NBA 2K15 News Post

Imagine running the break with CP3. As you grab the board and run in transition, Boogie Cousins lifts off to the rim, resulting in a perfectly-timed lob for a thunderous alley-oop as Sleep Train Arena erupts. For this to be reality, the NBA would have to gift Sacramento the All-Star Game. But with NBA 2K15, NBA reality is - as we all know – whatever you want.

Read More - Making Contraction a Reality in NBA 2K15

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Member Comments
# 1 Broke Box @ 02/26/15 04:06 PM
Bring back NBA Jam...problem solved!
# 2 PhiPsi1 @ 02/26/15 06:08 PM
Am I missing something? Can you reduce the number of teams in MyLeague or MyGM?
# 3 satchmykels @ 02/26/15 08:30 PM
I've never found any way to reduce the number of teams, would be awesome if this was possible for my historic leagues and euroleague.
# 4 pHiLKizer @ 02/27/15 09:34 AM
I wouldn't have stopped there. I would've nixed Sacramento, Brooklyn, New Orleans, and Memphis too.
# 5 nickthemajin @ 02/27/15 10:42 AM
Yeah I too have never found a way to reduce the number of teams below 30.
# 6 TMalone2010 @ 02/27/15 02:52 PM
It be nice if the NBA did that in real life it would make the product on the court so much better , I'm assuming that would also reduce games which is another thing I think the league would benifit from
# 7 TMalone2010 @ 02/27/15 02:55 PM
I think If that were to happen the NBA would get rid of the bucks before the Jazz
# 8 BA2929 @ 02/27/15 03:20 PM
I do something similar, but instead of contracting teams I just add in all the best historical players into my franchise and get rid of the bad players.

Results in nearly every team having at least two 90+ players or a superstud young player who will progress. Makes games super fun, especially for a guy like me who grew up on the NBA in the late 80s and the 90s.
# 9 The Yurpman @ 02/28/15 11:32 AM
I have to admit I don't see the point in this exercise. You can take any sport and do the exact same thing.
# 10 D.J.Jackson @ 03/15/15 11:47 PM
No not willy
# 11 dwayne12345 @ 03/16/15 07:42 AM
@pHiLKizer - Well the NBA would no longer exist in the southern U.S. if you took out all those teams. N.O. and Memphis are the only teams on the Mississippi. With Atlanta, Charlotte, and Orlando the only team left in the entire southern U.S. east of the Mississippi would be Miami.

Why would the op choose to remove the south from the NBA?

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