MLB 15 The Show News Post

Guest video poster Douglas Veney checks in today with a look at a couple of the new gameplay mechanics in MLB 15 The Show!

In MLB 15 The Show, the smart decisions are what win you the game. The game features a few new mechanics this year that go a long way in helping you execute a great strategy.

At first glance it might appear that "Timing" hitting is gone, but it's been renamed to "Directional" and features a new twist. Players are now able to influence their swing to a variety of directions to perform sacrifice hits, hit & runs, and other plays with much more accuracy.

Defensive shifts are incredibly easy to call, and deliver a fantastic risk/reward factor. Know that your opponent is preparing to squeeze off a bunt? Shift your infield to give your team a better chance at stopping them.

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Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 p00p1 @ 04/07/15 03:11 PM
I've been looking and haven't found an answer for this yet, how do you see the power splits for upcoming batters in the quick menus. They only show contact/power vs the current pitcher or they show contact vs L/R in the bullpen menu.

It seems like if I want to see the upcoming hitter's stats vs L/R, I have to go to the stats page and look at each hitter.
# 2 BoomerSooner22 @ 04/07/15 04:44 PM
Not sure, but one thing that just happened while I was playing turned me off to the game a little. SS Andrelton Simmons of the Braves dove to try and stop a ball from going into the outfield, got up and looked perfectly fine, but the game said he injured his ankle and it could be a season ender. How do you injure your ankle diving to stop a grounder? I used slow-mo replay and nothing, so if injuries to certain body parts are purely random, then that worries me.

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