Operation Sports News Post

In this week's OS Fact or Fiction, a few staff writers get together and discuss quite a few interesting topics. Make sure you read their responses and post your own!
  • MLB 15 The Show will get online play right this year
  • NHL 16 will recover from NHL 15's abysmal bottom and return the series to its old glory
  • Joe Montana Football is a console football game which is going to compete with Madden
  • It is time for the NBA to quit doing the playoffs by East/West due to the divisional imbalance and instead take the top 16 teams regardless of division
  • Adrian Peterson will be a Dallas Cowboy next season
Read More - OS Fact or Fiction: Sports Gaming Doldrums Edition (Written by Matthew Coe, Chase Becotte and Ben Vollmer)

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Member Comments
# 1 Guapo516 @ 03/07/15 06:01 PM
As much as I don't want the playoff format to change, Imbalance in the NBA comes from the way the playoffs are set up in a way.

The west teams that are good already go into the lottery as opposed to the eastern teams that are bad, so the west only gets stronger. Bad picks from the 7 eastern conference teams help also but the western teams benefit greatly from being able to add a lottery pick to a team that is already in the cusp of the playoffs.

I want to see how it shifts after some guys retire, and some guys from the west maybe move east before I definitively say it should change, but the gap between the east and the west is far too wide.
# 2 braves_94 @ 03/09/15 12:56 AM
I'm a bit of a purist too. Lets get rid of the three point line, shot clock, and zone defenses!

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