like artificial turf in a lot of the video, the greens look especially odd.
Agreed. Hope it is a compression artifact issue with YouTube....
# 12 DivotMaker @ 04/23/15 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by gustavus
I would like to see more information on pre-strike shot shaping. It's listed as a Tour option, so there is something to it.
It will come.

After shot manipulation of the ball is strictly arcade.
# 13 DivotMaker @ 04/23/15 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by jbd345
Woah good catch. And unfortunately that is a Tuesday. Don't understand why they keep pushing this back.
According to a Twitter post it was to get online Play modes more polish. If anyone here remembers the TW14 fiasco with the patches, more time IS A GOOD THING.
# 14 jbd345 @ 04/23/15 05:43 PM
Who knows maybe they wanted it out the same week as the U.S. Open but the game didn't go gold early enough to match that release date. I'd rather have a game be delayed a few weeks and be fully featured instead of being rushed out and be half feature aka NHL 15.
# 15 BaselineBakes @ 04/23/15 11:00 PM
Looks great and I'm really excited for this. Wish I could still pop in TW14 every once in awhile so I'm looking forward to this big time. Rory looks good, the graphics look good, can't wait to see what type of career mode they add in and the customization they allow.
# 16 spidertour02 @ 04/24/15 12:40 AM
I love that they're offering options. Some people prefer the sim style, and some people prefer a more arcade style, and this will offer both with as much overlap in-between as desired. It seems like this is giving everybody what they want.
# 17 Chairman7w @ 04/24/15 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by spidertour02
I love that they're offering options. Some people prefer the sim style, and some people prefer a more arcade style, and this will offer both with as much overlap in-between as desired. It seems like this is giving everybody what they want.
Yep, not only are they offering the three distinct styles, but you can toggle many options in any of them. Really cool, can't wait to play this.
# 18 OnlookerDelay @ 04/24/15 09:13 AM
I saw some things I liked in yesterdays screens and to some degree, the videos that I did like. The trees, bushes, tall grasses and objects looked fantastic. However (and I'm hoping this was a function of the compressed nature of the You Tube video) some of the fairway and particularly, the green textures looked unbelievably blocky! I think it was bad video because I was seeing a lot of artifacting, even though the video was running smoothly at what was said to be 1080p/60 FPS.

What I absolutely hated about it was that it was showing ball/follow camera only.... blech! Tiger Woods 14's broadcast camera was so bad that it left me no option other than to use ball camera, which I despise... and it was the worst implementation of ball camera I had ever seen in the series. While the RMPGAT ball camera looked better than Tiger 14's, it's still not something I could stand to play the game with for long. I have an idea they'll have a couple of options to ball cam, but until I see them in action, it's hard for me to get excited this game.

I was never able to embrace TW 14's diagonal swing, even though I liked the idea of having a difficult to master simulation difficulty mode. The diagonal swing mechanic seemed counter-intuitive to me for two reasons:

1.) it didn't register with my senses why I was having to swing from 8 o-clock to 2 o-clock to in essence, hit a ball straight.

2.) my senses kept telling me that if I did hit the ball with the swingpath I was taking - on scale - I would have hooked the ball across two fairways

Was it difficult to master? Sure it was. My scoring average went up drastically, but it felt more like it was because I was failing a thumbstick gymnastics exercise rather than performing an action that was to some degree modeling a golf swing in terms of bearing. Tiger Woods 10 had what I considered to be a great simulation difficulty without having to resort to something as drastic as the diagonal swing model... dial the club sweetspot % down to the mid to upper teens and I was doing good to hit 65% of the fairways and greens.

What we can't tell yet is just how difficult it's going to be to track the vertical axis when you want to hit the bail straight in RMPGAT, in Tour difficulty... well, with a stock controller anyway. It may be something closer to what I"m speaking of in my TW10, club tuner altered example than what we had in Tiger 12 and 13's Elite difficulty levels.

I'm willing to wait this out and see just how compelling the stock Tour difficulty option is going to be. It may NOT be the 90% FIR/GIR fest that many are using Tiger 12 and 13's Elite difficulty from which to extract that data. I understand what EA is trying to do in creating three base difficulties, but they've also left some options in there to allow those who want something more extreme to achieve it.
# 19 Lisac @ 04/24/15 09:48 AM
So this was going to be a day 1 buy for me with a April release date, than i was on the fence with a early June release, Now with a July 14th release its a def no go. As the game looks amazing and I was always a fan of the old golf games this one comes out to close to the release's of Madden and NHL.
# 20 OnlookerDelay @ 04/24/15 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Lisac
So this was going to be a day 1 buy for me with a April release date, than i was on the fence with a early June release, Now with a July 14th release its a def no go. As the game looks amazing and I was always a fan of the old golf games this one comes out to close to the release's of Madden and NHL.
I think this will definitely cut into potential sales for RMPGAT, not to mention taking some of the spotlight away from it. I'm seasonal about football and won't touch one until September, so this game could have 6 weeks of seat time with me before Madden hits, if it I purchase it after trying the Trial Version via EA Access. There's no guarantee of even that at this point, although I suspect they'll be enough there to convince me to buy.

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